Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

66 个评价
Hotel AZ (ホテル AZ)
3.707 MB
2022 年 6 月 9 日 上午 10:54
2022 年 7 月 5 日 下午 2:32
5 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Hotel AZ (ホテル AZ)

在 stop it D 的 1 个合集中
Kyushu Collection
8 件物品
Hotel AZ (pronounced ei-zetto) is a business hotel chain in Japan with 86 locations in Western Japan, mainly in the Kyushu region. Guests can enjoy economicala accommodations and a cafe/restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The building proudly features its prices with lighted signs that advertise rooms for 4800 yen (currently about $36) with complimentary breakfast. This building was modeled after Hotel AZ locations in Aira, Kagoshima prefecture and Ashikita, Kumamoto prefecture.

The hotel is a Unique Building and contains no parking spaces. Some assembly required. Suginoko's JP Parking Lot Custom is highly recommended.

ホテルAZ(ホテル・エイゼット)は日本のビジネスホテルチェーンです。九州を中心に西日本に86店舗を展開する。地味な客室と朝食・昼食・夕食を提供するカフェ&レストランが特徴です。建物の電飾看板には、「4800円 朝食付」が堂々と掲げられている。鹿児島県姶良市と熊本県芦北町にある「ホテルAZ」のモデルになった建物だ。この建物は鹿児島県姶良市と熊本県芦北町にある「ホテルAZ」をイメージしています。

このホテルはUnique Buildingであり、駐車場はありません。組み立てが必要です。SUGINOKOさんの「JP Parking Lot Custom」がおすすめです。

Contains the following items:

Main building (unique, ploppable)
Main: 1635 tris, 512x1024 (dsni)
LOD: 32 tris, 128x128

Small, street-level prop sign
Main: 100 tris, 256x512 (dsna)
LOD: 8 tris, 32x64

Lighted signs: 2 tris, 256x128 (dsia)
(I wanted to make this a submesh but I couldn't figure out how to turn off the lights during the day unless it was a prop.)
3 条留言
stop it D  [作者] 2023 年 9 月 29 日 上午 10:58 
Sure, no problem.
macluk 2023 年 9 月 29 日 上午 2:42 
I’d like to ask if I could change your asset into a Hotels and Retreats DLC hotel, or even After Dark DLC Tourism asset (or both) for those who only have one of these 2 DLCs?
Obviously, with references to your original creation (same way as here , here , here , and here ) or even as adding you as the co-author (which is a bit misleading as it should be the other way around ;))
ÆK47 2022 年 6 月 12 日 下午 7:34 
hotel arizona