Castle Woodwarf

Castle Woodwarf

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Achievement, Tips, and Basic Know-How
By nome22
Achievement, Tips, Secrets, and Basic Game Play
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Object of the game is how fast can you get environment up to level 11

The amount of troops, levels, food, gold, and dragon level are just to keep you alive and make $ to get to environment level 11.

Your End Score is only based on how much time has passed.

Tree levels 2, 5, and 8 appear to give out more large wood.

Gathers don't care how big or small the items they are carrying is only the amount of items.

You should not level up the dragon right away because it will drain your resources and the first upgrade will clear the first 2 waves.

You don't need to worry about food right away just make sure you have some fishermen before it drops too low. around 40 should be fine.

When buying lumberjack try to space them out, they only chop when they are walking to the right. if they all clump together they are a bit less efficient, but it is not the end of the world and they group and separate off and on as time goes by.

if trying to deciding on more troops or upgrade troops: more troops means more drain on fish were upgrades are just a 1 time cost of gold. So in most cases upgrades are better.

Now that you know how most things work you should be-able to, not only beat the game but also get all of the Achievements in just a few try's.

If you are still having trouble getting the King achievement here is a guide Writen by: "kumori"

"I stuck to the 2,5,8 tree-upgrades, because the small pieces give you less obviously. You finish before, or just as, the 3rd wave arrives, so you never need upgrade the dragon except for the first waves, and the amount of fish you need is minimal. I had [trees: 6x8], [lumber: 5x8], [fish: 3x5], [gather: 4x6] at finish, and lvl 8 castle, but I felt there is marginal for other compositions, and upgrade-orders. I think lumbermen are really inefficient when they lump up in groups (which is probably inevitable), so having strong lumbermen (to force them to move on as quickly as possible) and try to spawn them far from each other seemed to be a good idea to me - but how much effect that had I'm unsure of."
Thanks for info provided by:
Ace of Diamonds