Our Fate Forsaken

Our Fate Forsaken

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Our Fate Forsaken: Walkthrough, Achievement + CGs (All Routes)
By Buttfart Princesspants VIII
All Endings for Asa and Gabriel, all achievements and CG walkthroughs.
Main Route
This is the universal route that you can follow which will still allow you to get everything ending from a single save file. CGs #1 - #7 are automatically acquired by this point.

  • "I guess that's fine"
  • "I think he's special"
  • "Still, you don't have to be so aggressive"
  • "I will! I'll definitely come and find you"
  • "Do you feel lonely sometimes?"
  • "Why did you purposefully upset me?"
  • "Were you trying to protect me?"
  • "I would never hate you"

Create a save-file here. This will be your "starting point" for all the routes in this guide.

CGs #8 - #10 are also automatically acquired during the main route, but they unlock around the route guides, so please bare this in mind. You'll get CGs #1-#10 in every route, and therefore #11-#17 are the only ones I'll really note for you.
Gabriel (Happy + Good) Endings
This section will cover both "good" routes for Gabriel. Use the save slot from the Main Route section here.

Gabriel "Happy" Ending

  • "You're acting quite suspicious"
  • "I won't ask you any more questions"
  • "He'll never forgive you."
  • "I will."
  • Gabriel did nothing wrong - Unlocks CG #15 and the "Euphorio" achievement.
"Euphorio" - Achieve Gabriel's happy ending.

Gabriel "Good" Ending

  • "You're acting quite suspicious"
  • "I won't ask you any more questions"
  • "He'll never forgive you."
  • "I will."
  • Punish me instead - Unlocks CG #13 and the "Devotion" achievement.
"Devotion" - Achieve Gabriel's good ending.
Asa (Happy + Good) Endings
This section will cover both "good" routes for Asa. Use the save slot from the Main Route section here.

Asa "Happy" Ending

  • "I'll wait until you're ready to open"
  • "You're acting quite suspicious"
  • "He would..."
  • "I can't ever forgive you."
  • I'm sorry, I can't tell you - Unlocks CG #16 and the "Patience" achievement.
"Patience" - Achieve Asa's happy ending.

Asa "Good" Ending

  • "I'll wait until you're ready to open"
  • "You're acting quite suspicious"
  • "He would..."
  • "I can't ever forgive you."
  • Actually I'm an angel. - Unlocks CG #14 and the "Reunify" achievement.
"Reunify" - Achieve Asa's good ending.
Asa + Gabriel (Bad) Endings
This section will cover both "Bad" routes for Asa and Gabriel. Use the save slot from the Main Route section here.

Asa Bad Ending

  • "You're acting quite suspicious"
  • "You're acting quite suspicious"
  • "He'll never forgive you"
  • "I can't ever forgive you."
  • Speak to Asa - Unlocks CG #12 and the "Unstable" achievement.
"Unstable" - Achieve Asa's bad ending.

Gabriel Bad Ending

  • "You're acting quite suspicious"
  • "You're acting quite suspicious"
  • "He'll never forgive you"
  • "I can't ever forgive you."
  • Speak to Gabriel - Unlocks CG #11 and the "Fanatical" achievement.
"Fanatical" - Achieve Gabriel's bad ending.
Neutral Ending
This section will cover the one neutral route in the game. Use the save slot from the Main Route section here.

  • "I'll wait until you're ready to open up"
  • "I won't ask you any more questions"
  • "He would..."
  • "I will" - Unlocks CG #17 and the "Harmony" achievement.

"Harmony" - Achieve the neutral ending.
Miscellaneous Achievements
3 achievements will automatically be unlocked once you get all 3 endings for both the men:

"My Guardian Angel" - Complete all of Gabriel's Endings.

"My Soulmate" - Complete all of Asa's Endings

"Completion" - Complete all endings.

Note: If you are finding it difficult to get the "Completion" achievement following this guide, it is recommended that you start a "new game" and pick the opposite answers for everything in the main route, and then end with either Asa's or Gabriel's bad ending. This should hard-reset the game, and pop the achievement. (My theory is "completion" needs a new save, instead of simply loading the same save slot a bunch of times.)
Мизантроп Aug 16, 2022 @ 9:51am 
Thanks for the guide! :hgredrose: I used it to get a neutral ending! :GoldUP: Though it kinda seemed to me I made similar choices during my first playthrough. But then it was rolling which ending to choose and G's good ending was chosen. I wonder how it works. :lunar2019deadpanpig: I'm not sure I make any sense :hee: Anyway, your guide was very helpful! :GoldUP: