Arma Reforger

Arma Reforger

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Arma Reforger | Full Keyboard and Gamepad Controls List
By Bwekfost
Gamepad Controls below.[/i]

Originally posted by author:
Mouse and Keyboard


Perform Action Y
Focus Right Mouse Button (Hold)
Focus while Driving Right Mouse Button (Hold)
Freelook Left Alt
Toggle Freelook Left Alt (Double Tap)
Toggle Perspective Num Enter / Backspace
Chat Enter
Show Player List P
Talk T (Hold)
Talk Over Radio Caps Lock (Hold)
Talk (Toggle) T / Caps Lock (Double Tap)
Select Active Radio G


Open Inventory Tab
Quick Slot Tab (Hold)
Use Item R
Toggle Sights Right Mouse Button
Binoculars B
Compass K / K (Hold)
Flashlight L / L (Hold)
Map M
Wristwatch O / O (Hold)


Move Forward W
Move Backward S
Strafe Left A
Strafe Right D
Sprint Left Shift
Toggle Sprint Left Shift (Double Tap)
Adjust Movement Speed Mouse Scroll
Jump Spacebar
Adjust Stance Left Ctrl + Mouse Scroll
Crouch or Stand X
Prone Z
Lean Left Q
Lean Right E
Toggle Lean Left Q (Double Tap)
Toggle Lean Right E (Double Tap)
Adjust Leaning Left Q
Adjust Leaning Right E
Point with Finger Briefly C
Point with Finger Briefly Continously C (Hold)


Accelearate W
Brake/Reverse S
Steer Left A
Steer Right D
Full Throttle Left Shift
Toggle Full Throttle Left Shift (Double Tap)
Exit Vehicle X
Handbrake Spacebar
Persistent Handbrake Spacebar (Double Tap)
Start Engine R (Hold)
Stop Engine R
Gear Shift Up E
Gear Shift Down Q
Sound Horn Middle Mouse Button
Lights L


Fire Left Mouse Button
Throw Left Mouse Button
Melee Attack Middle Mouse Button
Reload R
Cycle Fire Modes V
Toggle Weapon Muzzle V (Hold)
Toggle Weapon Safety Del
Lower Weapon Left Ctrl (Double Tap)
Toggle Sights Right Mouse Button
Sight Range Up Page Up
Sight Range Down Page Down
Sight Range Up While Aiming Page Up
Sight Range Down While Aiming Page Down
Zoom In +
Zoom Out –
Toggle Illumination Left Alt + Middle Mouse Button
Elevation Up W
Elevation Down S
Traverse Left A
Traverse Right D
Fire Left Mouse Button
Reload R
Next Weapon V
Toggle Sights Right Mouse Button


Move Forward W
Move Backward S
Move Left A
Move Right D
Move Up Q
Move Down Z
Move Towards or Away From Cursor Mouse Wheel
Rotation Modifier Right Mouse Button
Rotate Down/Up Num 8 or 2
Rotate Left/Right Num 6 or 4
Adjust Speed Mouse Wheel
Reset Adjusted Speed Middle Mouse Button
Temporary Speed Boost Left Shift
Teleport Under Cursor F
Teleport to Player Home
Teleport Player Under Cursor Spacebar
Toggle Flashlight L
Show/Hide User Interface H
Focus on Cursor R
Reser Focus Left Ctrl + R
Attach to Target B
Save Current Camera to Slot 1 Left Ctrl | F1
Save Current Camera to Slot 2 Left Ctrl | F2
Save Current Camera to Slot 3 Left Ctrl | F3
Save Current Camera to Slot 4 Left Ctrl | F4
Save Current Camera to Slot 5 Left Ctrl | F5
Save Current Camera to Slot 6 Left Ctrl | F6
Save Current Camera to Slot 7 Left Ctrl | F7
Save Current Camera to Slot 8 Left Ctrl | F8
Save Current Camera to Slot 9 Left Ctrl | F9
Save Current Camera to Slot 10 Left Ctrl | F10
Load Camera From Slot 1 F1
Load Camera From Slot 2 F2
Load Camera From Slot 3 F3
Load Camera From Slot 4 F4
Load Camera From Slot 5 F5
Load Camera From Slot 6 F6
Load Camera From Slot 7 F7
Load Camera From Slot 8 F8
Load Camera From Slot 9 F9
Load Camera From Slot 10 F10

Game Master

Toggle Game Master Interface Y (Hold)
Ping Position Under Cursor Y
Cast Lightning G (Double Tap)
Open Scenario Properties V
Place Player Spacebar
Take Temporary Control of AI C
Open Entity Browser Tab
Select All Entities in View Ctrl + A
Open Context Menu Right Mouse Button
Delete Entity Del
Destroy Entity End
Move Camera to Notification E
Toggle Map M
Show/Hide User Interface I
Previous Mode (
Next Mode )
Save Current Selection to Slot 1 Left Ctrl | 1
Save Current Selection to Slot 2 Left Ctrl | 2
Save Current Selection to Slot 3 Left Ctrl | 3
Save Current Selection to Slot 4 Left Ctrl | 4
Save Current Selection to Slot 5 Left Ctrl | 5
Save Current Selection to Slot 6 Left Ctrl | 6
Save Current Selection to Slot 7 Left Ctrl | 7
Save Current Selection to Slot 8 Left Ctrl | 8
Save Current Selection to Slot 9 Left Ctrl | 9
Save Current Selection to Slot 10 Left Ctrl | 0
Load Selection From Slot 1 1
Load Selection From Slot 2 2
Load Selection From Slot 3 3
Load Selection From Slot 4 4
Load Selection From Slot 5 5
Load Selection From Slot 6 6
Load Selection From Slot 7 7
Load Selection From Slot 8 8
Load Selection From Slot 9 9
Load Selection From Slot 10 0

Gamepad Controls[/b]

Perform Action Y
Focus LT
Focus While Driving R3
Freelook Right Analog Stick
Toggle Perspective R3 (Double)
Chat Y + LB
Show Player List Menu Button + RB
Select Direct/Radio Talk LB (Hold) | B
Select Active Radio LB (Hold) | X


Open Inventory View Button
Quick Slots View Button (Hold)
Use Item X
Toggle Sights LT
Sights (Hold) LT (Hold)


Movement Left Analog Stick
Sprint L3
Toggle Sprint L3
Jump A
Adjust Stance RB + Right Analog Stick Up or Down
Crouch or Stand B
Prone B (Hold)
Adjust Leaning RB | Right Analog Stick Left or Right
Point With Finger Briefly RB + D-Pad Right
Point With Finger Briefly Continuously RB + D-Pad Right (Hold)


Accelerate RT
Brake/Reverse LT
Full Throttle RT
Exit Vehicle B
Handbrake A
Persistent Handbrake RB + A
Start Engine RB + Y (Hold)
Stop Engine RB + Y
Sound Horn L3
Lights X


Fire RT
Throw RT
Melee Attack LB + RB
Reload X
Cycle Fire Modes RB
Toggle Weapon Muzzle RB + Y
Toggle Weapon Safety RB + B
Lower Weapon RB + A
Toggle Sights LT
Sights (Hold) LT (Hold)
Toggle Illumination RB + D-Pad Up


Fire RT
Reload X
Next Weapon RB
Toggle Sights LT
Sights (Hold) LT (Hold)


Rotation Right Analog Stick
Toggle Permanent Speed Boost L3
Teleport Under Cursor R3
Teleport to Player R3 (Hold)
Toggle Flashlight RB + R3
Focus on Cursor A
Reset Focus A (Hold)
Attach to Target RB + R3 (Hold)

Game Master

Toggle Game Master Interface Menu Button + LB
Ping Position Under Cursor RB + D-Pad Left
Open Scenario Properties View Button (Hold)
Place Player A (Hold)
Open Entity Browser View Button
Open Context Menu X (Hold)
Move Camera to Notification RB + R3
Toggle Map Menu Button (Hold)
Show/Hide User Interface RB + D-Pad Up

Check out my Channel on YouTube for Arma Reforged videos coming soon
FtpCam Mar 24 @ 11:02am 
To anyone that uses left alt as crouch "I know there's not to many people that do but if you are one of the lucky few like me" You're shit out of luck on reforger because you can't ads and crouch at the same time because they have a hidden key bind or some shit attached to left alt that you can't unbind. Never was a problem for dayz or arma 3 so idk. If anyone knows a fix for this please let me know ASAP it's been driving me insane
Patrick Bateman, VP. Sep 29, 2023 @ 1:26pm 
thats all lies, it has the same controls as COD
QUACKHEAD Apr 13, 2023 @ 5:29am 
whats the action menu
$ψagL۞ЯĐ720ºNØ$ÇØπΣ™ Jan 19, 2023 @ 2:06pm 
How to use bipod?