V Rising

V Rising

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Migrating a Private game save to a Dedicated Server
By taiaha
Quick guide on how to configure an existing private game save to a Dedicated Server
Dedicated Server settings (ServerHostSettings.json) need to point to the Private world folder name
> "SaveName": "ExamplePrivateName"

Once the Private world save folder is copied over to Dedicated Server save folder, change the Save Folder settings (ServerHostSettings.json) to match the servers name
> "Name": "ExampleServerName"

Unnecessary but highly recommend running the server with the persistentDataPath flag if you're familiar with CLI commands, as this creates a dedicated save folder for each server
File Paths for reference
Private Save Folder: can be accessed using '%appdata%\..\LocalLow'
\AppData\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\Saves\v1\example-file-name (i.e: a181f3c3-f56b-4bf6-b003-44230d21abd5)

Server Folder:

Settings Folder

These paths will change depending on your own Steam setup
Creating the Server save folder
1: Navigate to Server Folder and type 'cmd' into the address bar at the top. This will open the directory in command prompt.
2: run 'VRisingServer.exe -persistentDataPath exampleFolder' where exampleFolder is the name of the dedicated server save folder. This can be anything.
3: Hit Ctrl+C once this runs to close the server. We just need it to create the file path for us.
Alternatively you can create the folders to match the path below manually.

Migrate private save folder
1: Head into serverFolder\exampleFolder\Saves\v1\privateSaveFolder and copy in your private save file
2: Open the copied private save file and change the ServerHostSettings.json 'Name' field to match the name of the Dedicated Server

Set Dedicated server to use the correct save folder
1: Go to SettingsFolder\ServerHostSettings.json and change the SaveName field to the name of your privateSaveFolder (i.e: a181f3c3-f56b-4bf6-b003-44230d21abd5)
Start script (.bat)
Take this code, replace the data path with the name you chose, and save this 'start.bat' to the main server directory where 'VRisingServer.exe' is. You can then double click this to run with the persistentDataPath you chose.

@echo off set SteamAppId=1604030 echo "Starting V Rising Dedicated Server - PRESS CTRL-C to exit" @echo on VRisingServer.exe -persistentDataPath .\[replace this with your savefolder name]

VRisingServer.exe -persistentDataPath .\exampleFolderPath
Alton Vëonion Jul 28, 2022 @ 10:52am 
@Minx Might be an enumerated type

Example if you have this in the code (c#):
enum WeekDays
Monday = 1,
Tuesday = 2,
Wednesday = 3,
Thursday = 4,
Friday = 5,
Saturday = 6,
Sunday = 7

Then you can write "WeekDays.Friday" instead of 5 which makes the code more readable
fareastwitcher May 24, 2022 @ 7:15pm 
Don't think this works unfortunately
taiaha  [author] May 22, 2022 @ 4:38pm 
Wish I could help ,I won't be delving deeper until I setup a public server
Kougeru May 21, 2022 @ 4:39pm 
not sure what's going on but it just keeps creating a new default server
⭕⃤ Father Minx May 21, 2022 @ 11:21am 
Gotcha, I'm planning on implementing this into my server settings editor and didn't know how that would play out. Guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
taiaha  [author] May 21, 2022 @ 10:30am 
Super counter-intuitive if the settings aren't consistent across the two, unfortunately I haven't changed any settings in the JSON that wasn't just an integer so haven't seen the 'type switch'.
⭕⃤ Father Minx May 21, 2022 @ 9:20am 
does this change the settings files to be compatible with the dedicated server? Some of the settings are handled differently. For example, on the private server, the "GameModeType" is a number, and on the dedicated server, it is a string of "PvP" or "PvE".