Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

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How to remap key bindings
By mike9_the_snake
This guide will cover remapping of keyboard controls to custom controls ONLY. Since I never use a gamepad, though it may be useful should you wish to remap gamepad controls aswell as the process appears more or less identical.
This guide will cover remapping of keyboard controls to custom controls ONLY. Since I never use a gamepad, though it may be useful should you wish to remap gamepad controls aswell as the process appears more or less identical.
Step 1 : Locate the Game config folder
The Simplest way to do this is to right click on the game name in the steam menu, go to down to Manage and across to Browse Local Files and Left Click.

This will open the game directory.

Open the ShinessGame folder by Left clicking.

Then open the Config Folder.
Step 2 : Prepare For Accidental Stupidity
So this guy walks into a pub and says to the barman I accidently deleted a keybinding and can't remember what it was. The barman says your what? Since doing that isn't funny.

In order to prevent it copy the DefaultInput.ini file to the same folder and rename it from
DefaultInput.ini – copy to CopyDefaultInput.ini
so its begins with a different letter and you shouldn't accidentally edit it. (If your accident prone copy to a different folder)
Step 3: The File.
Left click DefaultInput.ini to Open it, if you prompted to choose a program find notepad or wordpad in the list and click ok.

This file covers all your keybindings for everything.

Now you have the file open, scroll down to the section for Game Keyboard and Mouse Bindings.
Step 4: Preparation for Rebinding (Optional but Recommended)
In order to get this right and not ruin your setup you need to know which keys do what.

This image below shows default mapping, the orange text is keys I used but its upto you.

I recommend spacing each line apart and adding comments on a seperate line, as after you have changed binding the controls menu ingame does not update.

To comment type ; on a blank line above the binding with a description such as this.
; Ability Control
This is completely optional but will help if your going to change things around a few times or need a refresher on what your controls are.

If you do you this, you will notice there are some duplicate entries with a different name.
Along with some bindings that dont have controls.

DONT delete them as it may affect some mapping ingame.

The same goes for the these unknown bindings that are not mentioned in the controls page.

.Bindings=(Name="U",Command="keyboard_U |OnRelease stop_keyboard_U") .Bindings=(Name="I",Command="keyboard_I |OnRelease stop_keyboard_I") .Bindings=(Name="J",Command="keyboard_J |OnRelease stop_keyboard_J")

You can also reorder the bindings lines to what makes sense to you should desire it, as it wont affect things, just be careful not to copy it over something else or accidentally comment it out.
Step 5: How to Rebind
Lets take a look at this binding

.Bindings=(Name="W",Command="GBA_MoveForward | keyboard_Z |OnRelease stop_keyboard_Z")
I know it looks like a mouthful but thankfully you dont have to edit it all.

You only need to change the letter name in this part
Name ="Whateverletter"

So then the line looks like this (except all on the same line)
.Bindings=(Name="Whateverletter",Command="GBA_MoveForward | keyboard_Z |OnRelease stop_keyboard_Z")

Controller Users
The process is similar except instead of being under Keyboard/ Mouse bindings you will be in Game Controller Bindings section of the .ini file. Instead of entering keyboard keys you will be moving the existing buttons in the name section to whichever you desire.
Step 6: How to Write your Rebinds
When you enter the binding you have to enter in a special way, it must be

-In double quote marks,
-Begin with a Capital and must be written as a words,
-The Letters and F Keys can be typed as they on the keyboard (keys in yellow on diagram)

The IMAGE Below shows how to write the keys that are bindable.

The unusable keys are marked by …

I haven't included ~ Tilde
in the above image as it works but not on its key but on the Quote key ( ' ), so I left out.

UnBindable Keys[/i}
  • #
  • PrintScreen
  • `
  • Microsoft keys

If anyone can figure these keysout let me know and I'll add them to the guide.

Note: Be aware the image is based on a UK keyboard Layout and the keys maybe in a different place for you.

Oh and if the text is to small on the image you can find a list of commands here
Unreal 3 Key Binds[]

Section 7: Limitations On What Can Be Bound
As this game was developed on Unreal 3 Game Engine it has some limitations in regard to rebinding:
  • Not all keyboard keys can be set only the ones built into the game engine, Mostly this isn't a
    problem but something to keep in mind.

  • If your going to Bind something to a key that appears more than once on your keyboard (e.g. Enter or Period etc) both keys will be set.

  • You cant hold shift or capslocks down ingame to use a key.

Let me know if you encounter any issues and I'll add them to the guide.

Happy binding.
This setup sorts, labels the config file, and changes the Item menu and Use item keys to the Numpad.

Keys changed:

Numkey 0 = Bring up Item Menu
Numkey 8462 = Use item 1-4 (based on onscreen direction)

REMEMBER: Numlock has to be ON else menu will not work and you will Walk instead.


In the DefaultInput.ini go to the section Game Keyboard/Mouse Bindings and delete everything from that part and replace it with that follow.

Then Save the file.

.Bindings=(Name="F4",Command="exit", Alt=true) ;Movement Keys WSAD .Bindings=(Name="W",Command="GBA_MoveForward | keyboard_Z |OnRelease stop_keyboard_Z") .Bindings=(Name="S",Command="GBA_Backward | keyboard_S |OnRelease stop_keyboard_S") .Bindings=(Name="A",Command="GBA_StrafeLeft | keyboard_Q |OnRelease stop_keyboard_Q") .Bindings=(Name="D",Command="GBA_StrafeRight | keyboard_D |OnRelease stop_keyboard_D") ;Arrow Movement Keys .Bindings=(Name="Up",Command="GBA_MoveForward | keyboard_Z |OnRelease stop_keyboard_Z") .Bindings=(Name="Down",Command="GBA_Backward | keyboard_S |OnRelease stop_keyboard_S") .Bindings=(Name="Left",Command="GBA_StrafeLeft | keyboard_Q |OnRelease stop_keyboard_Q") .Bindings=(Name="Right",Command="GBA_StrafeRight | keyboard_D |OnRelease stop_keyboard_D") ;Jump .Bindings=(Name="SpaceBar",Command="keyboard_SPACE |OnRelease stop_keyboard_SPACE") ;Sneak .Bindings=(Name="LeftControl",Command="keyboard_LCTRL |OnRelease stop_keyboard_LCTRL") ;Run .Bindings=(Name="LeftShift",Command="keyboard_LSHIFT |OnRelease stop_keyboard_LSHIFT") ;Interact .Bindings=(Name="F",Command="keyboard_F |OnRelease stop_keyboard_F") ;Ability .Bindings=(Name="Q",Command="keyboard_A |OnRelease stop_keyboard_A") ;Items Menu .Bindings=(Name="NumPadZero",Command="keyboard_LALT |OnRelease stop_keyboard_LALT") ;Use Items 1-4 .Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="keyboard_C |OnRelease stop_keyboard_C") .Bindings=(Name="NumPadSix",Command="keyboard_V |OnRelease stop_keyboard_V") .Bindings=(Name="NumPadEight",Command="keyboard_W |OnRelease stop_keyboard_W") .Bindings=(Name="NumPadFour",Command="keyboard_X |OnRelease stop_keyboard_X") ;Map .Bindings=(Name="M",Command="keyboard_M |OnRelease stop_keyboard_M") ;Restore Shi/Combo .Bindings=(Name="R",Command="keyboard_R |OnRelease stop_keyboard_R") ;Hyper .Bindings=(Name="T",Command="keyboard_T |OnRelease stop_keyboard_T") ;Main Menus .Bindings=(Name="Escape",Command="keyboard_ESC |OnRelease stop_keyboard_ESC") .Bindings=(Name="BackSpace",Command="keyboard_ESC |OnRelease stop_keyboard_ESC") ;Pause Game .Bindings=(Name="Pause",Command="keyboard_P |OnRelease stop_keyboard_P") .Bindings=(Name="P",Command="keyboard_P |OnRelease stop_keyboard_P") ;Confirm .Bindings=(Name="Enter",Command="keyboard_Enter |OnRelease stop_keyboard_Enter") ;Parry (shi1) / Alternate Jump .Bindings=(Name="E",Command="keyboard_E |OnRelease stop_keyboard_E") ;Parry / Punch / Kick / Guard (Shi 1-4) .Bindings=(Name="one",Command="keyboard_1 |OnRelease stop_keyboard_1") .Bindings=(Name="two",Command="keyboard_2 |OnRelease stop_keyboard_2") .Bindings=(Name="three",Command="keyboard_3 |OnRelease stop_keyboard_3") .Bindings=(Name="four",Command="keyboard_4 |OnRelease stop_keyboard_4") ;Lock .Bindings=(Name="G",Command="keyboard_G |OnRelease stop_keyboard_G") .Bindings=(Name="G",Command="mouse_MB |OnRelease stop_mouse_MB") ;-----UNKNOWN .Bindings=(Name="U",Command="keyboard_U |OnRelease stop_keyboard_U") .Bindings=(Name="I",Command="keyboard_I |OnRelease stop_keyboard_I") .Bindings=(Name="J",Command="keyboard_J |OnRelease stop_keyboard_J") ; MOUSE .Bindings=(Name="LeftMouseButton",Command="mouse_LB |OnRelease stop_mouse_LB") .Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="mouse_RB |OnRelease stop_mouse_RB") ;Center View .Bindings=(Name="MiddleMouseButton",Command="mouse_MB |OnRelease stop_mouse_MB") ;Change Character .Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollUp",Command="mouse_MUP") .Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown",Command="mouse_MDOWN")

Caution: Those with eagle eyes will have spotted the UNKNOWN section, unsure what they do but but if your going to rebinding more keys try and work around them as they maybe a tutorial later that dives into there purpose and the onscreen prompts wont match if you change them.

Happy Playing