BlazBlue Centralfiction

BlazBlue Centralfiction

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How to install Voice Mods for BBCF
By DarkSage861
Hello there, I have heard a lot lately about people being confused with how to work through voice mods or installing them but don't fear because I am here to show you how.
Going through the files
The very first step to making this work is to go to your game library. Right click on the game and then head to Browse local files, this will take you to the game files
Finding the Voice folder
From here you'll need to find the Voice folder in the game's files, go to data/Sound/Voice, you'll see a few folders in there, actvoice1 are voice files for Ragna and Carl in act 1 and subvoice are voice files for character interactions for Act 1 and for the DLC characters, the others should be self explanatory.
Replacing the pac. files
Now you'll need to get whatever modded pac file(s) you have from any voice mod and replace them, after that boot up your game and you're gucci. Please note that since the rollback update the files have been compressed and soundfixed so playing through voice mods online will cause to desync, however you should be able to play through online even with it if your opponent has the mod too.

Hopefully this helped and now you can listen to Ragna cussing in a language you can understand again.
T-Opp Jan 5 @ 10:23pm 
Interestingly, spectating online matches doesn't cause desyncs but playing them does. Any idea what's going on in the back which causes them? :ggxxacmay:
Yuma Dec 12, 2023 @ 5:22pm 
Thank you T.T
Tenlox Sep 4, 2022 @ 2:19am 
Some voice clips from BBTAG are either too loud or the ones from Chronophantasma are too quiet. That's my minor issue I have but otherwise great mod.
Vividly May 21, 2022 @ 5:38am 
Oh I was working on one of these mods too, lost motivation when I realised it caused desyncs though. Hope you stick with yours.
Mioru May 13, 2022 @ 2:17pm 
absolutely based