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Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
You come to my profile to comment that?? seriously? lmao, you mad bro I must have hit some string there, did I hurt your gamer's feelings? Now, I'm sorry if I come here to reply to you, but you don't allow non-friends to comment on your profile. That clearly already tells something big about you. Anyway, after all these days you came randomly to my profile to comment ahahah I really wouldn't think you'd give me so much importance :) "everyone is laughing at you" rofl you prove once again that you need people to support you, you can't go on your own because you lack character. That's why you became a youtuber to "show your skillz" because you needed people to follow you to increase your self esteem. And I fully understand that, if you can't do anything else in life, you must find your pride somewhere. But.... Do you really want to unveil the secret of how much I care about people judgements on me? Steam discussion people? Are you seriously....serious?
When Somebody gives me a reddit Gold...

When Somebody gives me a reddit Gold

I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected to receive this gold. Thank you all so much for being here to share in this occasion. I am so honored to have my work recognized in this way by you! Many hours went to post this comment, and it means so much to me that the work that I am so passionate about also resonates with others.

This accomplishment is not something that I did alone, and there are many others who deserve to share in this award. I would like to thank my Mom, Dad and my Dad's friend and his friend's neighbor.

I would also like to thank my "wife" for the love and support throughout this posting the comment moment and many other adventures. Who let the lemonhead in to the room?

Last, but not least, thank you to kind stranger for offering recognition of my comments. I hope that this recognition of my work can serve as an inspiration to others in the field. Remember - if my comments can make a difference, so can yours.

I will continue my efforts to post comments and look forward to get more golds for many years to come. I am humbled and appreciative.
Fank you and good night.