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How to upload your character to the workshop
Autorstwa: Grif_on
Crate and share your arcade character
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Create character
After completing the story mode , you will gain access to the arcade menu .
In the "Customize character" menu you can crate and customize your character .
After you done with customization use "save charcter" .
Find files
Use Win+R or windows explorer and go to this adres
Here you can find your charactes files .
Open the game folder via steam client interface . Then inside game folder create a new one and name it "UGC" .
Copy the .dchar file you found earlier in to UGC folder (the file with your character name , NOT steam_autocloud.vdf !)
Oh, you also need to create a preview of the workshop item . Name it "promo.jpg" and include it in the UGC folder .
Now go back to the arcade menu and click "Steam WORKSHOP" with your mouse .

You need to chose "Crate item" .

Fill in "Item name" and "Item description" .
Also , you can change "Item visibility" .
If everything is in order, in "Item Tags" you will see "character" .

Hit the "Create item" . Hit "OK" on all messages that the game will be display to you .
After this message appears you can close the game .
Make it visible
If you did not touch "Item visibility" in previous steps , then you need to change visibility from item page via steam client .
That's it , after a few minutes your character will be visible in the workshop .
Komentarzy: 3
Grif_on  [autor] 13 maja 2022 o 13:06 
Ok , i replaced two old pics by new ones with english UI .
But dude , whyyyyy . Ughhhh . I'm explained the whole process in the english text .
Anyway . I don't have windows 11 so , i just hope this video can help you :/
DRG Engineer 5 maja 2022 o 9:34 
And not much english cause all of the pc pics are in Russian
DRG Engineer 5 maja 2022 o 9:30 
This does work for me cause I am on windows 11