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How to upload your character to the workshop
Av Grif_on
Crate and share your arcade character
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Create character
After completing the story mode , you will gain access to the arcade menu .
In the "Customize character" menu you can crate and customize your character .
After you done with customization use "save charcter" .
Find files
Use Win+R or windows explorer and go to this adres
Here you can find your charactes files .
Open the game folder via steam client interface . Then inside game folder create a new one and name it "UGC" .
Copy the .dchar file you found earlier in to UGC folder (the file with your character name , NOT steam_autocloud.vdf !)
Oh, you also need to create a preview of the workshop item . Name it "promo.jpg" and include it in the UGC folder .
Now go back to the arcade menu and click "Steam WORKSHOP" with your mouse .

You need to chose "Crate item" .

Fill in "Item name" and "Item description" .
Also , you can change "Item visibility" .
If everything is in order, in "Item Tags" you will see "character" .

Hit the "Create item" . Hit "OK" on all messages that the game will be display to you .
After this message appears you can close the game .
Make it visible
If you did not touch "Item visibility" in previous steps , then you need to change visibility from item page via steam client .
That's it , after a few minutes your character will be visible in the workshop .
3 kommentarer
Grif_on  [skaper] 13. mai 2022 kl. 13.06 
Ok , i replaced two old pics by new ones with english UI .
But dude , whyyyyy . Ughhhh . I'm explained the whole process in the english text .
Anyway . I don't have windows 11 so , i just hope this video can help you :/
DRG Engineer 5. mai 2022 kl. 9.34 
And not much english cause all of the pc pics are in Russian
DRG Engineer 5. mai 2022 kl. 9.30 
This does work for me cause I am on windows 11