Crystal Project
Оценок: 32
The best place to farm LP (Job Levels)
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A short guide describing how to efficiently farm Job Levels. Small Mid-game area and class spoilers.
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Introduction to Dry Kids
Dry Kids, located in Shoudu Province, are the prime target for LP farming. Notable characteristics include: Attempting to run away (both before and during combat), being incredibly fast and evasive, and also providing a huge 60 LP per kill. Naturally we are going to slaughter as many of them as possible because otherwise getting LP can be a pretty big time-sink.
The Farming Route
1. Set your home-point to the crystal outside the weapon and armor shops in the middle of the area. Proceed south down the stairs to start the farm.

2. In the small house on the right, there is an easily cornered Dry Kid.

3. Head South to the house below and there is another Dry Kid. Approach directly from the left side so it gets stuck against the wall.

4. South-West of the last Dry Kid, there is another in the nearby house. When you enter, make a curving manoeuvre so it gets trapped in the corner instead of escaping out the window.

5. Directly West is another house with an easily cornered Dry Kid.

6. Right outside the house, a Dry Kid is directly below. If you align yourself, walk off the ledge, and quickly release the directional button midair, you can land directly on it. This can be made easier if you have a certain mount.

7. The Final Dry Kid is at the end of the dock South-East. This one is not actually catchable until quite late in the game. It requires a very fast mount.

8. Afterwards, use any Warpstone (except the Home Point Stone) to reset the encounters. Then you can use your Home Point Stone to end up right back at the start of the route.
Tips on Killing Dry Kids
-The Preemptive passive from Weaver will allow your team to go first and prevent bad rng from when they use Sleep Aura or Reverse Polarity (Alternatively Awake Rings can help by negating sleep).

-If you do not have the Weaver class, the most accessible option is equipping a fast character with a Rondel Dagger from the Sequoia Capital store, and starting the fight with Sleep Bomb (from the Rogue class). This will allow your slower characters to move before the Dry Kid.

-Dry Kids are very evasive, so a physical team composition should have the Eagle Eye (Fencer) passive on everyone. Alternatively, most magic skills will never miss.

-The optimal team to farm in the endgame is Preemptive (Weaver), Eagle Eye (Fencer), and one of either Initial Oomph (Reaper), Attack Focus (Nomad), or Duel Ready (Fencer). With good weapons and levels, this will let you just mash the confirm button and guarantee a kill within 4 actions before the enemy can move.

-Depending on your progress, you may have to adopt your own strategies, and make use of other dps or disabling skills. Experiment and find out what works best for you.

-There is a slightly longer version of the route where you start at the Sky Arena save crystal and drop down to a pit containing two additional Dry Kids. Personally, I didn't find this route to be more time efficient though.
Комментариев: 15
RadioMull 16 мар в 20:23 
For the seventh dry kid you don't even need a mount I've managed it a couple of times by just good jumps and timing it right. Though it's really not efficient at all I don't recommend it.
Madder Chemist 10 июл. 2023 г. в 8:49 
Here's a nice early to mid game farm method that I've used in the Rolling Quintar Fields. There are 16 mobs of Reginalds and Charmions, either in groups of 2 or 3. Using whatever multi-hit skill you like, you'll get 484 LP and 7s92c per run, which takes under 4 minutes if you can one-shot them. The path follows nicely to get all of them, just don't get the goblins as they're a waste of time.

Notes: The Charmions have counter, which you can get around with whatever. Use Weaver (if you have it) if you need a nice strong ability - I recommend Snipe with always hit first passive. Pair with a Bone Trophy or Initial Oomf if you've got it for a nice buff.

This method works well and relatively quickly, gives little exp so you don't have to worry about respec, loads you up on tonics and tinctures (which are cheap quickly, but hey, no need to spend time getting them), and offers very little risk of death at all. Also, no mana or inns needed if you're using Barrage, Swallowtail, or whatever.
Endarire 7 дек. 2022 г. в 15:19 
The best farming method is the Fish Hatchery: Make a Home Point there, set your LP gain (and likely EXP & cash gain) to 300%, and rush the enemy formation. Use an AoE like Firen (Wizard) or Barrage (Hunter) or Swallowtail (Fencer) to easily win the fight. (Set this as your default ability in the Ability menu.)

After winning, save, exit the game, reload the save, recover at the inn as prudent, and continue.

The Warlock ability Refresher gives 6 MP per turn and is useful here for casters, especially early game. Likewise, anything that boosts max MP like the Earrings accessory is also helpful! Enjoy!
XT 12 ноя. 2022 г. в 14:28 
Swamp Kids are north and a tiny bit west of the Neptune Shrine where there are two flames that run around in a little indentation among the weeds.

Between these Dry Kids & the Swamp Kids, you can learn ALL monster magic, too. Much easier than finding that stupid puppet for reflect.

Somehow I didn't realize for far too long that each character has to be learning the monster spells, they're not shared.
Assknight 4 окт. 2022 г. в 6:17 
Using the book "blank pages" (found in a cave on the western part of sara sara beach) with scholar's explode and valkyrie's Auto-Revival is 100% the best way to farm with this route.
fucked up evil creature 9 июн. 2022 г. в 11:20 
Magic Well does not go first nor use have Monster Magic
fucked up evil creature 9 июн. 2022 г. в 11:18 
Correction, Swamp Kid gives DOUBLE of Dry Kid's at 200 LXP
fucked up evil creature 9 июн. 2022 г. в 11:17 
Other similar monsters that run from you and give 100 LXP are Magic Well in Beaurior Volcano (3 in the grid at the end) and Swamp Kids in Deep Sea
Daniel.Kiwi 9 мая. 2022 г. в 0:28 
Where are the dry kids?
How far through the game?
Hideka Valheim 24 апр. 2022 г. в 18:30 
your optimal set up isnt optimal. the optimal set up is, one fast character, re-trained specifically as a chemist only to maximize their stats for this, Give them Awake ring and auto- Reraise, and monster magic. Have them use explode. Will never miss, and oneshots guaranteed.