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OMNICIDE - Total Overhaul Mod
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2022년 3월 10일 오후 3시 48분
2022년 12월 24일 오전 1시 15분
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OMNICIDE - Total Overhaul Mod

Traditional nationalism cannot survive the fissioning of the atom. One world or none.
-Stuart Chase

Introducing OMNICIDE: The Total Overhaul Mod.
What is Omnicide? Omnicide takes its name from a word:

Omnicide (Noun)
om·​ni·​cide | \ ˈäm-ni-ˌsīd
The total extinction of the human species as a result of human action.

And that word is what this mod is all about.

Someday, not too distant, there can come streaking out of somewhere - we won’t be able to hear it, it will come so fast - some kind of gadget with an explosive so powerful that one projectile will be able to wipe out completely this city of Washington.
-Hap Arnold

OMNICIDE features 5 generations of progressively more destructive nuclear weapons taking powerful and deadly forms, from massive 16 warhead MIRVs to nuclear torpedoes, but that’s not all. OMNICIDE also features chemical weapons, new delivery methods and other surprises to ensure you can unleash carnage on your enemies. Traditional defences have also recieved a boost to counteract these new threats, but there is no such thing as safety in a nuclear war. Your only hope is to outkill your enemy.

Blackmail the universe with the greatest of calamities! Awaken those sleeping giants, in the dust of the ground!
-Megadeth, Blackmail the Universe

OMNICIDE is designed for games of all lengths. You can play the long game and invest in technologies to boost your production and research capabilities, or you can rush in early and try to catch your opponent off-guard with a flurry of early nuclear and chemical weapons backed up with conventional forces. Be warned, although more advanced technologies have the potential to be absolutely devestating, they also take much more effort to obtain than a more rounded and lower-tech approach. You’ll have to decide if these powerful tools will be worth the wait, or if you’ll even be alive long enough to see them pay off!

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-Albert Einstein

OMNICIDE has expanded every branch of the original ICBM. You’ll have an even firmer grasp of command at sea, in the air, on the ground and in space. Send army divisions to invade and occupy enemy cities, and even raze them to the ground if it suits your needs. Deploy special forces to sneak in behind enemy lines and discreetly destroy enemy equipment, while countering the enemy’s own covert units. Space warfare takes a more prominent role as well, with the introduction of early warning and attack satellites, and a new set of tools to destroy them with. Submarines are deadlier than ever before with the addition of new strategic weapons and SSGNs. Surface fleets shouldn’t be ignored either, as they have upgrades of their own, including new carrier-based nukes capable of flattening cities. Every tool at your disposal has been expanded, but can you keep your nation safe?

Honestly? Probably not.

Imagine a room awash in gasoline, and there are two implacable enemies in that room. One of them has nine thousand matches. The other has seven thousand matches. Each of them is concerned about who's ahead, who's stronger. Well that's the kind of situation we are actually in.
-Carl Sagan

OMNICIDE is not about surviving. It’s about destruction. Although you may be able to take your enemy by surprise and deny them a powerful retaliation strike, success is not final, and failure is not fatal. OMNICIDE is designed so that players will have some last-ditch second strike options at their disposal to buy themselves some time and potentially make a comeback, even when it seems as though all is lost. Everything is expendable and you should expect to lose it. Aircraft, warships, launchers, satellites, cities… All are more easily destroyed than protected in OMNICIDE. Of course it’s possible to take the upper hand and win, but don’t expect to do it without getting hurt!

Total nuclear war is probably the most horrible thing that humankind could do to itself in the modern era. Do you have the stomach for it? Are you ready to use the most powerful weapons ever wielded to annihilate your enemies, no matter what the cost? Are you ready to end civilization as we know it? Are you ready to desecrate the legacy of humankind? Are you ready, to commit OMNICIDE?

Special thanks to TAR5US and Tolis for teaching me the ropes of modding and inspiring me to make something of this scale.

A big thanks to Gorthan for taking the time to provide the Italian translation. Greatly appreciated!

A HUGE thanks to Ufnv, the developer, for being incredibly responsive and providing the insight and support that made this mod possible. Like, actual support. There are things about this mod that only work because he deliberately added them. Truly an outstanding developer.
인기 토론 모두 보기(6)
2024년 4월 23일 오후 4시 14분
General Feedback/Bug Reports
2023년 10월 20일 오후 2시 07분
고정됨: FAQ: Probably Worth Reading
2023년 12월 7일 오전 11시 46분
SAM not doing anything??
댓글 194
Lucifer Sam 2024년 3월 28일 오후 4시 04분 
Just wanna say this mod is fantastic. Adds a lot of cool and interesting things and most importantly it doesn't break the AI. Thanks.
dounttron  [작성자] 2024년 3월 20일 오전 4시 23분 
Imagine Omnicide and more.
mkellar 2024년 3월 20일 오전 12시 03분 
wait hold up will this be in ICBM 2? pls tell me it is!
dounttron  [작성자] 2024년 1월 30일 오전 11시 00분 
You can! Check the FAQ and it’ll tell you how.
Cemal Paşa 2024년 1월 30일 오전 10시 42분 
can we invade cities
dounttron  [작성자] 2023년 11월 26일 오후 1시 58분 
It can deploy them for self defence but it won't move them. You'll have to wait for ICBM 2 for that...
fish3464 2023년 11월 26일 오전 8시 43분 
hey does the ai use ground forces?
dounttron  [작성자] 2023년 11월 7일 오후 3시 40분 
@BandaidSnake You can change the loadout the same way you'd change it for a missile silo: Click the weapon icon immediately underneath the unit icon in the bottom left, and then select the payload you want. As always, the other weapon options will only show if they've been unlocked, and you won't be able to change it at all if you only have the default bomb available. Hope that helps.
BandaidSnake 2023년 11월 7일 오후 12시 16분 
I must be the only idiot to have trouble with this, because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else: how do you load up weapons into a bomb truck? As it stands, I can only seem to engage them with the default conventional explosives. I want to raid S. America with a flurry of chemical trucks :(
dounttron  [작성자] 2023년 10월 24일 오전 1시 53분 