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Specops guide
By th_mrow and 1 collaborators
Specops is a player using the sword as a main weapon on wraith. I have been playing that class for more than a year (during the pre beta) and i will explain how to play it.
The term specops means a wraith player using the sword as a main weapon.

They don't have a lot of health and don't do a lot of damage too.

But when played well, they are able to win most 1v1 with coward strats and are really cool.

As someone who have been playing like that since Jun 2020, I'll explain how I'm playing that class.
How to play as a specops
Wraith don't have a lot of hp and the sword can't outdps someone, so if you want to just run in a straight line against a titan who can oneshot you, when you need more than 6seconds to kill him, you'll die.
That's how you should fight
  1. Always move during a fight
    Always use your grapple to try to be in the back of the opponent or in a place where it is hard for him to shot you.
    If you don't move you're dead, if you're too slow you're dead, if you're easy to read then you're dead.

  2. The grenade is your best (and only) friend
    Killing someone only with the sword take a long time.
    That's always fun but when you can be oneshot it's better to reduce that amount of time spent fights.
    For that you can use your grenade. In my opinion the EMP is the best grenade for the sword. Because the EMP destroys the shield of someone and explode on impact, so that's a great grenade to start a fight. Also the emp destroy pathfinder's bubble but i'll speak about that later.

  3. Use cloak
    In my opinion cloak is better than invi for that build because you'll have a huge speed boost.
    With cloak you'll be able to quickly go in the back of someone and chose your target. So you'll always be able to chose how and when the fight will start. (Even in their nightmare later) Cloak is also great to run away.
    1. If the target is alone
      1. He is low then you can slash him
      2. If he is full life then start the fight with a grenade then fight like you would with a sword.
    2. If the target is in a group
      1. Don't fight because that's dumb and you're almost sure to die
      2. Attack the weakest target.
      3. Attack the one at the back and a wraith or path if you can (don't attack a titan when his full team is around ... don't attack a titan if he's full life except if you're dumb like me (but i'm good enough to make it works)) And repeat it till they are all dead or when you're dead

  4. Abuse the reflect (Right click)
    You can reflect bullets. But can't reflect rocket, flakgun, grenades (so explosive ammo).
    And only when they are coming from in front of you.
    The reflect use stamina so you can't hold it forever.
    You can use it either for :
    1. Reflecting shots to the opponent. (But don't use it in an offensive way, the opponent can just wait for your stamina to run out).
    2. Keeping the agro. Those dumb pathfinders love shooting on you, so you can just stay there and hoping that your team will save your @ss.
    3. Protecting yourself until you can use your cloak and dashes again and run away.While thinking "f*** it i'm out"
    4. To keep the presure on someone. If someone tries to run away while shooting you, you can run in a straight line keeping the reflect up to go in sword range while doing some damage and not taking any.
A great build to play
  • Energy Sword
    That's dumb to play a sword class without the sword.
  • Scout LRR
    I think that the scout is a better sniper than the deadeye as a specops. Because you have a better ADS accuracy and a faster firerate so you can use it to do some easy damage when you can't use the sword.
  • EMP
    Like i said before the EMP is great to start a fight. And because you can one shot those path's bubble, that's a great combo with the ult. (Use the ult, yeet the emp on the shield and enjoy)
    The frag grenade is also a great choice.
  • Fast Grapple for the augmentation
    Your movement is your life, so you want to be the fastest.
  • All the suit module are great, except the triple dash.
    You could think that the triple dash is great, but with the way the dash works right now it's more like a nerf.
Laura  [developer] Jul 22, 2022 @ 2:28pm 
You forgot "get gud" - th_mrow ;)
Awesome guide!
Tinkerballa__(Vacation 6/7-6/18) Jun 18, 2022 @ 11:29am 
Dang! That is always the hardest class for me to play. Thank you for the detailed guide. I may try it again one day :)
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