Brigand: Oaxaca

Brigand: Oaxaca

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Taberone's Brigand Guide (WIP)
By Taberone
WIP: Puzzle solutions, passwords, and crafting recipes. Contains spoilers.
What This Guide Covers
This guide mostly covers Brigand: Oaxaca and a little bit of Brigand: Panama.

Nightmare, Fortress, etc are not yet covered by this guide.
Misc / Unsorted
  • To walk on loose planks safely, do not walk in the middle. Walk along the side edges of the loose plank.
  • Red Juice = +20 Agility, Strength (Temporary)
  • Blue Juice = +20 Stealth, Survival (Temporary)
  • Yellow Juice = +20 Pistol and Rifle (Temporary)
  • Black Juice = 30% Resistance to most damage (Temporary)
50 Software + Security Worm Implant makes the final boss of Oaxaca (and several gauntlets) much easier when you can remote-hack everything and turn the turrets against their owners.

Hacking into the final boss's terminals will unlock a unique "VR Training Simulator" that can train ANY skill with no practical limit, unlike NPC Trainers that have limits to how high you can train a skill.

NPC Trainers in Oaxaca
The ITIC Cribbler in Junk Fort can only train you up to 20 Software. Not worth paying for his services if you have more than 20 Software.

Dr. Lee and Junebug can train your software pretty high, with Dr. Lee being able to train up to 50 Software and Junebug at up to 40 Software. Carmen can also train up to 40 Software if she levels up enough times.

NPC Trainers in Panama
The Expert Cribbler in Gamboa can train you up to 40 Software, and you do not have to pay him.

50 Hardware is needed for the Master Techie ability that will let you repair SIMDA Relays. Might be useful when you have to defend the Relay, but it requires 50 Meta, which takes ages to refill.

40 Hardware is needed for Gun Expert ability that will let you repair guns for free, except 40 Meta. It will not reduce the weapon's maximum durability.

25 Agility will let you outrun Carrion Demons and Diseased Hounds. 30 Agility will let you outrun Heckler Demons and Tio the Shaman. As long as you build up momentum by moving only straight ahead or straight sideways, you can outrun Demons with enough agility. Do NOT move diagonally if you want to outrun enemies, as it will slow you down.

Either outrun demons entirely or use your Agility to relocate and then shoot them again. Agility will help with reducing damage from demons, as most of them are melee only and they can't hit you if they can't reach you.

Pistols or Rifles
Put at least 10-15 points in these skills to get acceptable performance. You WILL have to be shooting enemies eventually, and the more points you put into pistols or rifles, the faster your gun will aim while standing still (moving at all will ruin your accuracy!)

50 Stealth is needed for Master of Shadows, which automatically makes you invisible at night or in dark areas for an indefinite amount of time as long as it remains dark. Attacking or interacting will drop the invisibility, only for it to trigger again. Demons and Baroque have Infravision though, and can see you regardless of invisibility.

Stealth reduces how noisy your footsteps are, preventing enemies from turning around to stare at you. This makes it easier to peek out of cover and take shots at enemies without getting blasted the instant you expose yourself, because enemies can hear your footsteps through walls. Also makes it slightly easier to sneak around near enemies, since they won't turn around and see you.

NPC Trainers in Oaxaca
Rains-Through-Roof can train your Stealth. I forget how much.

NPC Trainers in Panama
Cooper can train you to 50 Stealth. Bella can train you to something like 20 Stealth.

50 Willpower is needed for Meditation, which increases the amount of Meta you recharge while standing still. Meta takes forever to recharge, so this is a good ability.

You're going to need Willpower to raise your maximum Meta, especially if you're a user of the Security Worm Implant, Cyber Eye Implant, Master Techie or Gun Expert ability, etc. A lot of the abilities have Meta cost.
Cybernetic Implants

Cyber Eye Implant - Very useful
Cyber Worm Implant - Very useful
System Flush Implant - Very useful
Oaxaca Puzzles
Here's the guides for some of the Puzzles

Toxic Caves (Glowing Pods)
White, Blue, Green, Red

Broken Tooth Pass (Glowing Pods)
White, Blue, Green, Red

McVannon's Musical Safe
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 3, 4

Oil Rig Water Pump Drainage
Oaxaca Passwords
Beaten to It
Someone else managed to post all the passwords EXCEPT for the Pochutla Intercom and Voodoo Tomes.

Getting into Pochutla
  • Sunrise to Noon: The thing that is sacrificed to Agwe by being sent to sea on a raft (Mirror)
  • Noon to Nightfall: Where does Ogun live? (Volcano)
  • Nightfall to Midnight: Which pre-Collapse nation called Maman for aid in independence? (Haiti)
  • Midnight to Dawn: Who is the wife of Loko? (Ayizan)

Vodoo Tomes (WIP)
  • Parasitic Touch: intestines
  • Chilling Orb: shivery
  • World of Pain: patience
  • Fearomone: eminence
  • Bone Blast: marrow
  • Control Weather: undiscerning
  • Blood Vision: illuminate
  • Ghost Fire: suffering

Terminal Passwords
  • Junk Fort Basement: bananabeer
  • Toxic Caves Entrance: Crystal9
  • Toxic Caves (Marvin's Cell): toadman
  • Pochutla Warehouse Bodyshop: mirrorman
  • Pochutla South Battlements: bloodbath
  • Unknown (Jungle Temple): DrLee (Username) / EarlyRetirement (Password)
Oaxaca Crafting Recipes
"The Anarchist's Cookbook"
Ammonia + Aquafortis = Boomprill
Ammonia + Formaldehyde = Pyridine

Aquafortis + Coca Leaf = Cocaine

Boomprill + Blast Cap + Tin Can = Conc Grenade
Boomprill+ Formaldehyde = Hexogen

Firedamp + Blast Cap + Tin Can = Methane Grenade
Firedamp + Empty Fuel Cell = Charged Fuel Cell

Thermite + Blast Cap + Tin Can = Flame Grenade
Thermite + Rocket = Flame Rocket

Pyridine + Malonitrile = CS Gas

Malonitrile + Bladed Weapon = Poisoned Weapon

CS Gas + Blast Cap + Tin Can = Toxin Grenade
CS Gas + Rocket = Tox Rocket

Hexogen + Pipe = Pipe Charge
Hexogen + Rocket = Hex Rocket
Oaxaca NPCs
These NPCs cannot be killed without the game being rendered unwinnable, thus disabling the ability to save your game:
  • Uncle Bob (Cannot be killed until the Siege of Pochutla is over)
  • Ozee (Cannot be killed safely until disabling his Hydrogen Bomb, but he disappears afterwards so you still can't kill him)
  • Dr. Lee (Cannot be killed at any point in the game)
  • WIP
Panama Passwords
(steamapps\common\Brigand\Assets\BRIGAND - PANAMA\Scripts to find the BSLs that have answers and passwords)

Fort Darien
  • Cortez's Terminal: darien (according to the BSLs)

Cosmo's Trivia Night
  • History: Which walled city did Eleggua conquer with the help of Baroque tribe? (Pochutla)
  • History: What was the only pre-collapse nation to stage a successful slave revolution? It's an island.(Haiti)
  • History: What year was the Great Collapse? (2120)
  • Nature: What kind of demon has a strong exoskeleton and rolls in a ball for locomotion? (Isopod)
  • Nature: What is the adjective for a chemical with a low ph level? (Acid?)
  • Technology: Who invented the most popular brand of laser weaponry? (Junebug)
  • Technology: What is the name of the most powerful handheld plasma weapon? (Tsunami)
  • Technology: What is the other main component of a Tesla Coil besides the Wire Coil? (???)
  • What automobile component makes the best gun silencer? (Muffler)
  • What Republic was Uncle Bob of UBNS from? (Texas)
  • What is the Polyphonic made of (Carbon Nanotubes)

CHUPACHARCO May 7, 2023 @ 12:38pm 
More Trivia Night answers

Technology: What is the other main component of a Tesla Coil besides the Wire Coil?
The Great Collapse was in 2120, as says a book in Cosmo’s room.

Technology: What is the other main component of a Tesla Coil besides the Wire Coil?
A Capacitor

The Tech question about what ts the Flying Ship made of, is Carbon Nanotubes.
CHUPACHARCO Apr 26, 2023 @ 5:37am 
Here’s another voodoo tome
Ghost Fire: suffering
Taberone  [author] Apr 23, 2023 @ 11:39am 
Cpl. mmD Apr 23, 2023 @ 7:27am 
Nice guide!