The Uncertain: Light At The End

The Uncertain: Light At The End

31 ratings
All Collectibles
By Daerphen
Image based guide to all collectibles.
Please keep in mind that this is not spoiler free. I recommend to play through the game at least once before consulting it.
=== Drug Store ===
You can get all the collectibles until you get the medicine in the first room by lifting the fallen rack

4x Marvellous Toys
1x Echoes of the Past
1x Between the Covers
0x Urban Scrawl
0x Casual Gamer
Marvellous Toys 1/17
Marvellous Toys 2/17
Echoes of the Past 1/9
Marvellous Toys 3/17
Marvellous Toys 4/17
Between the Covers 1/10
=== Bunker #1 visit ===
Only one big room. Get the collectibles before you go to bed

1x Marvellous Toys
0x Echoes of the Past
1x Between the Covers
0x Urban Scrawl
0x Casual Gamer
Marvellous Toys 5/17
Between the Covers 2/10
=== Geekstore ===
To reach all collectibles you need access to the staff room. So make sure you block the entrance in the security room in time with the quick-time-event.
You can reach all collectibles until you check out at the counter

2x Marvellous Toys
2x Echoes of the Past
1x Between the Covers
2x Urban Scrawl
1x Casual Gamer
Marvellous Toys 6/17
Marvellous Toys 7/17
Between the Covers 3/10
Casual Gamer 1/6
Urban Scrawl 1/10
Urban Scrawl 2/10
Echoes of the Past 2/9
Echoes of the Past 3/9
=== Bunker #2 visit ===
Same as on your first visit. You have all access to the rooms until you go to bed.

1x Marvellous Toys
0x Echoes of the Past
1x Between the Covers
1x Urban Scrawl
0x Casual Gamer
Marvellous Toys 8/17
Between the Covers 4/10
Urban Scrawl 3/10
=== TV Station ===
Do everything before you bring the Data disk to Brian

3x Marvellous Toys
2x Echoes of the Past
2x Between the Covers
3x Urban Scrawl
1x Casual Gamer
Marvellous Toys 9/17
Urban Scrawl 4/10
Urban Scrawl 5/10
Echoes of the Past 4/9
Marvellous Toys 10/17
Between the Covers 5/10
Marvellous Toys 11/17
Echoes of the Past 5/9
Between the Covers 6/10
Casual Gamer 2/6
Urban Scrawl 6/10
=== Streets ===
If you reach the bus, you cannot go back to the first part of the streets. Once you get the tool in the garage from the trunk, you cannot go to the garage anymore. Make sure to explore each possible route through the city. When Emely tells the other to turn right might sure to first go left.

2x Marvellous Toys
1x Echoes of the Past
1x Between the Covers
2x Urban Scrawl
1x Casual Gamer
Urban Scrawl 7/10
Echoes of the Past 6/9
Between the Covers 7/10
Marvellous Toys 12/17
Urban Scrawl 8/10
Casual Gamer 3/6
Marvellous Toys 13/17
=== Sewers ===
Make sure to bring the wrench from the starting point to not lose too much time.
Also the first collectible is after you opened the iron door, but do not go through but look further down the sewer.

1x Marvellous Toys
1x Echoes of the Past
1x Between the Covers
1x Urban Scrawl
1x Casual Gamer
Echoes of the Past 7/9
Casual Gamer 4/6
Urban Scrawl 9/10
Marvellous Toys 14/17
Between the Covers 8/10
=== Warehouse ===
You will leave the place after you go to bed

1x Marvellous Toys
1x Echoes of the Past
1x Between the Covers
0x Urban Scrawl
1x Casual Gamer
Marvellous Toys 15/17
Echoes of the Past 8/9
Between the Covers 9/10
Casual Gamer 5/6
=== Subway Station ===
Point of no return once you know which of the two lines you need to follow and you move close to the side of the platform

2x Marvellous Toys
1x Echoes of the Past
1x Between the Covers
1x Urban Scrawl
1x Casual Gamer
Casual Gamer 6/6
Echoes of the Past 9/9
Between the Covers 10/10
Marvellous Toys 16/17
Marvellous Toys 17/17
Urban Scrawl 10/10
inspieos Jul 15, 2023 @ 7:56am 
Thank you for this guide; very helpful!
Daerphen  [author] Aug 25, 2022 @ 6:13am 
Zachery: Sorry has been a while since I played it. I might have some memories of some achievements, but they would not be accurate enough.
Daerphen  [author] Aug 25, 2022 @ 6:12am 
AAG Adler: Are you sure. I did not find any screenshot on my drive. And honestly too lazy to play through it again :D Or do you mean the recording found in the security booth. I am sure it is shown in the screenshots (Echoes of the past 4/9)
Zachery (Vincent) Callahan Aug 18, 2022 @ 3:45am 
You are the only english guide here.
Could you make an achievement guide along side these collectibles?
AAG Adler Aug 12, 2022 @ 9:07am 
there is one rcording in the TV station missing 5/9. It is at the entrance in small cabinet.
Wardelorn Apr 4, 2022 @ 1:29pm 
There are actually 18 items for "Marvellous Toys". The missing item is in "Bunker #2 visit" phase. It is an advertisement that is located in the room where you repair the water pump.