STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy™

STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy™

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Star Wars JK:JA Configuration
By C¥ber
~¥ Hello, this is a quick tutorial to bring your JK:JA Client a smooth experience ¥~
Let's Begin!

¥- Step 1
    "Launch JaMP" *Jedi academy Multiplayer.exe*

¥- Step 2
    "Open Console" *Opening by pressing "SHIFT + ~"

¥- Step 3
    "Enter these command's one by one"


/r_mode -1
/r_customheight 1080
/r_customwidth 1920

ingame commands to make your game look decent:

/cg_hudfiles 1 *changes default hud to clear more screen8
/cg_drawenemyinfo 0 *removes the top player at top right screen*
/cg_drawfps 1 *simply draws your frames*
/com_maxfps 125
/cg_fov 97
/snaps 100
/rate 25000
/cl_maxpackets 100

Originally posted by author:
~¥ Enjoy ¥~
Star Wars JK:JA Guide's
r3d33m3r Mar 1, 2022 @ 12:59pm 
It's not too late yet, young Padawan... you can still resist the dark side!!
Don't give in to the evil emperor!!
C¥ber  [author] Mar 1, 2022 @ 1:15am 
Well great, you announced my motive for all of steam to see. D;
r3d33m3r Feb 28, 2022 @ 9:03am 
Then why put it to 100 at all? Put 40. Some people might get confused if they check what the value is set to.
All it could do is to confuse people :AOEShield:
C¥ber  [author] Feb 28, 2022 @ 7:09am 
Honestly don't see the problem. The game will autmatically set it to highest if pasted set mark which is 40. Not like it's going to snaps 100. will bust back down to 40 by max default. By habit I do 100 and I still see no issue with it.
r3d33m3r Feb 6, 2022 @ 10:41am 
Also, if you want a higher snaps value your sv_fps needs to be set to that value too.
Snaps 60 won't do shit if the server runs on sv_fps 40...
r3d33m3r Feb 6, 2022 @ 10:38am 
100 snaps and above makes no sense for online play.
It also fundamentally changes the game. 20, 30 or 40 is all you need.

No server on the internet runs above 40fps.
C¥ber  [author] Feb 6, 2022 @ 8:08am 
ive had no problems, for higher resourced pc's tbh. if your jka server you play on is run through asutech you can get away with 150 snaps without a stutter
r3d33m3r Feb 5, 2022 @ 6:59pm 
snaps 100?!? Are you serious?

No server will allow such a super-high value. For good reason!