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Mini guide for beginners
By Marthel
Greetings! This is mostly not a guide but just some tips for new players and those who seek to save a bit of time. There is another similar guide, so I will try to avoid posting the same thing the author did.

  • The attack speed buff from some mystic codes and yellow sword drop not only increase attack speed, rush and skill execution, but it also affect your move speed and frequency at which you can spam dash button. It may be obvious but you should move only spamming dash since it has no cooldown. So if you are in need to rush to another side of the map, consider using mystic code skill that boost your AS.
  • Another obvious thing is that install skills that drop from enemies or boxes are collected automatically, so you do not need run around and gather them manually.
  • Secret folders a.k.a purple sparkle on map, are a good source of loot. You actually do not need to have enemies to stand in the circle, all you need is to be there yourself. Simply draw agressors closer and burst them with some long or burst skills, this way you will fill the head count required to open chest and capture area.
  • Some skills are not nearly as useful as the others. You can check buffs you receive during skill setups. Try to have golden rule always equiped. At glance there seem to be a lot of qp, but once you hit higher levels and want to strengthen your servants from 1 to 70, you may quickly run out of stock. Same goes for mystic codes. You will have to craft all of the mystic codes in order to fill the galery, and at higher grade they are quite costly. Until I got my hands on double skills, which you will get access to around level 100, I used mostly support skills.
  • You can skip almost everything including nps, intros and dialogues. As a FGO player, this is such a life changer. It is great that you can spam your np as soon as it is ready and you do not have to wait through whole animation, as good as they may be.
  • Try to hit barracks every 3-4 missions or so in order to get presents from servants. They include install skills, event dialogues, mystic code recipes. This is debatable. You will get all the presents anyway, but I did so in order to get Install skills, that sped up the progress, albeit a little. There is a milestone, you get exacty something at specific bond level, but it is not really important. Recipes you will receieve at level 30. [?]
  • This may not be a tip, but I found that purple skills, that stun or slow enemies, are useless. Surely you stun without fail, but you will not always rush on stunned enemeis. This may be a bug/glitch not sure. I just got used to rush without stunning.

Following tips are all about bonds. It is on of they key features in the game and a some achivements are tied to this system. Also it is the most time consuming if you are after 100%.
  • There are 26 servants in the game and you need to get them all to max bond (23) to fill in galery, since you get conversations from them at specific levels. At level 30 mystic code recipe, but only 8 servants will yield mystic code (one from each class), It matters not which servant, the first to get to bond 30 in each class will give you code.
  • When you put a servant on the field they will yield bond points according to mystic code skills used. I am not sure about the specifics but you will be able to get 2 optimaly. In short just use all mysctic code skills before you beat the boss. This is is important since you also get to choose which servants you will take side missions from. I put there my least favourite servants there, since I will not play them due to various reasons.
  • When you accept side missions, there will always be a servant that offer you a mission. This is the same generic mission but you get one extra bond point if you complete it, so keep that in mind.
  • Before jumping into the mission always check what side missions you get. By default you will receive missions from servants that you favourited (max fav 5, max sides 5). But there are some missions that can be annoying. You fail mission you lose point. This is my list of most annoying sides, it goes from worst to average. Try to avoid them for more efficiency:
    - Defeat enemy servant with LINK. Most of the time, you will be moving fast around the map and there will be a lot of cases when there are just no friendly servant in the same area as the enemy servant, so try to avoid this mission. There is also next grade missions which requires you to defeat enemy servant with rush during LINK.
    - Defeat 3 agressors with Moon Drive skill. This is not actually that difficult but sometimes can be a bit annoying, since you have to have agressors lined up according to your current servant. Most of them have burst like long range attack. but for example Gilgamesh's skill is very short. Also agressors tend to run around.
    - Rush attack 2 times. This is situational. Sometimes I use skills that are not class based and I cannot rush with them. Although it can be fixed with some install skills.
    - Do something while maintaining 50% HP. This is mostly at the later stages, since there will be enemies which will be able to insta kill you with some skills, or shave a lot of hp with simple combos. Once you lose more than 50%, you fail mission. It is safe to lose HP after you cleared the mission.
Marthel  [author] Jan 14, 2022 @ 5:07am 
Currently I am not myself done with the game (about 80% done), so I will add or edit contents as I progress if I find it necessary. I will also welcome your edits or tips. This guide was created to help players play a bit more efficiently.