From The Depths

From The Depths

181 avaliações
Anime Neter World
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Planet: #planet, Campaign
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4 jan. 2022 às 3:56
18 mar. 2023 às 6:25
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Anime Neter World

기존의 외교 초상화를 더욱 씹덕스럽게 뜯어 고쳤습니다. 여러분의 좆침반이 작동하길 바랍니다

We replaced Relationship Portraits to Anime style. There are no other changes, so you can enjoy the general Neter campaign as if you were playing.

This is not just precise portrait replacer mod but brand-new planet with replaced portraits So you can apply it just like other CC.

All artworks' copyright is reserve to Graphite. Please put my name when you use this artwork for your profile picture or something. also all commercial uses are totally prohibited.

Art Director and All Artwork copyright reserves : Graphite
57 comentários
yorbuachi 25 de mai. às 15:57 
weischreiner 8 de jan. às 18:00 
im bouta make 1940s germany look like a bouncy house
Flash75 4 dez. 2023 às 16:58 
My son, you are the ammo
It's only game. 4 out. 2023 às 5:35 
One day men will get together to voice this... or women I guess.
.didntnoagoodname. 8 set. 2023 às 21:55 
So if the game updates will this mod break? If yes then is there a way to just replace the portraits for the base game Neter?
Garrrry 11 jun. 2023 às 11:06 
hate anime
Neglected child 15 abr. 2023 às 12:32 
Finally I get to kill anim- WAIT YOU PLAY AS ANIME
Graphite  [autor] 30 dez. 2022 às 12:55 
Hi. I'm Art Director of this mod. Currently, I retouching the artwork and fix the problem to more efficient and doesn't need any other hotfix(like Kitsune Zeta said). So please wait for a moment.
Kitsune Zeta 25 dez. 2022 às 6:31 
The main part of this mod is the alternate Diplomacy Table character artwork... which can be migrated over to any other world. Copy the appropriate zip under the correct name, and change the tag for the Diplomacy Table characters under the world editor. That means even if the author doesn't fix it themselves, it is technically end-user fixable.

The errors I'm seeing are all due to the world this ships with being derived from an older version of Neter which used built-in blueprints that no longer exist. Even the current version of Neter references a currently nonexistent blueprint, though (TG faction's SwarmOfBees).
TheBigE 28 out. 2022 às 22:24 
Confirming that this map is currently chock full of errors due to the recent update, hoping someone can pick this up and update it for the current stable build.