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Teocida Secret Guide [SPOILERS]
By CoopaTroopa
This guide describes how to find and complete the secrets not covered in my other guides. Unfortunately, this guide will contain huge spoilers, so don't continue any further if you want to avoid that.
Overseer's Terminal
The terminal if you turn to the right of the main computer is locked by a combination of arrow presses. To the right of the terminal itself is a pin board with various files on it, including a few screenshots of this game and AnoMalice containing hints, but more importantly for us a document with a grid containing arrows marked by the zodiac signs and seven boxes each with a different symbol.

As you can probably predict we need to find seven sets of two zodiac signs that will allow us to determine which arrow presses are required to unlock the computer.

HINT:This puzzle requires you to have completed the hard versions of each level, defeated the hard mode final boss, and have unlocked at least 7 keys.
SOLUTION:After defeating the hard mode boss, if you head back to fight it again you'll instead be able to pass into a new room with two clocks and a locked door. The clocks have zodiac signs instead of numbers, and each has a mark underneath to specify the order of the combinations. Passing through the locked door reveals another room with two clocks and another locked door, which you can pass through revealing the final three clocks. The solution is randomised, so you'll have to do this yourself.

Unlocking the terminal leads to a screen with four options on it, as well as some encoded text. The text doesn't need to be decoded, but for those curious I'll leave it below:

TOP TEXT:Acesse opcoes extras - Access extra options
THIRD OPTION:Destrua - Destroy
Eighth Locked Door
The eighth locked door isn't actually visible like in the image until you've unlocked it, which you do as usual by standing in front of it with a key.

SOLUTION:In case you don't know where this screenshot was taken, its in the room with the three clocks at the very right. If you don't know where that is, check the Overseer's Terminal section.

Now you've got inside the final locked door, you have a puzzle to solve. This room has ten devices, each with symbols on them which you can cycle through by dropping a totem in front of each of them.
HINT:What the hell is that sound?
SOLUTION:The noise in this room needs to be recorded and viewed as a spectogram.
SOLUTION 2:Here's an image of the spectogram for those who can't or don't want to go through the hassle.[imgur.com]
Hidden Document
On the screen with the Overseer's Terminal there's an invisible page of encoded text, with the location shown in the picture to the right. I haven't decoded all of it but if you've played any of Vikintor's other games you may recognise it after only translating a little. The hint below will tell you where else to find it if you want to yourself (which I highly recommend), and I'll leave the full text decoded and translated below that for your convenience.

HINT:This appears to be the Manifesto hidden in Estigma, or what I'll lovingly refer to as "The Gamer Rant".

Portuguese:Este e um excerto de um texto maior ainda em producao. O conteudo abaixo nao foi corrigido e ainga esta sendo organizado. Podendo sofrer alteracoes.

Identidade gamer e um culto nocivo e um cancer na cultura do videogame.

A tendencia em buscar grupos ao qual possamos pertencer e comum especialmenta ne juventude; uma etapa onde ha uma maior carencia pela sensacao de pertencimento e busca por identidade. Essa busca apesar de natural, tambem representa uma fase de vulnerabilidade a estimulos externos.

A identidade gamer se desenvolveu gracas a vulnerabilidade de seu publico, talvez pela ideia da carencia na representacao de seus interesses, que seduzidos pelos estimulos da industria, nao julham suas opcoes devido a maturidade insuficiente.

A industria, em especial as grandes empresas do entretenimento, viram nessa vulnerabilidade uma maneira de criar lacos fortes com seu publico. Oferencendo exatamente o que supriria a carencia de seus consumidores. Nao me refiro unicamente a tentar vender produtos ocasionalmente, elas buscaram fazer parte crucial da vida do consumidor, alimentando um vinculo pessoal (apesar de unilateral) onde aquele que joga se sente acolhido e raramente reprendido por seus atos.

Essa identidade tornou-se um cancer na cultura do videogame. Nao se trata sobre conectar pessoas diversas que compartilham um hobby; como a industria diz fazer, mas sim construir depencia com uma voz artificial elaborada para ser igual a deles, com interesses e comportamentos em comum, uma marca "descolada", ainda que no fundo trabalhe pela manutencao do status-quo dentro e fora da industria.

A Identidade gamer foi a tentativa bem sucedida de transformar o entusiasta em fanatico. Erguendo seitas de culto as marcas, santificando personalidades carismaticas do topo da hierarquia da industria, incentivando o consumo inconsciente e utilizando de gatekeeping para inflamar seu publico.

Contudo o publico pode ter sua parcela de culpa, nao estou negando o papel individual. Mas e evidente como a industria e ainda a maior responsavel por essa cultura decadente do videogame, principalmente por ditar comportamentos nocivos ao longo de decadas.

A destruicao da identidade gamer.

English:This is an excerpt from a larger text still in production. The content below has not been corrected and is still being organized. May undergo changes.

Gamer identity and a harmful cult and a cancer in video game culture.

The tendency to look for groups to which we can belong is especially common among youth; a stage where there is a greater need for the feeling of belonging and the search for identity. This search, although natural, also represents a phase of vulnerability to external stimuli.

The gamer identity has developed thanks to the vulnerability of its audience, perhaps because of the lack of representation of their interests, which, seduced by industry stimuli, do not judge their options due to insufficient maturity.

The industry, especially large entertainment companies, saw this vulnerability as a way to create strong bonds with their audience. Offering exactly what would meet the needs of its consumers. I'm not just referring to trying to sell products occasionally, they sought to be a crucial part of the consumer's life, nurturing a personal bond (albeit one-sided) where those who play feel welcomed and rarely reprimanded for their actions.

That identity has become a cancer in video game culture. It's not about connecting diverse people who share a hobby; as the industry claims to do, but build dependence with an artificial voice designed to be like theirs, with common interests and behaviors, a "cool" brand, even though deep down working to maintain the status quo inside and outside the industry .

The gamer identity was the successful attempt to transform the enthusiast into a fanatic. Erecting sects of cult brands, sanctifying charismatic personalities at the top of the industry hierarchy, encouraging unconscious consumption and using gatekeeping to ignite your audience.

However, the audience can have their share of the blame, I'm not denying the individual role. But it is evident how the industry is still largely responsible for this decadent video game culture, mainly for dictating harmful behavior over the decades.

The destruction of gamer identity.
French Document Puzzle
If you turn right from the Overseer's Terminal you'll find a door that leads to a room containing a door with five buttons on each side, as well as a document in french. The top of the document has a square with five diamonds on each side which are labelled one through nine, with one blank, presumably referring to the buttons surrounding the door.

Below that diagram the document is split into four sections, each with a symbol on the left, french text in the middle, and symbols on the right. The symbols on the right are encoded Portuguese, which is translated in the table below under "Order". The french text belongs to a set of books available online called "The Spirit's Book", and which book, chapter, subsection, and precise part is written in the table below under "Source".

The puzzle has now been solved, by yours truly! I won't share the solution yet so people have time to figure it out, but I can give you a hint. It's also worth noting the door didn't work on earlier versions of the game, so it's time to try everything again.

HINT:To solve this puzzle all you need is the french document itself and the knowledge that the quotes are from the book of spirits, the unknown symbols on the left don't matter. Everything needed to solve the puzzle can be found on the table below.
SOLUTION:The solution of the puzzle is found using the source and what ever comes up under the "Order" section. For example, the first quote is from "BOOK FOUR—HOPE AND CONSOLATION > CHAPTER II—FUTURE JOYS AND SORROWS > Heaven, Hell and Purgatory > 1012 [1011]". We know that the "Order" column goes up to "Third", meaning we need to find a number with at least three digits. The only number here with that many is 1012 [1011], and the order column for quote one says "First", meaning the first digit of 1012 is the first digit of the password.

Source [The Spirits' Book]
Nous avons déjà répondu à cette question. Les peines et les jouissances sont inhérentes au degré de perfection des Esprits; chacun puise en soi-méme le principe de son propre bonheur ou malheur; et comme ils sont partout, aucun lieu circonscrit ni fermé n'est affecté à l'un plutôt qu'à l'autre. Quant aux Esprits incarnés, ils sont plus ou moins heureux ou malheureux, selon que le monde qu'ils habitent est plus ou moins avancé.
We have already answered this question. The pains and the pleasures are inherent in the degree of perfection of the Spirits; each draws from himself the principle of his own happiness or unhappiness; and as they are everywhere, no circumscribed or closed place is assigned to one rather than the other. As for the embodied Spirits, they are more or less happy or unhappy, depending on whether the world they inhabit is more or less advanced.
L'isolement absolu est-il contraire à la loi de nature? < Oui, puisque les hommes chercent la société par instinct et qu'ils doivent tous concourir au progrés en s'aidant mutuellement. >
Is absolute isolation contrary to the law of nature? < Yes, since men seek society by instinct and they must all contribute to progress by helping each other. >
Que penser des hommes qui tentent d'arréter la marche du progrés et de faire rétrograder l'humanité? < Pauvres étres que Dieu chàtiera; ils seront renversés par le torrent qu'ils veulent arréter. >
What to think of the men who try to stop the march of progress and to make humanity retrograde? < Poor beings whom God will punish; they will be overthrown by the torrent they want to stop. >
BOOK THREE—MORAL LAWS > CHAPTER VIII—VII. LAW OF PROGRESS > The March of Progress > 781 > 781 - a
L'homme serait ébloui, comme celui qui passe sans transition de l'obscurité à la lumiére. Par l'oubli du passé il est plus lui-méme.
Man would be dazzled, like one who passes without transition from darkness to light. By forgetting the past he is no longer himself.
Cellar Hidden Art
The cellar accessed by completing the puzzle described above has two invisible buttons that show concept art, the locations of which are shown in the image to the right.
Yellow Door
If you get two matches during the card minigame a yellow door appears under the key room to the right of level 5, as shown in the image. Entering it takes you to a room that contains a short "scare", but seems not to contain anything else.
Smile Dude
"Smile Dude" is a strange figure that stalks you throughout the game, who also stars as the icon for this guide. In level four you can find and interact with it using your clone, which warps you to another room.

SOLUTION:This room requires you to have the clone on the left typically, but you can kill it by making the inactive green blocks solid while its inside them causing it to respawn on the right.
Miscellaneous Hidden Messages
This section, being fairly self explanatory, will only contain images showing you where to go to find these hidden messages, and the paths to them.

First Message:

Second Message:

Third Message:

Fourth Message:

Fifth Message:

Remaining Document
One of the documents on the desk is entirely encoded in the symbol alphabet. Translating it yourself is quite fun, and its not very difficult to figure out (check out my key guide for some tips if you want to do it yourself but need a bit of help). Here's the decoded and translated version for your convenience, as well as an alphabet chart if you want to decode it yourself.

Here's an alphabet chart for those who don't want to make one themselves.[imgur.com]

Portugese:Segundo Carl Jung; os simbolos alquimicos representavam uma formula da busca pela transmutacao da cogsciencia, em outras palavras, ele enxergava a importancia da simbologia alquimica para a "transcendia" da psique. Os elementos eram codigos que representavam o ser humano como um todo; corpo, mente e alma, como mercurio, sal e enxofre. Portanto, a busca pelo ouro transmutado da pedra filosofal nao era, em sua visao, metodos de encontrar ouro real, mas de transformar o ser humano.Nos desenvolvemos e conduzimos experiencias focadas na natureza transgressora e subversiva do microcosmo; absorvendo e organizando os fragmentos abstratos que emergem do subconsciente para o consciente, transformando-as em ensaios acessiveis em midia digital. O conceito primario que moveu o desenvolvimento do projeto e a composicao de tradicoes e interpretacoes filosoficas acerca do conhecimento sobrenatural, com a capacidade que a midia interativa proporciona de experimentar estes elementos em diferentes abordagens, assim buscando elaborar ambientes virtuais que representem o microcosmo e sua gnose oculta; transformando a midia em obra mistico-digital, e nao obstante, obras que representem os dogmas da humanidade sobre a otica de uma metafisica subversiva, estilizada. Isso nao significa necessariamente se tratar de trabalhos de alto teor educativo, mas em primeira instancia focar na manifestacao artisticas como expoente da gnose interior.

English:According to Carl Jung; alchemical symbols represented a formula for the search for the transmutation of cognition, in other words, he saw the importance of alchemical symbology for the "transcendence" of the psyche. The elements were codes that represented the human being as a whole; body, mind and soul, like mercury, salt and sulfur. Therefore, the search for the transmuted gold of the philosopher's stone was not, in his view, methods of finding real gold, but of transforming the human being. We developed and conducted experiments focused on the transgressive and subversive nature of the microcosm; absorbing and organizing the abstract fragments that emerge from the subconscious to the conscious, transforming them into accessible essays in digital media. The primary concept that moved the development of the project is the composition of traditions and philosophical interpretations about supernatural knowledge, with the ability that the interactive media provides to experience these elements in different approaches, thus seeking to develop virtual environments that represent the microcosm and its hidden gnosis; transforming the media into a mystical-digital work, and nevertheless, works that represent the dogmas of humanity on the optics of a stylized, subversive metaphysics. This does not necessarily mean that they are works with a high educational content, but primarily to focus on artistic manifestations as an exponent of interior gnosis.
Sonicun Nov 28, 2023 @ 4:16pm 
how do u "interact" with the smiley man in level 4 exactly? cause u can make it appear but then that's about it, wasn't warped to another room at all
Frenchfrywaffle Nov 10, 2023 @ 7:42pm 
Does no one even bother to record what the yellow doors are?
@kaprikornus Nov 6, 2023 @ 5:12am 
You don't need to interact with the Smiley Guy to get to the secret room!!! You need to interact with the DOOR that changes the level using your clone. There are also 2 ways to get your clone to the other side of the level, the first one being killing it using green block and the 2nd one which need you to juke a little bit.
peepeepoopoodumdum Mar 3, 2023 @ 7:54pm 
Thank you so much!! This is what I get for using Alt+F4!
CoopaTroopa  [author] Mar 3, 2023 @ 6:24am 
No problem! To get to the room with the overseer's terminal you need to pause the game, and choose "Abandon Program" which sends you back to the main menu. While in the main menu choose "End Session" and it puts you in the room with the overseer's terminal.
peepeepoopoodumdum Mar 3, 2023 @ 1:21am 
I'm sorry, I know its been nearly a year since you wrote this guide, but I was hoping I could get a little help, I am feeling quite dumb.
I have access to the clock room, but I have no idea how to access the room with the overseer's terminal? I thought it would be by re-fighting the Patriarch but the terminal just flashes with a tick to allow me to move onto the first ending.
CoopaTroopa  [author] Mar 12, 2022 @ 1:10am 
Didn't take long to get two pairs thankfully! It makes me assume there are more to find based on how many pairs you get, but since getting lucky enough to get five matches could take forever I might do a little messing around to speed up the process.
CoopaTroopa  [author] Mar 11, 2022 @ 11:42pm 
Guess I'm gonna go restart the game to see if I can find doors, nice find bumbula! Wonder if this is new and if there are any more.
bumbula Mar 11, 2022 @ 1:12pm 
I found a yellow door underneath the key room next to level 5, it appears after matching two cards in the card minigame.
bumbula Feb 4, 2022 @ 6:20pm 
There is also a hidden piece of art on the bottom right of the slab in the cellar room. I found it because I forgot which way is left