Battlefield™ 2042

Battlefield™ 2042

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Women That Play Battlefield 2042 - An Extensive Compendium
By ✟Masked Aristocrat✟
Women that play this reprehensible insult to all creativity and ingenuity, the question is asked, are they real? Are they hinged? And most significantly, are they boyfriend free girls? The answer to all your inquiries is yes, they are majorly real and probably not transgenders, they are conspicuously not hinged, as no one that plays this game regularly is sane and yes they are boyfriend free women, as any sane man, who contemplates with the mind and not his loins would steer clear from these harpies like the plague, for they truly are a special breed, a newfound species that nought but the most desperate would linger around. This guide is relatively simple in nature, here we describe the varying breeds of women that flock to this game.
Analysis Of Discord Creatures, Female Variant
Welcome to the codex, the manuscript that comprehensively details the witches of Battlefields crookback bog. Here you will be able to discern the manifestation of all that is sinister, an e girl who claims to indulge themselves in the noble art of gaming. Learn about their decrepit garbs and sultry raiment, their shrill cries, alongside their nefarious acts. Read this guide, harden your heart and then raise your torch, for today men, we are going witch hunting. Disclaimer, in this guide, everything I write is accurate in some aspects and as such you should believe all that I tell you, for it may save your life and elude the red flags depicted by the womenfolk.

Too often in society, do I see hapless sots out of the public’s perception become abused, morphing into dull, distinctive wrecks, ones who time and time again are exploited and harassed for a leeches sinister entertainment. These mentally ill people, primarily children slip through the crevices, hiding away from mainstream society, albeit infiltrate our foundations, corrupting behind the scene and unbeknownst to them, spread their decrepit affliction.

Upon careful, meticulous analysis, stemming from years upon years of dedication, extensive interviewing and observation off the biological female caste upon Battlefield, I have deduced one main aspect about these bog ridden abominations, they are not normal. It is as though they are a race of deformed Spartan toddlers, who after being thrown off a mountainside due to severe physical defects, managed to crawl into a cave, self sustain themselves and then congregate with other headcases to continue their tainted line. After several years more and more of the outcasted sect flock to their daemonic cult, their minds once innocent and pure, being warped and distorted by degeneracy and hedonism, until nothing is left of them, save for their incessantly crumbling dignity, connivingly sweet voices and a garbled tongue, that sounds words bereft of substance and content. Mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends and teachers grieve at night, as their watch their once revered colleagues or relatives morphing into an undiscernible beast, a remnant of their glory. They ponder incessantly, attempting to derive a way to cure their associates ails, to somehow reverse the effects and restore them to the natural order. But how do you cure someone who is hellbent on ruining themselves? Every time you swipe away the bottle of cyanide, untie the rope, confiscate their laptop, or even prohibit them access from any sharp objects they find an alternative. Soon they begin having sleepovers with their friends, who enable their degradation, they receive positive reinforcement from anonymous strangers online, that starving themselves, until they become a skeletal husk is not only brave, but beautiful too and despite the persons obvious pain and hardship they continue, in a vain attempt to appear unique. A way to substitute a personality and merit. To engulf any redeeming aspects they once had with narcotics, alcohol and sex. They become drugged up on medication, Ritalin, anti depressants and a whole array of other narcotics by apathetic doctors, who treat medication as a suitable alternative for parental care. The heads of these women become clouded, their eyes dim and devoid of light, their arms become fragile and their childlike innocence evaporates in the wind, stolen by whatever corpulent freak abused them when they were young. My heart bulks, with tears streaking my eyes whenever I see one of these women cutting, allowing themselves to be groomed online, or permitting themselves to be abused, both verbally and sexually. I contemplate about what these women were like in childhood, they were once innocent, enigmatic, hyperactive, but as previously mentioned they are now a sullen husk, for our society doesn’t permit childlike innocence anymore. Instead of smiling at a child wanting to climb a tree or laughing merrily when they try to hit their siblings with a stick, we run around screaming like headless chickens, becoming daunted when we are told that hyperactivity insinuates that they have a mental illness such as ADHD and that they MUST be given the appropriate medication to combat this, lest it escalate and spiral out of control.

It is disgusting, repulsive, abhorrent and positively sickening to watch these people in turmoil. What’s worse are those that allow this to happen, the apparitions in politics, medicine, the general public who shroud themselves in apathy, refusing to speak out must be held accountable. You may be lauded with badges of honour, public recognition and certificates for drugging a child, ruining their mental state and corrupting our youth, but when you die you will reap what you’ve sown. You will suffer in complete agony and what has befallen upon these youth will befall upon you. You will not be able to pass on the blame, akin to a game of pass the parcel, you will not be able to call for help from God, for he will overlook your troubles, similar to how you reacted with indifference when children came to you, crying and self harming, begging for your help. When you are then exhausted, ridiculed and broken, you will be passed onto Hells finest psychologist, Satan, who will stall for time, ask you needless questions, proffer nonsensical advice and then charge you ludicrous amounts for his abysmal service. After returning from your venting session with the ‘therapist’ you will then be tortured more, your brain will be seared by androids bright, luminescent light, your ingenuity will evaporate and eventually you will just become another baseless dreg of society, dragging your feet to the next day’s bout of insidious torture. Those who refuse to earnestly help the lesser of society will suffer in the bowels of Hell. When they are accused of their wrongdoings they will not be able to slinker away as they do in the media, they will not be able to divert the topic and deviate onto more neutral grounds, instead every fibre, every particle of their life will be revealed. When they cry out in pain, no one will rush to help, Mary most holy will not protect them, apologies will not be admitted and wails will be silenced as swift as they began. If you are guilty and this day comes, then who will you call? What will you say? Will you accept the punishment that has been laid out in store for you, or will you act as the vermin you were in life and cowardly blame another? Weep your sins. Groan and cry that if the guilt is serious. Even more, Hell is.

Each one of these creatures online, primarily those who reside on Battlefield may appear distinct, a Turk in one corner, an African crawling through the vents of Target in another. A petulant American whining about herself in one server and a European screaming about how pretty she is in another. I have learnt that the skin colour and ethnicity of these freaks matters not. You will never be able to develop a penchant for catching these mentally ill hagravens simply due to your ill conceived notions of colour and ethnicity, instead you must perceive the blazing red flags.


Each and every e girl, irrespective of their creed shares various significant nuances. Their eyes without fault appear glossy like a slippery eels, their irises murky as though they have been half drowned in a garbage filled water basin, they are unclear and unfocused, no light radiates from within. It would be impossible to distinguish whether or not they had been slaughtered based on their eyes, that is how impersonal and dead inside they appear. It is generally agreed that the case for this glossy esc aesthetic stems from trauma, as each member of this godforsaken covenant has been abused and traumatised to some degree. The trauma is then further exemplified by substance abuse, self harm, self degradation and sexualising themselves, primarily to strangers both online and offline. This combined with the trauma previously described causes a disillusion to reality, hence the clouded eyes.

Facial Expression

Asides from the fúcked up looking eyes, that only a delusional schoolgirl who grew up watching Hello Kitty could love, each e girl bears this deceptively innocent facial expression. The facial expressions in particular oft occur in two forms, either they appear mildly glum or bored, as though they are seeking to covet attention from a jester, or alternatively they bear a deceptive smirk, as though they are positively begging for their faces to be smashed in with a brick. These expressions are then complemented by the eyes drifting to the side, in an attempt to appear shy and vulnerable, or are directly centred on the camera, as these narcissistic mental headcases can’t keep their eyes off themselves for a single minute. If the image is not to their liking, or they are struck with a bout of insecurity, then it is rather common for a filter featuring lovehearts, cuddly animals, or a general enhancement of ones features to be prevalent. Frequently these vain creatures photograph themselves, often several times before their narcissistic lust is sated. This is done so they can self monitor how perfect the photograph appears and to avoid any facial blemishes or discrepancies that could emerge if another entity was photographing them.

Artificial Cosmetics

Now, it wouldn’t be a prime e girl without artificiality, whether it be the hair, chalk on their face, contacts, fake eyelashes, ect, it is irrelevant. Similar to how the vast majority of those afflicted with autism attempt to implement emotions into their tone, striving to emulate human beings, these e girls artificially enhance their aesthetic, with an expansive arsenal of beauty cosmetics. Unfortunately, it procures the opposite effect, giving them the aesthetic of wrangled up ♥♥♥♥♥♥, who have barely survived a car crash. I’ll tell you what I want to do, I want to coat my fist with mascara and punch these little runts of the litters in the face, enjoy your free beauty session you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wenches.

Miscellaneous Items

Disclaimer, miscellaneous in the purpose of this study will be described as any distinctive attributes of an e girl that have not been previously mentioned. This insinuates distinctive pendants, nose rings, collars, or anything else that bars one of this caste from normal society.

Upon my ventures into the most depraved of Battlefields spheres, I have noticed that each e girl bears some type of distinctive item, averting from the regular branch of modern day fashion. Some I have encountered, strolled outside to the local Servo, equip with a dog collar and a leash dangling down their neck. Others wore some form of paganistic pendant, frequently that of a star, or some type of amulet that inexplicably wards of danger, cough * The amulet won’t stop you from getting molested by the lustful sweety*. Others deemed it a grand idea to puncture their nose, slicing their skin so they could flaunt their hip hop bull rings. Others wished to emulate African culture, by adjoining hoola hoop earrings to their ears. Others, due to some peculiar urge, donned fluffy animal ears atop their head, sometimes with dingly bells. I am frankly baffled as to why they degrade themselves to this extent, perhaps it is in a vain attempt to appear cute and loveable, or maybe it diverts attention away from the childhood trauma they have encountered.

Honestly at this point these e girls need shock therapy, a tard wrangling, or a temporary visit to the Anechoic Chamber until they improve.

Do not give these abominations sympathy, for this is how they acquire sustenance. Similar to how a dog learns that rolling on his back elicits a tummy rub, these women realise that exposing their susceptibilities, past and self destructive tendencies causes people with a conscience to fawn and coddle them, leading to them further decimating their mind in an attempt to covet more of the tender hearted attention and Instagram likes that was omitted from their childhood.

Overall, these e girls who frequent Battlefield, or really any game may appear cute or attractive to a sex offender, but to the general populace they simply appear odd. Regardless of their age, they always, without a doubt attempt to emulate the look of a child, presenting a naïve innocent demeanour, bereft of impurity, in an attempt to conceal their thinly veiled rampant mental illness.
Firsthand Examples

Who’s a quirky spastic?

This one doesn’t even need to be explained, look at the glossy eyes, ones that have become murky due to substance abuse and trauma. This, combined with the dismayed and baffled expression fully encompasses the look of a deluded scoundrel, who has no concept of reality, nor realises that a world outside that of her Huawei phone exists. Straying off topic here, but why is there a horizontal red line above her nose and below her eyes, has she been bashed and is attempting conceal her beatings with powder? Furthermore, observe how her hair is several unique colours, brown, blue and dark black, that is the sign of a rare variant of Bluebird, that is typically envisioned during a time of calamity. This is a subtle warning from the heavens that e girls are one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, they will spread plagues evoking lust and depravity throughout our ranks if we do not remain vigilant. Furthermore, note how she also utilises nose rings and a filter to allegedly enhance her aesthetic. God, I hate these people, one day O’ Lord they will be cured. She will wrench the very reason and energy from your being. It is advised to be prudent and coat yourself in a thick swath of deodorant and aftershave, such tools act as a natural repellent for the beast.

Not much to say here that hasn’t been previously reiterated. She has a slightly bored expression, looks off into the distance to emulate a shy, awkward girl, who will then evoke a parental aspect from men who will fawn over her, proffering to her special treatment and a gentleman’s ways. Alternatively, she is looking at the camera screen, ensuring that she appears perfect in take 100 of her selfie for the day. The sign she is using is quite clearly some type of hedonistic gang symbol, one that in a civilised society would net her a prison sentence of two decades. Unfortunately, nowadays it’s utilised in an attempt to appear quirky. I suspect this one has a high tolerance to razor blades, perfecting her endurance by raking her arms everyday like a lawnmower chews a blade of grass.

God almighty save us, another harlot. If you peer closely at the face, you’ll be able to deduce that she closes her eyes slightly, in an attempt to mimic a stroke victim, with her tongue and face being wide open to emulate a submissive, sexually alluring figure. No idea why she raises her arm aloft, maybe it’s to show that she isn’t malnourished?

Is it just me, or do they all appear identical? Same sullen, dull expressions, arms being waved to symbolise a party night and a face that looks like one bad day away from a mental breakdown.
Oh goody, onto the fun aspect about e girls. Unlike your ordinary man, each of this caste has an extensive, oft deeply submerged tale, hinting at why they’re a sunken shipwreck. Often this abuse is sexual, perhaps they were molested while young, or maybe they were beaten to a pulp after their fathers favourite AFL team lost the finals. Intriguingly enough, this abused, crumbling mental state can even be evoked by them witnessing traumatic sights, a car crash, a murder, even a firebombing of a gay brothel can procure such delusion. Normally after the trauma, they develop a deepest, almost fanatical interest in a variety of niche, generally condemned topics. These include an interest in gore, self harm and disgusting sexual acts, like sex with animals, corpses, cooking utensils, the disabled and even more that normal society reviews with utter reproach and disdain.

Why does this occur?

This interest into depraved topics can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is used as a self defence mechanism against the trauma, making the victim become generally apathetic to the foul acts that have befallen upon them. For example, as a way to combat being sexually abused as a child, the victim may delve into the rabbit hole of self harm, watching mutilation videos or something along the lines of extremity. This is done in an attempt to take her mind off the trauma and ensure she doesn’t cry herself to sleep at night, or outright kill herself. Furthermore, it sets up a type of hardened mental barrier, making them appear externally apathetic to the general state of affairs. This then leads to a disillusionment of reality and a lack of respect for human life. They begin to envision themselves and others as puppets without a purpose, rarely do they belong to an upper theistic body, or express hope in anything other than material value.

Alternatively, the e girl may decide to dress up in a slutty manner, wearing high skirts, tops with revealing cleavages, necklaces that are connivingly placed at the breast line, to draw attention to her womanly features and many others. The females main motive is to have eyes drawn to her, which then inevitably lead to unwanted advances. While the female does not wish to covet the gaze or molestation from random strangers, she unconsciously deems it as normal, due to her previous abuse.

Effects Of The Abuse

Each social reject acts in a unique manner, depending on their general demeanour and stress threshold. Some, after being molested are relatively unfazed, shoving the trauma under the leopards skin and integrating themselves as functionable members of society. However, the majority don’t. Many e girls attempt to give themselves brain damage, in an attempt to blot out the trauma, other’s abuse substances to acquire temporary relief, whilst nearly all of them self harm and act and dress in a slutty manner. These fetid swamp monsters oversexualise and harm themselves in such a way as to symbolise their conspicuous lack of self value and dignity. After fully perfecting the look of a live, discarded fleshlight, they then parade themselves as a sack of meat, offering themselves to any man, woman, animal that genuinely wants them. Due to their overarching mental instability, in contrast to the wider population, they net a large degree of attention. Some of the unwary few attempt to offer help, others attempt to solicit sexual favours, whilst the majority mock them. Due to this abundance of attention, they then continue their self destructive habits, until it becomes the only way they know how to seek validation and gratification. The mentality of these people gradually morphs into, “This is retarded, I’ll never do such a degenerate act to myself” to “If 100’s of people call me attractive on Instagram and Battlefield, complimenting my neon pink dog collar, then surely I’m not doing anything wrong?”

It’s this very lack of self dignity, coupled in with constant positive reinforcement from strangers, that causes these e girls to delve into generally remissible, or peculiar acts. For example, having sex below the age of 16, sending nude images to strangers online, having one night flings with strangers and doing fan signs, which is an innuendo for carving someone’s name into your flesh and submitting to them the picture is commonplace in the realm of e girls. Who’s honestly astonished at this point, for if you don’t have respect for your body, then why should you have respect for others, social norms and tradition?

Greater Elaboration On Abuse
It’s honestly rather depressing to put yourself in the same shoes as these individuals. I mean, imagine being repeatedly felt up and coerced into engaging in sexual acts with an adult figure who you trusted in life. During that time your body, as a natural response, released an orgasm, leaving you immensely befuddled. Afterwards, you then struggle with the inner turmoil of whether you enjoyed the abuse or not. Obviously, you mentally and physically exclaimed a clear and concise, NO! Indicating well enough that you were vehemently against the abuse, yet despite your conspicuous distaste for the sexual acts, there is a lingering, persistent doubt that claims you enjoyed being sexually abused due to the orgasm. As a result, you cave into that doubt and begin enjoying high risk scenarios, flaunting your sexual attributes publicly in order to feel aroused and acquire a dopamine hit. You begin to enjoy being degraded, treated inhumanely as a walking fleshlight and gradually lose all self respect for who you once were. Yet, despite all this, when you lay awake at night, away from manipulative technology, constant noise and distractions, you begin to contemplating. A collage of images, alongside inexplicably distressing emotions flash across your eyes. You remember your past grievances and inherently know that you are delving down the route of self destruction. It hits you all at once, leading you to scream out in despair and rage, having a mental breakdown and requiring medication to slumber like a little goosey. The next day you become an emotional wreck, terrified to confront and acknowledge the terrors of your past. You quickly deduce that this moment of self reflection solely occurs during solitude and since nothing matters at this point, you strive at all costs to blot out the voice of reason and truth. Your brain then becomes engulfed with media, noise, a blank screen, medication, self harm and substance abuse, until all that remains is an emotionally stunted mess, devoid of any innovative, organic thought. Afterwards, you cannot communicate comprehensively, you rely on others to entertain yourself and you always slinker away and elude explaining why you’re like this. For you know that the moment you do, you’ll be subject to a panic attack and the thoughts of despair will inevitably return. All the while this is occurring, you never receive communal support, or even support from family or peers, so instead you delve into the online realm, going on tirades to strangers, being manipulated into sending nudes by them and forever drifting as an emotional wreck. After being manipulated and doxed a few times, you then develop a distrust of people on an individual level and as a result attempt to acclaim internet fame, believing that having 5000 Instagram followers is superior to 5 genuine, real life friends. This then makes you disconnected from others. You develop an inability to interest yourself in small talk, conversing solely about yourself to others and then when you become bored of the individual you’re talking to, you then move onto the next and repeat the process anew, because hey, the internets rife with people who you can exploit for a day or two. This then occurs for years upon years, you encounter many distinct people, who while going on to perform great deeds you never give a second thought, until eventually you encounter an internal crisis. You realise that despite acclaiming online renown, you are worth nothing, that if you died or suddenly disappeared from the online sphere, only a few would grieve and remember you. The only genuine indication that you even existed would be that of a few, sparse Youtube videos, nude photos that adolescents jerk off to, your online aliases and perhaps your dox, depending on how much of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you were. As a result, you panic, realising that your life has amounted to nothing, no merit, no legacy and most significantly no children. Wallowing in despair, your final moments are a wish that you sought help sooner.

Ah, I also forgot to mention, those of the e girl brood have a distinctive animal loving streak. This is because, unlike humans, pets and animals remain identical throughout the course of their lives, perpetually loving their owners and being there for them, irrespective of their appearance or demeanour. To these individuals, a pet is the only mammal that can genuinely be trusted and relied upon. This is why an abundance of e girls, despite bearing an immensely manipulative, or emotionally stunted streak have nought but love for the fluffy critters. This is the main reason why I believe that there is still hope for these people, for they persist in harbouring love in their hearts and haven’t allowed themselves to completely wither away.

Opposing Arguments
The alarming predicament, as represented in the introduction is that despite these people being little more than husks awaiting a funeral pyre, they refuse help. Sure, they drug themselves with Ritalin, anti depressants and the sort, but they do not improve. Instead, they just live a perpetual life of side effects from the prescribed medication and persevere in their self destructive ways. They treat the effect, not the source. What these people need is to self reflect and persevere against their inner daemons, using their own discipline. They will only be able to be cured, or helped by someone who genuinely cares about them, not a psychiatrist or doctor, who’s primary concern is his next paycheck. Unfortunately, these people are understandably distrustful, assuming that anyone who wishes to assist them bears an insidious ulterior motive or wishes to emotionally rupture them for his own amusement. As such, similar to cooking a lobster, you will need to break open their shell with a sledgehammer and then poke about their susceptibilities, to figure them out and hopefully remedy their ailments.


Be wary of their sly ways. Oft, when conversing with one, they may claim a temporary bout of amnesia, or may obstinately refuse to elaborate upon why and how their trauma occurred. Do not be dismayed, it is the natural response of a creature that values nothing in life. The best way to combat their alleged amnesia, is to subtly poke about onto other topics and mentally build up a file on them, note any discrepancies and perhaps even record the exchange to analyse later. By discerning their blatant lies from the truth, you will be able to deduce their personality, flaws and fears.

Assertions that they are fine

When conversing with your target, they may attempt to nonchalantly claim to be emotionally fine, with the past trauma barely impeding them at all. Do not be swayed by the harlots lies, this is false, a complete farce. There are two ways of going about this, you can either be a little ♥♥♥♥♥, agree with them and play a game of Halo, or you can sharply and astutely, albeit not unkindly, decree that their statement is complete and utter ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. For contemplate about it earnestly, would a female that self harms, dyes their hair unnatural colours and who dons nose rings genuinely be mentally stable? Would a drugged up woman that seeks gratification on Battlefield truthfully be bereft of any discontent? I think we can all agree that their statement is dubious at best and deserves immediate reprisal.

Subject Deviation

Never and I mean NEVER, allow them to completely change the subject. If they attempt to deviate the topic, subtly re engineer the conversation back to the original standing point. Before going into a voice call, or even text chat with them, mentally hone your perception and be on the lookout, these cretins will inevitably attempt to steer the conversation away from their insecurities, utilising phrases such as, “This is boring” or “That s a sensitive topic” in an attempt to deter you. You must be sympathetic, albeit firm, pragmatic, with a tinge of recklessness. There are two ways to outsmart the beast. The first attempt is to be blunt and domineering. Since most individuals nowadays don’t have a spine and are unable to assert themselves, you can say something to the extent of, “Well listen here lassie, I don’t give a ♥♥♥♥ about how sensitive this topic is, because you’re still a drongo and need to be fixed.” Alternatively, you utilise the tactics of trickery, consenting to their demands for a topic change and then entertaining them until they are lulled into a calmer state of mind. Once they are less neurotic, reshift the topic back onto the previous subject, perhaps make it light hearted to further alleviate their reluctance.

Thick skin

You may encounter discourse and animosity from them and whatever pedophile is attempting to groom them, however, do not be dismayed. Stand as a bulwark against their insults, dish out your own and remember that above all you are on a Crusade. You are a paragon of virtue, a Hessen rider, a winged Hussar who will reinstall normalcy within their lives. Do not be merciful to the enablers and white knights, for they use their luminescent sceptres to fuel the e girls depravity.
Do not cower against the face of adversity, keep your mind wilful, your mouth sharp and your heart indomitable.

Dealing with these depraved caricatures of woe daily, both in person and online takes its toll on a man. Sometimes I panic, worrying incessantly that I am drifting into the realm of apathy, that next I witness a 16 year old cut her legs, watch a child drag Queen flaunted by thinly veiled pedophiles, or even see an elderly man jumped by a group of hoodlums in the news, I’ll feel nothing, becoming another apathetic member of society, who will stand for nothing and fall for anything. But fortunately, I haven’t, each time I feel that tingle within myself, that pang on my conscience, I feel reassured that I remain human, that my mental state miraculously remains unaltered, unrusted by the passage of time and insanity that I have been dealt with by the open ended palms of fate. Despite my continued mental health remaining relatively normal, I do contemplate at night, attempting to unravel the Gordian Knot, the reason as to why I appear to be a magnet for insanity. Why is it that I have a personal associate celebrating the death of their high school bully from 40 years prior? Why are my underage relatives being exposed to male genitalia by transgenders in the school toilets? Why, starlight runes does this insanity extend into the online realm also? No matter where I go, regardless of the game, App, or chat, I encounter some form of sexual deviant, self harming inbred freak, who tethers themselves to me like a puppy latches himself onto a dinner bowl. Sometimes these individuals hastily block me shortly after, conversation with them simmers down, eventually extinguishing, but the fact remains, the mentally ill are drawn like magnets to my presence, my very aura. Is this your way of testing me oh God almighty? Is this a challenge to determine whether I am worthy in repelling the legions of jewellery clinking degenerates? I believe it must be, God has chosen my entity as a champion of valour, one who has been imbued with a zeal rarely envisioned, one who will never capitulate and will persevere. I may alienate others, they may become put off by my views, my inherent beliefs, but that won’t hamper myself, it will instead spark the contrary. I will harden myself as an iron golem, will continue my Crusade against this ever lapping void until the end days, my healing palms will bring delight to the mentally ill, they will be wrapped in a virtuous, benign light, reaching an epiphany that they previously ruminated to be impossible. However, for traitors and to those who refuse help at the expense of their degrading mental state, rejecting reason in exchange for bliss without hardship, they will not receive mercy. God says to forgive thy neighbour, but those who reject or betray incessantly without remorse are not my neighbours, they are gnarled, wretched abominations who have come to pillage us, stealing our womenfolk and pilfering through the family heirlooms. To those scum I will say one thing, you will be skewered atop a pike, shot in the head with a bullet, or trampled by the hooves of a bison herd. I see fit to mention that this will not be done by my hand, for I am a pacifist, instead the act will be perpetuated by resentful men and women, who are sick of envisioning their friends and relatives being indoctrinated since birth, spoon fed honey scented bile in the hopes that they will contribute to the downfall of society. The common man will be the ones to fight in the tourney, holding aloft a garden gnome, a rusted spade, or driving a forklift down the city streets, performing the gruesome dance of carnage upon our prideful cities. Then there will be the heralds, such as myself, the warriors of valour who will fight with quill and pen, megaphone and jukebox, the ones who will spur passion into the masses and will provide a morsel of hope that the calamity in our society will inevitably end. Ladies and gentleman, this is why I fight, in the belief that we will emerge from the end of the tunnel free, albeit scathed.

I fight for the men I’ve held in my arms, they’re faces ragged and worn. I fight for their families and friends, who’s names were once recounted by them with joy. I fight for those who step foot outside their houses one day, only to find their country full of strangers wearing familiar faces. I fight for my people beaten down since youth, manipulated into rejecting their heritage in exchange for another, the people whose ancestors are branded as bloodthirsty, crazed criminals. I fight so that all the wars and conflicts our ancestors fought and died for hasn’t been for nothing. I fight because I must.

✟DEUS✟ Gunnulf Dec 17, 2021 @ 10:30am 
It is woeful to my dreary eyes to envision the gentler sex fall prey to Battlefield 2042. Why aren't they embracing their natural born roles of childbirth, instead of lingering about on this niche, universally despised game?