Stuck In Time

Stuck In Time

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Quick Tips for Leveling Tiles
By Yoshi, M.D.
Since this game relies on running the same tiles over and over in consecutive loops, you want to ensure that your hero is stepping on the same tiles as often as possible, sometimes even at the detriment of back-tracking.
Intuitive and Efficient Set-ups

You may be inclined to have your starting loop lay-out look like this, but it is incredible inefficient for leveling your tiles as your loops progress. This pathing has 8 commands.

This path hits the exact same landmarks and costs 10 commands, 2 more than previously. You have the upside of double-dipping the T-intersection tiles to get double exp per loop.
Excessive Interactions, Extra Exp
Firefly tiles require time (and thus mana) to interact with, so in your early loops, don't be afraid to add extra interactions, even if they don't replenish extra mana. In the starting zone, you don't need to interact with fireflies for more than 1 or 2 times, hitting it a third time will be extra exp at the cost of a second.
kitayozamonk Jan 27, 2022 @ 9:20am 
Efficient pathing is much more important than exp gain on a single tile. if you have to walk 1 extra tile to return to your common path - it might be worth it. 2 or more - just tread new path, it will rapidly catch up to your most used one and you'll have higher efficiency overall.
mac6464 Jan 11, 2022 @ 4:39am 
The most time efficient way to level tiles is to only hit them once a loop. This is not openly revealed by the game, but you get a 3x multiplier for the first time you complete an action for each tile each loop. So a short loop that quickly hits each action once is very efficient. Later in the game, when you have long loops to even reach a point, grinding becomes more practical, but you will only really want to grind skills and NPCs multiple times in a single loop.

I do agree with the idea of using a consistent path to your various destinations, but adding extra tiles at the start of the game is a good way to make a loop fall short of your goal...

@WhosYourDaddy It is possible to break the fence on the very first loop and then reach the next firefly. I have created a loop that lets me break the fence and sacrifice three rats on loop zero, but no one could do that without knowledge of the hidden map.
CaptObvious Dec 11, 2021 @ 3:34pm 
An example: {LINK REMOVED}
CaptObvious Dec 11, 2021 @ 3:30pm 
Also, don't be afraid to level up different stats on different loops. It may be beneficial to level up heart on farming loops instead of spirit so that you up the game speed.
CaptObvious Dec 11, 2021 @ 3:27pm 
WhosYourDaddy: You can save up to 12 different loops with the "save" and "load" buttons above the commands list. You can save specific loop setups and name them, so you can farm expensive tiles like the fence, fireflies, rats, green altar etc. This will help you progress. Then you can save your "main" progression loop elsewhere (I use loop 1 as my progression loop).
Shadourow Dec 10, 2021 @ 9:31am 
Hey, while you aren't wrong in this guide, imo, this is pretty naive :

Leveling tiles has sharply decreasing rewards, so that the intuitive pathing will actually almost always be better than your farming pathing.

The same is true for farming with excessive interaction, while it's not useless, you're better off just doing normal runs and progressing everything at the same time

That way, you're not spending huge ammont of time for a 2% efficiency increase of a single tile, resulting in a net benefice of 1 mana
CaptainRedBeard Dec 10, 2021 @ 8:27am 
As you build up familiarity with the tiles you'll be able to go further and do more. It definitely has idle game aspects where you might just need to setup a loop, and walk away
WhosYourDaddy Dec 9, 2021 @ 11:10pm 
This game is so hard .. I can get out the gate but don't have any mana left for the next firefly .. it's crazy hard