Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite

292 ratings
Halo Infinite: Achievement Guide
By Psychedelic Adventurer
A full list of achievements available in Halo Infinite. *Work in progress*


Here we go boys and girls, I can't believe it's finally happening.

Halo Infinite is launching! and a little earlier than expect.
  • This Guide won't be what I usually do. Usually, it's the whole product, in one go. But obviously, we've found ourselves blessed with the Multiplayer section being introduced a month earlier than the campaign. I shall endeavor to make this guide as complete as possible. However, be aware than the campaign segments will not be finished until the 8th December, at the earliest.

  • Most of the Multiplayer Achievements are simple challenges, designed to make sure you use the full bredth of the sandbox to it's fullest. So most of them you'll probably get by accident.
And with that all out of the way, let's dive right in!!!

For a complete overview of my Halo Guides, please see here:
- Customisation & Training
Customary Play a custom game. - Simply boot up a custom game. It doesn't have to have any other player but yourself in the match, so this will be one of the first ones you'll want to do. Remember to end the game and not alt-f4.

Get the Popcorn View a clip in theater. - All you have to have done is play a game prior to this. Go to the theater mode, and boot up a recording. As soon as it boots up, your achievement will pop.

Getting Strong Now Launch into Training Mode for the first time. - Infinite's new testing ground for new comers, simply boot up 'Academy' from the main menu and go into the the training mode..

Sparring Partners Change any training mode option. - Simply jump into the training mode, hit 'training options to change your loadout, and pick a different weapon.

Just the Two of Us Access your Personal AI. - Jump into the Tutorial. Watch the cutscene, follow the marker down to where you can pick up your AI. Done!

Make a Little More Noise Grab a power weapon from the Tutorial armoury. - This one is actually very easy to miss. In the Tutorial, after getting your AI, simply carry on until you get to the marksmen training. Finish that, then immediately go back the way you've come into the weapon room. Grab a sniper or any other power weapon out of the weapon lockers. Or

Greased Lightning Complete the Movement Yard in under 25 seconds. - When you come to the assault bit (getting MW vibes?, I did), just cruise through as fast as you can. The 25 second time isn't strict so just do it a few times to get an idea of what you need to do, then blast it out. The first time around doesn't count.

Doing Your Part Complete the Tutorial. - Just follow the guidelines, nothing too fancy. It's going to be a long ride!!

Sharpshooter Complete a Weapon Drill. - Simply go into the weapon drill section, and do any weapon drill. Best to get 3 stars, because it will count towards the next achievement.

Deadeye Earn 3 stars in a Weapon Drill. - Not really difficult. Just try and pace your shots, and account for recoil.

Augmented Earn 3 stars in 5 Tier 3 Weapon Drills. The same advise for the last one works here. Pace your shoots, and learn the ins and outs of the weapons. The easiest weapons to get 3Stars on are the Assault Rifle, Sniper, and BattleRifle (in my humble opinion.

Passion for Fashion Wear a new armor customization item. - Just navigate through the menu: Customise > Armour Hall > Pick your Spartan > Change it's colour. Yeah, that easy.

I'm Ready, How 'Bout You? Change your Spartan's look in the Customise menu. - This one isn't obvious. You have to go through Customise > Body&AI. There you can change your body type. Simply change the dial one metre, and you'll get the achievement.

"Need a Weapon?" Try out a new weapon customization item. - Customise > Weapons Bench > Pick any gun that you have a new skin on, and change it. Boom!!

Reporting for Duty Change your Spartan Tag. - Customise > Spartan ID > Change your ID. Fun fact..I've been using the same ID since Halo 3. God I'm old.

Which One of Us is the Machine? Get and equip a new AI. - Customise > Body&AI > Change your AI. 'Boop'!!!

That Thing on the Left is the Brake Test drive a new vehicle customisation. - Customise > Vehicle Bay > Pick a vehicle you have a new skin with, and change it. Done!
- Battlepass
Clocking In Complete a Daily Challenge. Simply complete a daily challenge in MP. This will be one of first achievements you'll get.

We Have a Job For You Complete a Weekly Challenge. - Just an extension of the daily challenge, usually a bit hard. This will will require a bit more time. Just keep playing and you'll crack it!

Humble Beginnings Complete one level in a Battle Pass. - You earn levels in the Battlepass by completing challenges. Simply play the game, and you'll unlock this quickly.

Battle Tested Complete a Battle Pass. - Obviously this one is going to take a while. Reports are that you can finish this with the FP2 battlepass, so you don't have to have finished a paid version. This one is going to take some time. Simply complete your daily, and weekly challenges as fast as possible. Luckily, the battlepass, if you have the full version, does not expire - so you can grind to your hearts content.

Limited Addition Complete a Limited Time Challenge. - At the time of writing this, the only way to earn this is by completing all of the Weekly Challenges, and then subsequently the Weekly Ultimate challenge. - You can get this also from the Fracture event challenges. - This can be a bit time consuming and involve some luck because some of the challenges can get very specific. Be aware that not all of the weekly challenges are active at once, you can view your Upcoming Challenges too, which will swap in once you complete the active ones. After you complete all of them and there are no upcoming ones left, then the Ultimate challenge will kick in. This is the one you need to unlock the achievement.

- Challenges
You're Up, Rook' Play a Ranked Match. - Easy enough right? You don't have to place high; just that you finish the game.

All About the Grind Finish Ranked Placement Matches. - Play Ranked matches 10 times. After finishing the 10th match you will get ranked based upon your performance. Be aware, you cannot quit out of these matches if you want to get placed.

Peak Performance Earn 2,000 score in a matchmade game. - Not as hard as it sounds once you see how many points you rack up. The easiest way to get this is to jump into BTB.

Sick Burn Kill an enemy with the Ravager's charged shot in a matchmade game. - Just hold down the fire button when you're using the Ravagers, one of the new weapon in Halo's sandbox. This will fire a gigantic plasma ball, and usually melt anything that's in your way. Try and find someone with weak shields; that's almost certain a one shot kill.

Brutality Kill an enemy with melee using a bladed weapon in a matchmade game. - You have to kill someone with basically any Brute weapon - they're the ones' with the spikey bitz on the front). That includes the Mangler, Skewer, Shock Rifle, and Ravager. Your first guess, the Energy sword doesn't unlock the achievement.

Natural Formation Location Sensation Gain access to a loot cave in a matchmade game. Currently only able to get if you're playing Big-Team-Battle. On the map Fragmentation (first BTB map), run to the centre of the map where the forerunner structure is, and use your AI to hack through the door. This will have powerful items in to help your team. Once the door opens, the achievement will pop!

Kebab! Destroy an enemy vehicle with the Skewer in a matchmade game. The hardest part of this achievement will be be actually getting the skewer. Once you have acquired it however, simply wait for a vehicle to come around, and pop a shot off, which will almost always be a one-hit kill.

MEDIC! Revive 3 allies in a matchmade Elimination round. [Current not possible in Matchmaking]

One Shot, Top Mid! Mark an enemy located at "Top Mid" in a matchmade game. Simply mark an enemy (X on Keyboard, down on D-Pad on xbox) who is in the call zone of 'Top Mid'. For example, on 'Aquarius', the middle of the map where the power-up spawns. Enemies in Slayer tend to clump up around the power weapons at the start of the game, so try and get it the. Also works with Bots.

Party Bus Earn "Mount Up" in a Razorback in a matchmade game. - This is getting a vehicle from empty to full of allies after honking. There is a fair degree of confusion surrounding this one. So far it seems like you must honk the horn once, and have 2+ Spartans enter the vehicle.

A Fellow of Infinite Jest Kill three enemies with the ball in a matchmade Oddball game. Highly advice playing Bot MP until you get an OddBall game. It's much easier to kill bots than players now that it takes two hits to kill.

Skyhook Shot "Grapplejack" an enemy flying vehicle in a matchmade game. Pretty self-explanatory. This one is definitely one to do in BTB. Simply grapple on to a vehicle when you have the equip. It must however, be a flying vehicle: aka, a Wasp or Banshee.

Enemies Everywhere! Mark 3+ enemies at once in a matchmade game. - Pinging or marking an item, location, or an enemy is simple, you just need to press 'X' on PC, by default. If you are playing on an Xbox console, you can use the d-pad . You will receive a feedback sound that indicates that you have successfully marked something. Simply do this 3 times.

New Kid on the Block Earn "Perfect" with a VK78 Commando in a matchmade game. This one will come with time. The best thing you can do is practice on the training range on lvl3. When it comes to actually fighting players, try and aim downrange at the body for 4 shots, then aim the 5th for the head. This might even pop early if you're just playing the game.

Secret Stash Place an item in the Razorback's storage in a matchmade game. Best done in Stockpile. There is space to attach two power seeds into the back of the Razorback (plus the driver, gunner, and passanger). Easy win!

Zone Ranger Secure 5 zones in a matchmade Strongholds game. Just jump into BTB and cap a few. It will be easier when you have some support from teammates.

Do You Even Gift? Drop a Power Weapon for an ally in a matchmade game. For this, all you need to do is have an equipped weapon from your invent be dropped, and have another team member pick it up (remember to make sure you've bound the drop weapon button).

Bomb Returned Repel an enemy grenade with the Repulsor in a matchmade game. Seems to be a little glitchy. Simply acquire the Repulsor equipment; engage and enemy, and hope they throw out a nade. You might take a few death waiting for someone to throw one, but eventually you'll get it.

Working Remote
Pick up a weapon using the Grappleshot in a matchmade game. Get the Grappleshot. Fire it at a weapon on the ground or at a spawn station. Done.

Control Freak Assist in capturing all zones that lead to a score in a matchmade Total Control game. Again, this one will probably just pop while playing the game. If you want to brute force it however, I a team is strongly advised for better coordination. The gamemode 'Total Control' is another variant found in the BTB playlist.

Peeker's Disadvantage "Back Smack" an enemy who is zoomed in with a scoped weapon in a matchmade game. This will more than likely happen at random. But a good place to do it is on BTB. You can get the drop on a lot of snipers if you run behind enemy lines and take advantage of the campers.
- Challenges (cont.)
Back to the Chopper Earn "Splatter" with a Brute Chopper in a matchmade game. Currently, BTB is the only mode with Choppers on the map. Splattering is a lot easier than it used to be in Halo games, so all you need to do is get a glanced blow on a Spartan to kill them. Aim for people who haven't seen you, since hijacking also seems to be more forgiving than it used to be. The up side however, is that the game will drop off quite a few Choppa's throughout a match, so you'll have plenty of time to get it.

Multi-class Racer Drive 4 unique vehicles in a matchmade game. Another one for BTB. Simply jump into Fragmentation - and they'll be plenty of vehicles to drive. Just grab 4 different ones' during the play session.

They See Me Rollin Spectate an ally that is driving a Warthog or Razorback in a matchmade game. This one will be hard for those Halo Gods around here. You have to Die... Then just cycle through the player cameras until you find one in a Warthog or Razorback. Done!

Watt Say You? Earn "Chain Reaction" with a Shock Rifle in a matchmade game. - This one is going to be very difficult. In order to get a "Chain Reaction" medal, you must kill an enemy with the secondary damage from the Shock Rifle which arks from the original target. This is one of those ones that's only going to happen by sheer luck. The easiest way to get it is to have two enemies standing next to each other, with one with knocked shields, and the other full. Two full shots to the shielded one will kill the weakened Spartan. If you're lucky however, It would be advisable to try and find someone who is simply AFK, drop a weapon by them, melee them, then shoot the weapon, since the ark comes off dropped inanimate objects.

Running Laps Capture the flag twice in a matchmade Capture the Flag game. - You'll get this purely by playing CTF, and have a modicum of skill. There isn't much to say on this, given the procedural nature of every game. Obviously having a team help you will vastly improve your chances.

Straight to the Bank Deposit 5 Power Seeds in a matchmade Stockpile game. A variant of BTB, 'StockPile' is a really fun new mode. Your team must collect 'Power Seeds', and score by putting them into your base; while the other team does the same. This one is a lot easier than 'Running Laps' because there are a lot more Seeds up for grabs. Remember that the enemy team can actually retrieve Power Seeds from your base and return them to there's. Sneaky! Another tip, the razor can help you bring all 5 seeds back to your base in one journey.

Slaying with Style Earn a Mythic Medal in a matchmade game. - This one might confused long time series veterans. A 'Mythic medal' is simply a higher-tier medal. You can currently do this in a Matchmaking Bot-match. So just hop in and try and get one mythic medal. Here is a complete list: Overkill: Kill 4 enemies in rapid succession. (and any multikill medal OK) Running Riot: Kill 15 enemies without dying. (and any spree medals above RR) Ninja: Kill an enemy by jumping over them and backsmacking them. Fastball: Kill an enemy with the impact from a thrown grenade (basically, kill an enemy by hitting them with a grenade, NOT by the grenade's explosion) Perfection: Win a game with 15 or more kills and no deaths. Quigley: Kill 2 or more enemies with a single round from the S7 Sniper. Remote Detonation: Kill an enemy by shooting a grenade.
👑 Click Here [TBC]
First Contact Lost, and found.
Together. Again? Explore the underbelly of Zeta Halo and retrieve a weapon to turn the tide of this conflict.
Ascension Defeat the Banished warlord Tremonius.
Zeta Fight your way through Outpost Tremonius and step out onto the surface of Zeta Halo.
Fallen Follow the UNSC signal to a Banished stronghold called the Tower. Find the source. Get out alive.
Unearthed Shut down the Banished mining laser and gain access to the Conservatory.
Hunter. Killer. Defeat the Hunter pair stationed at the base of the Spire.
Pelican Down Shut down the first Spire and stop Zeta's Reformation before it's too late.
One Down… Destroy a Banished anti-aircraft gun.
Brothers Grim Take down the Spartan Killers Hyperius and Tovarus.
Light the Way Reach the Beacons, assemble the Sequence, and gain access to the Command Spire.
What Will It Take? Enter the Nexus and learn the secrets of the Spires. Trust is a fragile thing, isn't it?
Hear These Words! Infiltrate the Command Spire and put an end to the Reformation.
Together. Again. A friend is in danger and time is running out. It's time to face your past and save your future.
Reckoning Storm the House of Reckoning.
Legends At the end he was just a soldier. Hoping he'd done the right thing.
Too Many Goodbyes Defeat the Harbinger. Confront the truth.
Evasive Maneuvers Unlock the Thruster ability.
Grab Some Cover Unlock the Drop Wall ability.
Visionary Unlock the Threat Sensor ability.
Thrusters On Full Fully upgrade the Thruster ability.
Impervious Fully upgrade the Drop Wall ability.
Big Brother Fully upgrade the Threat Sensor ability.
Set a Fire in Your Heart Complete the main campaign.

Difficulty Specific
Bare Your Fangs Complete the main campaign on Normal difficulty.
Fight Hard, Die Well Complete all main campaign missions on Heroic difficulty.
A True Test of Legends Complete all main campaign missions on Legendary difficulty.

Headmaster Complete all main missions on Legendary with all Skulls active.

Forza Veloce Complete all 14 main missions in under eight hours.
👑Click Here [TBC]
Temporary Post: This guide will indexed with this other one I am writing currently. This section of the achievement guide will be integrated for maximum clarity: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2675714772
Outpost Discovery Complete a Banished outpost.
Bunker Buster Complete all seven Banished outposts.
There are 13 Banished Outposts in the game, but 5 are essential Missions. So only you only have to complete the 7 optional ones.

Reclaimer Capture your first Forward Operating Base.
Resurgency Capture all available Forward Operating Bases.
There are 12 FOB around the map. Unlocking each one will unlock a new fast travel point, as well as the opotunity to recruit unsuspecting Marines to be your meatshield. You'll be able to grab all of them all once you've unlocked Region 4.

Who is Max Valor? Complete all Valor-awarding activities. To unlock this one, you need to have complete all of the following activities:
  • Clear out every Banished outpost
  • Complete every UNSC Squad distress call
  • Destroy all 40 Propaganda Towers
  • Complete all main story missions.

We're On Our Way Answer a UNSC distress call.

No One Left Behind Answer all UNSC distress calls.
These are pinned down Squads which will either be, A. Fighting for their lives, or B. Tied up. Rescue them to get Valor.

Headhunter Eliminate a Banished High-Value Target.
Bloodstars' Bane Eliminate all 15 Banished High-Value Targets.
These Targets are little around the map, with 15 in total. A lot of them can take a punch, so sometimes it's a good idea to cheese them out. They'll also reward you some unique weapons.

Please Shut Up Take out a Banished Propaganda Tower.
Off the Air Destroy 40 Banished Propaganda Towers.
Propaganda Towers are towers that broadcast a grunt talking mad-sh** at the UNSC, and usually you. Can't let that stand. Them blow up with one well placed sticky nade. They are usually guarded by enemies. These will appear on your map when you capture an FOB.

Gun Runner Take down all three Banished AA guns in under 20 minutes.

Passing the Gas Kill a Grunt that's been thrown by a Brute.

Nosebleed Check out the best possible view.

Those Wonderful Toys Successfully use the Grappleshot 50 times.
Aegis Fate Deploy the Drop Wall 50 times.
All-Seeing I Use the Threat Sensor 50 times.
Run Rabbit, Run Use the Thruster 50 times.
Wait, I Can Throw Those? Throw 50 fusion coils.
Wanna Have a Catch? Stick 50 enemies with grenades.
You'll get most of these by the end of game, especially the Grapple hook. Once you're done, just spam out the rest you need to finish.

Whip-Riding the Ghost Use the Grappleshot to board an enemy Ghost.

Bring Shiela Home Safely Get the Scorpion all the way to the "House" without it blowing up.

Wars with Friends Bring some rescued UNSC Marines along for the ride into a main mission.

Takes One to Make One Splatter an enemy with a Ghost.
Dispatches From the Front Access your first UNSC Audio Log.

Canon Collector Unlock all UNSC Audio Logs.

Two Sides to Every Story Access your first Banished Audio Log.

Know Your Enemy Unlock all Banished Audio Logs.

Infinity Down Access your first Spartan Audio Log.

Rubicon Protocol Unlock all Spartan Audio Logs.

Hidden Experience Locate and secure a Spartan Core.

Mjolnir Master Acquire all Spartan Cores.

Getting Defensive Fully upgrade your Energy Shields.

Reaching Out Fully upgrade the Grappleshot.

Money in the Bank Access your first Mjolnir Armor Locker.

Armory Amore Access all 34 Mjolnir Armor Lockers.

Eld Aficionado Scan a Forerunner Artifact.

Haruspis Scan all seven Forerunner Artifacts.

Headstrong Discover your first hidden Skull.
Catacomb Discover all hidden Skulls.
There are 12 Skulls in the game, 8 of which can be grabbed in the Open world, and 4 in Missions. These are all found in hard to reach locations, so refer to my Collectibles Guide for the locations.
- Change Log-
--15/11/21: Guide Published
--To Do - Finish off MP achievements
--16/11/21: Overhauled title card, adding achievements, added info on achivements.
--19-21/11/21: Added all missing achievements.

The Russian translation of this guide can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2655739332
So there we are ladies and gentleman. Obviously there is a long way to go with this guide. I'll be updating it as quickly as possible. I'm not going to rush out some half baked guide that doesn't have the right factual information, so stand by for a full mulitplayer overview in the next few days.

Don't worry guys, this isn't my first time. ;)

Petrichor Jan 18, 2022 @ 12:40pm 
Medic achievement is now possible to get. Looks like its a limited time game mode, if your team "runs out of respawns" and then someone dies, you can revive them.
Lier52 Dec 6, 2021 @ 7:00am 
@Redhawk, if it is like any previous game, beating it on a higher difficulty will complete the achievement for lower difficulties. For Armor Lockers I am going to base it on previous games as well, kinda. I would suspect that you'd need to find the 34 unique ones, but it wouldn't need to be on the same play-through as long as each one is found. I doubt you'd be able to find the first one 34 times.

As for threat sensor, I want to say that's like other games where its multiple play through, but armor ability usage would be easy to grind as they just regen over time in the campaign.
Relyks2000 Dec 6, 2021 @ 5:43am 
Nobody may be able to answer some of these questions about the campaign since it isn't even out yet but I'm new to the Halo world so I thought maybe some good guesses would be possible based on the past games and achievements.
1. When it mentions having to finish the game on different difficulty levels, does that mean literally do each of the difficulty levels? Or may it mean that finishing on higher difficulty also satisfies the lower achievements?
2. When it says things like "Use the Threat Sensor 50 times" or "Access all 34 Mjolnir Armor Lockers" will those likely have to be achieved in one playthrough? Or do you think they add up over multiple playthroughs?
Zachary3D Dec 5, 2021 @ 1:09pm 
I've been following your guides for the Halo: MCC, and they've been amazing!

Thank you for all the hard work.
Read the Bible Dec 4, 2021 @ 10:43pm 
Jesus loves you! I warn you of your sins, repent and believe the Gospel! If you love Him then keep His commandments! MAKE THE CHOICE, JESUS OR THE WORLD, JESUS IS ETERNAL, THE WORLD IS PASSING AWAY.
Gladiator Dec 2, 2021 @ 11:35pm 
The game still crashes why crashing after 3 weeks. Grinding ranked and losing it instantly due to crash
Psychedelic Adventurer  [author] Dec 2, 2021 @ 12:49am 
Updates and further guides might be a little delayed due to an ulcer in my eye. I’ll try and “SEE” how it goes hue hue hue.
Hugoku Nov 30, 2021 @ 4:42pm 
The achievement 'All About the Grind' is duplicated.
Psychedelic Adventurer  [author] Nov 28, 2021 @ 3:55am 
Hope everyone is enjoying getting their wallets rinsed by 343 today with the Tenrai Event.

Re: Further Halo Guides.

- Once Halo Infinite's campaign drops, I'll be adding the rest of the Achievements as close to launch as possible (casual finish date being December 9th-10th, depending on how much time my Spouse will let me devote to it - I know, cucked)

- At the same time, a collectibles guide with Skulls, Towers, Mjolnir Armour Lockers, Forerunner artefacts, etc will be published as a compliment to this Guide.

- A Halo Competitive Guide is being written at this moment. No release date for this one, but I'm hoping to get it out before the campaign releases.

~Peace :Corinthian:
Petrichor Nov 24, 2021 @ 4:26pm 
@Captain John Price and @Amygdala, if you are talking about the "Zone Ranger" achievement, capturing a stronghold is not the same as securing a stronghold. You do NOT have to capture 5 strongholds. You have to wait for an enemy to be taking a stronghold that your team has captured (you will see the blue - if you have default colors on - point with a red outline going around it, which is telling you that an enemy is taking the point), and then you have to get inside the point (contesting it) and either kill the enemy, or make them jump off of the point. You will get a pop up on your screen telling you "zone secured" (as the red outline will go away, and it will return to a fully blue zone). You have to do this 5 times in one game. I believe that this works in bot lobbies as well. I hope this makes sense, as it is kinda hard to explain.