To The Rescue!

To The Rescue!

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Tips & tricks in To The Rescue!
robak 님이 작성
Bunch of useful information that will help you take care of your shelter more efficiently.
즐겨찾기 해제
Adoption process
A stranger walked into your shelter and wants to adopt a dog. What should you keep in mind?

1. Every customer has a certain level of willingness that is assigned to them, making them easy or hard to persuade. You won't know how willing is the person until you will go through the whole adoption process. With that in mind, I recommend to choose dogs that have a hefty amount of stars & those who match the description providen by the customer. If they want cropped ears, get a dog with cropped ears.

2. It is recommended to get your skills ready for those who are not very convinced of adoption. Making them play with the dogs by the cost of some time can greatly increase the willingness, thus making you part with one of the dogs. There is also option to persuade, which will reduce your reputation, but increase the willingness. You can also emphasise a trait for one dog - you can select the dog using left and right key.
How to increase stars in dogs?
1. The most important part is - VACCINATION. I know, it may be a little bit pricey at the start, but boy do I recommend it. Not only it will make diseases non existent in your shelter, if you vaccinate a dog with all 4 vaccinations, they'll get one bonus star enabled. You need to keep care of the dog to let it be full though.

2. Take care of the dog's needs. If you press inspect a dog, you can see every need. It's important to keep the needs as high as you can - if not, you can get one star dirty dog from four star dog.

3. Make the dogs happy! You can do it by creating playgrounds and outdoor kennels. You need to invest some skill points in that first though. How to play with dog when you have already created playground? You need to unleash the dog first (clicking RMB) and then equip the ball that is laying on the ground, and click with it on the dog. If you manage to make bar full, the dog happiness will be bigger, filling a star.
Important tips for the game
1. By holding SHIFT while buying items at Riberta's Pet Emporium you can by one click buy 10 of the items you want to buy.

2. When finishing the adoption process, click on the show kennels with the ribbon you previously used to make dog come to the show kennel. It will automatically teleport dogs to their assigned kennels, so you don't have to run around and waste time with making sure that the dogs are where they should be.

3. When bathing a dog, if you leave the bathtub with the dog in it while you're washing them, the bar will automatically finish with the speed you left it with. - you don't have to unlock the automatic scrubber in order to do that. It's a bug.

4. At the start of the game, you can leash up to two dogs using your starter leash. Just select the other dog and click it using LMB while holding shift!

5. At Riberta's Pet Emporium, you can buy additional leash and pockets, making you be able to carry more things at the same time and leash more dogs! If you struggle with your low equipment or you want to leash more dogs, go ahead and buy the upgrades. Additional ones can be bought using your skill points.

6. In building mode, you can rotate kennels, doors and other things using E & Q.

How to set up and make use of Foster care?
Foster homes will unlock when you get a quest from the Mayor. First, you need to pay 500 coins to unlock it. Then, when you have it unlocked, you can reach it by going to the dog log. You can increase the amount of foster homes available to you by planning out events that states it will add more foster homes added. You can also gain foster homes randomly during the day.

Foster homes helps you manage more dogs at once by making them disappear from your shelter and be, well, in foster home. You don't have to worry about caring for dogs there, since they're automatically managed. It's random when exactly dog staying at foster home will get adopted. Each foster has a random reliability assigned and can have some restrictions. It means you cannot put dogs that have a certain trait to that foster, for example foster restricting barky dogs won't take dogs with the trait barky to care for. I believe that dogs with restrictions won't show up on the list of dogs to choose from, so you don't have to worry about it!
Let's say you managed to get some volunteers for foster home. So, how exactly can you put dogs into foster care? You need to choose dog from the list, then click the big house saying comfirm on the right side.

And now, it's waiting time!
댓글 14
weirdgirl1027 2023년 8월 9일 오후 2시 55분 
If you want to give someone their missing dog back or give a dog to someone when they decide to adopt it, you need to left-shift click the person with the dog on the leash. For some reason, just normally clicking the person with the dog won't do anything.
Daisymeadow 2022년 11월 21일 오후 7시 18분 
How do you change the wallpaper in the lobby? ive tried many times but it doesnt work!
Taracotta711 2022년 6월 11일 오후 5시 21분 
Is there any way to take a dog out of foster care?
megmccoy2 2022년 5월 6일 오후 7시 06분 
I can't get into any of my games. Do you have any suggestions why?
Abbey :) 2022년 1월 15일 오후 2시 31분 
I am a little confused as to when I will be able to unlock break rooms? I am on week 4 and have read through most of the skill tree but still nothing?
Gray 2022년 1월 15일 오전 12시 06분 
how you guys get that option ? I play story for 2 weeks[in game] and still hot no foster network nor skill tree
Carls 2022년 1월 1일 오전 6시 58분 
Is there a way to give someone their missing dog? I found her dog but when i leashed it to give it to her she wouldnt take it, I then placed it in the show room and nothing either.
sweetie25.lm 2021년 12월 26일 오후 5시 50분 
I cant get through the day, It gets stuck after the adoption process
nigete 2021년 12월 22일 오전 5시 15분 
I cant finish the day and i don't really understan why. What to do if i have overtime?
robak  [작성자] 2021년 11월 16일 오전 1시 04분 
Yes, the bugs are pretty frequent. I was also affected by that, also customers not showing up. Are you playing on the current patch? The balance of rates in the current patch should help this issue. If not, I can suggest try replaying the day or restarting the game. I recommend joining To The Rescue!'s Discord server, you can report bugs there straight to the team.