Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

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Survival master SP / Co-op - Extra tips for main maps
By Randoom™ and 3 collaborators
Some short, but probably useful extra tips I've learned in my experience getting those golds on the main maps!
  • Deep hole
Just dont kill the kleers and focus on everything else first while dodging them kleers, simple :)

  • Green Field
Focus on kamikazes first, keep on dodging kleers and maybe only kill them when a new wave message appears.
Don't go to far into the hills or you'll regret it.

  • Bear City
The 3 structures in the front can block all projectiles except mechanoid missiles!

Use your sniper whenever possible to take out bulls, kleers and curcubitos. And try to use the turrets when the curcubitos start spawning since one of the keys to this map is getting the timing of the turrets and cannons right.

  • Icelander
Try to keep on avoiding as many kleers AND curcubitos as you can, and focus on everything else first, bulls and reptiloids especially when they spawn. Grab the ammo backpacks on the way and use those grenades wisely.

  • Death From Above
The trick to this map is going in an "8" shape, passing by the middle to pick up ammo and health, and using the grenade launcher most of the time (cannon especially when bulls align and also for mechanoids / that reptiloid you hate the most)

CO-OP: dividing the number of enemies for each player by each one staying at each one of the corners of the map can work decently well too.

  • Bend on Sand
The one you may have come to this guide for, at least you can memorize what exactly is coming in this map.

You could use a good balance between rockets and grenades to clear the first wave,
or have better chances at the end by using a combination of your knife and minigun/revolvers
to take out kleers/gnars and soldiers/kamikazes respectively; however Gnars in this part can be exceptionally annoying for making kleers more "drifty" and acting as walls so don't be afraid to kill some of them with the minigun/rockets too.

Attempt to kill the first wave of mechas without using your cannon and mostly with your grenade launcher and see about using your minigun to destroy those mecha rockets that may kill you, and start using your minigun a lot more from when the reptiloids spawn onwards because these bastards are a pain, deal with them ASAP and don't be afraid to use your cannon, there's a handy guide explaining how to kill all of them at one side or the other with a single cannon shot:
Also another very important tip: attempt to your best of your abilities to DODGE and not kill the bulls unless absolutely necessary, as killing them respawns them while youre in that wave, and i'd say this is vital to know for when you reach this stage.
If you did everything correctly you should have enough ammo to survive those extra seconds you need for the gold and then some, but you will still need to practice quite a bit to get it right!

CO-OP: Taking into account the previous tips, too many people can make this hell if kleer's health gets to high; also some people should dedicate themselves in lining up and killing those reptiloids with their cannons when they spawn, while others/one other aggroes and dodges the bulls.
enough people should save enough rockets, bullets and maybe cannons to be able to survive the last harpy and highlander wave, would be best if people start pre-firing their rockets at the 4 Minute mark where the highlander will spawn.

  • Kleer Base

Say your prayers :)

As some people pointed out in other guides too, this is a very random map kleer-spawn wise so doing this legit will take many attempts, you can try staying in one of the 4 walled thingies and go around in circles with your chainsaw and be careful when newly spawned kleers run up behind you through one of the openings.

You could also try and hide behind a certain pillar so most kleers get stuck somewhere and use your chainsaw to deal with stragglers

CO-OP: 2-4 people could stay in their own structure to divide a bit the number of kleers between each player

It's also possible for 1 player to glitch on the wall where the Kleers can't reach, as far as I know it only works in one specific spot, the details are in this video:

Hope some of these tips are useful to you in making this achievement more manageable, and always remember: practice makes perfect!
Kure 'Tesum Sep 28, 2023 @ 4:10pm 
I got the Survival Master Achievement, finally! Now i have to get it again but this time for COOP Survival
OskoLok May 8, 2022 @ 6:57am 
Thanks boys!