Kill The Bad Guy

Kill The Bad Guy

Not enough ratings
100% Level Completion of 1-60 + Bonus
A guide to help you 100% all levels with 6 stars
This guide is a compilation of videos and instructions that focus on 100% level completion with 6 stars. However, it does not focus on grindy achievements. I put this together because there isn't a thorough and complete guide of all levels in a single location and I wanted this game to be more approachable to those who own it or are stuck like I was.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so wherever I can I'll add images or video instructions on how to complete a level. Some of these videos I was able to find online, so credit goes to mad deevo, SparkLy, and Menjood.

If you need more help or clarification please feel free to comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and update this guide.
Levels 1 - 10, Zombies!
Level 1 - 5

Level 6 - 10

Bonus: Zombies
  • Passport is beneath the car, save the car till near the end to get kills
  • Tooth is with the last zombie
  • Try to aim with the javelin to get multiple kills and save the saw blades until you have a few zombies in your path.
  • To get the secondary objective, save 6 pieces of ammunition and at least 1 of each type
Levels 11 - 20, Angry Dogs
Level 11 - 15

Level 16 - 20

Bonus: Angry Dogs
After many attempts I found the best and most consistent way to do it in 2 shots is by using the slingshot position
  • Collect passport beneath 2nd closest bad guy, on the door
  • Full power, have the slingshot bottom corner touch the ground as in the image below and release. Be sure to collect the tooth that flies out of the first kill
  • Full power, have the slingshot top corner touch the ground as in the image below and release.
Levels 21 - 30, Lemmings
Level 21 - 25

Level 26 - 30

Bonus: Lemmings
Mechanics: Select instructions from the bottom of the screen and place them on the lemmings to guide them to the end
  • 1. Select "Right" instruction on first lemming near the start next to the barricade
  • 2. Select "Mine Tool" on 2nd lemming as you get close to the barricade
  • 3. Select "Left" on 3rd lemming to cross the 2 adjacent pits
  • 4. Select "Bridge" on 4th lemming to place panels to step on
  • 5. Select "Right" on 5th lemming to cross on either side of the wrecking ball
  • 6. Once you have 15 lemmings exit the map (seen in top center of screen) use "Explosive" (not nuke) on one lemming to capture tooth
  • 7. Passport should be at the base of the wrecking ball on the right side
  • 8. Destroy remaining lemmings with "Nuke"

Video Notes
Level 30: The lawnmower does not go up the ramp due to resolution issues. Try to switch to full screen and native resolution. You can also try switching quality of the game to "Good" from the launcher menu.
Levels 31 - 40, DNKTBG
Level 31 - 35

Level 36 - 40


Video Notes
Level 36
Second objective has a bug that requires precise timing and does not match the video linked above although the strategy is the same. Sabotaged cars should start moving while police cars are not far away (resulting in them stopping too far from your car) or too close (resulting in them pushing through your car). Your first sabotaged car to move is the one in the alley when the police car is doing a u-turn, then immediately move the other sabotaged car. You should have both police cars very close to the stopped sabotage cars.

Level 37
Have the wrecking ball below the crane, line up the arrow with the shadow of the building and when ready, pull back to the left and let go when the ball is all the way back. Cut the rope when the ball is just above the building you're trying to throw it over. The mechanic isn't the best with that perspective.
Levels 41 - 50, Braindead
Level 41 - 45

Level 46 - 50

Bonus: Braindead
Mechanics: Mow down zombies without damaging lawnmower
  • Use mouse to steer, hold left click and pull to push in direction you want
  • Avoid walls, so make small movements.
  • Passport by fountain, tooth dropped by last zombie
Levels 51 - 60, T666
I was unable to find videos for this set of levels so I wrote the steps I took.

Level 51
Goal: Use the saw blade to kill the bad guy far away from the camera and near the road
  • Quickly tamper with truck on street to get 3 dollar bills. Tamper with the blade in the top left
  • Collect passport by mail in top left
  • Set 2 of the cash far away in top right and set 1 next to the bad guy. You'll drag it as close to the street as you can to avoid having the grate guy follow it
  • Set magazine by the street in front of the blade
  • Place dollar bill in front of the guy protecting the sawblade and drag it behind him so we can clear the blade
  • Once the guy is examining the magazine, launch the blade and collect the tooth

Level 52
Goal: Drop the bad guy in the grate
  • Place barricade (from top of map) 3-4 spots in front of the bad guy
  • Place money (from top of map) at entrance to the parking lot across the street
  • Tamper with the grate
  • Cut down the tree in the top right and get the passport (it falls behind the building)
  • Now swipe the money when the bad guy gets close and bring it to the grate. The bystanders will be curious but won't go there and will turn back at some point
  • Open the grate and let the bad guy fall in

Level 53
Goal: Run the bad guy over on the vertical part of the road as he escapes
  • Collect the passport on the right side of the map near the L shaped road
  • Place dog in the top alley to make the bad guy go back
  • Tamper with the car driving on the L shaped road
  • Place the dog in front of the bad guy to make him run away, last bit of his run is on the road
  • Swipe the car to run him over in the top part of the map

Level 54
Goal: Have all 4 bystanders watching TV at the moment you kill the bad guy
  • Move lighter next to pipe
  • Tamper with TV and pipe
  • Pick up the passport in top of map behind magazine stand
  • Place the money in the path of the bad guy, 2-3 spots behind the original bystanders spawn point
  • Place the magazine to the front of the bystanders on the left making sure all 4 follow you, when they're close enough to the TV activate it
  • While doing the above, if the bad guy gets close to the money, move it past the pipe so he can cross the smoke
  • Use the lighter on the smoke as he passes it to kill him

Level 55
Goal: Drop the bad guy and the dog into the pit at nearly the same time
  • Passport is on the south side of the map, to the right of the road
  • Move the dollar bill 2 spots to the south of the first crossing (where the bad guy crosses) on the left side of the road
  • Place a barricade in the alley going out to the main road
  • Once the bystander goes north, place another barricade behind him so that both bystanders are heading north
  • Remove the first barricade and move the dollar bill into the alley.
  • Wait until the bad guy is in the alley and barricade behind him so that his only course is south and across the grate
  • Tamper with the grate/pit. Place a rope on either tree and then attach the dog to it, I've found it easier to control the left most tree
  • Once the bad guy is close to the grate, you'll have to launch the dog at the center of the grate and while the dog is in the air, open the grate so the bad guy falls in.

Level 56
Goal: Seduce the bad guy into the left alley once he reaches the end of the plaza then shock him without using any water
  • Passport is in top most building
  • Grab the dollar bill from the east side near the street, place it at the end of the plaza where the bad guy can see it
  • The second he has a green question mark and makes a noise, you can move it by right clicking 2 spots away from him without actually using up the item
  • Once he's near the corner of the alley, you can left click on the dollar bill to fling it and position him by where the wire drops. I suggest dropping the south end of the wire first to see where it lands before doing the final run.
  • Once he is beneath the wire, cut it and electrify him.

Level 57
Goal: Kill both the bad guy and bodyguard with the saw
  • Passport is behind the tower in a crevice
  • Tamper with the car driving on the road and with the saw blade
  • When the car is about 75% down the road launch it at the postal box. You want it to block that sidewalk without exploding
  • When both the bad guy and his bodyguard are in front of the saw, launch the saw blade.

Level 58
Goal: Associating or rotating items is not considered as movement of the item. Use the piano to kill the bad guy in the alley while diverting everyone away from it.
  • Passport is hidden behind the fountain
  • Associate the rope with the piano and hang it from the building in the south facing the west side.
  • Rotate the sign on the road so that it is facing west (blocking the road with the camera) until the bad guy gets there
  • Once the bad guy is near, rotate it 180 degrees so that the sign is facing east. The bad guy will take a left into the alley with the piano hanging.
  • If someone is immediately behind the bad guy, you'll have to time the sign movement to block entrance into the piano alley for the bystander.
  • Once underneath the piano, cut the rope.

Level 59
Goal: Get the bad guy near the pipe, use that to burn him alive.
  • Rotate the sign to face south-west and block the right alley.
  • Once the bad guy passes, move it to block north most cross-walk (where he will want to cross to the right)
  • Get a magazine from north most store, place it in front of the alley, north of the sign you placed.
  • Tamper with the pipe, move the lighter close to the pipe
  • Tamper with north-west car that is facing the other cars, max it out and let it explode. Grab the passport.
  • Once the bad guy is done examining the magazine, place the piano on the right to the right so that he runs into the alley
  • Ignite the pipe with the lighter as he passes by it.

Level 60
Goal: Blow up the oil tanker and send him flying
  • Click on the bad guy to get the passport
  • Place 3 barricades like the image below to direct the bad guy directly to the oil tanker
  • Place a dynamite next to the guy near the tanker to scare him away
  • Block the bystander running away with the north most barricade so he doesn't return
  • Tamper with the tanker to release oil
  • Place the 2nd dynamite on the oil, near one of the stations on either side of the vehicle. Note: new placement spots become available after the oil is on the ground
  • If timed correctly it'll explode while the bad guy is nearby

Bonus: T666