Mega Man 11

Mega Man 11

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Mega Man 11 Achievement Guide
Készítő: OneOneTwo
A comprehensive guide on how to obtain all 50 Achievements in Mega Man 11
There are 50 achievements in Mega Man 11 that range from trivially easy to deviously difficult. This guide will detail the best strategy for obtaining the achievements. Feel free to DM OneOneTwo - 112 #0112 on Discord for any questions related to the guide.

Story Related Achievements
For an achievement run, I recommend playing the game on Normal first to get a good idea for the challenge that lies ahead. That being said, there is no shame in defeating the game on Newcomer or Casual first if you're struggling, though if you're going for all achievements, you will eventually have to beat the game on Normal & Superhero

One Down, Seven to Go - Complete 1 of the 8 stages.

Story related and cannot be missed. Simply defeat one of the eight Robot Masters and their stages on any difficulty.

Now We’re Getting Somewhere - Complete 4 of the 8 stages.

Story related and cannot be missed. Defeat four of the eight Robot Masters and their stages on any difficulty.

Where’s Wily - Complete all 8 of the 8 stages.

Story related and cannot be missed. Defeat all eight Robot Masters and their stages.

No Getting Away This Time - Complete Gear Fortress Stage 3.

Story related and cannot be missed. Complete the third Gear Fortress stage on any difficulty (this is the Boss Rush level).

Protector of Peace - Complete the game on Normal difficulty or harder.

Complete Gear Fortress Stage 4 on Normal Difficulty or harder. Remember to use the shop if you have trouble.
Mid-Run Achievements (Part 1)
You should attempt to get these achievements while completing the game although you can return to stages if you miss any of them. Do note however that any achievements marked as "1st Play" must be completed before defeating Wily Machine 11 in Gear Fortress Stage 4 or they will become permanently disabled on that save file, forcing you to start from scratch.

Bullseye! - Defeat a Mawaru C using your Mega Buster without Speed Gear.

Mawaru Cs are the green robots that roll around in the gears. Simply use a Charged Shot to defeat a Mawaru C without activating Speed Gear to earn this achievement. It may require some timing but is fairly easy to do. There is one pretty early into Block Man Stage if you’re struggling to find one.

Better You Than Me - Destroy a Mini Shpider using an acid pool, BBQ grill, or other environmental hazard.

Mini Shpiders appear in Acid Man Stage and Torch Man Stage. Simply lure one over to either an acid pool in Acid Man Stage or a BBQ grill in Torch Man Stage for the achievement. This is easier in Acid Man Stage.

No Experiments! - [Acid Man Stage] Reach the boss without letting any pools change. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

The “pools” the description is referring to are those colored liquids below the ground in Acid Man Stage, you must make sure that the Pipettos (the pipette enemies) do not shoot a projectile that touches the water, or it will change color. If this happens, you must restart the level. The easiest way to prevent this is to use a Power Gear enhanced Block Dropper every time they show up on screen before they shoot their projectile. Tundra Storm will also kill them in one hit.

Power Up - Use a special weapon while Power Gear is active.

Exactly as the description implies. Press L (or the equivalent on your controller assuming you didn’t rebind your controls) to activate the Power Gear, then use one of the 8 Special Weapons (Block Dropper, Acid Barrier, Pile Driver, Bounce Ball, Scramble Thunder, Tundra Storm, Blazing Torch, or Chain Blast).

Bullet Blaster - Destroy 30 enemy projectiles. (1st Play) (Excludes Challenge Mode)

In total, you must destroy 30 enemy projectiles on your playthrough before you finish the game. This should be doable through normal gameplay, but if you are struggling, you can farm this achievement in Acid Man Stage. The Pipettos (the syringe enemies) will continuously shoot acid balls as an attack. Destroy 30 of these to earn the achievement.

Your Work Here Is Done - Destroy an Arc Weldy obstacle.

Arc Weldys are the small welding robots that appear throughout Impact Man Stage that will occasionally create molten pools of metal on the floor. To destroy this, simply use either Acid Barrier and run into it or jump and use Tundra Storm above it to earn the achievement.

Live to Fight Another Day - [Impact Man Stage] Dodge all Impact Brothers and reach the boss. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Throughout Impact Man Stage, you will encounter sets of drills that will attempt to skewer you. These are the Impact Brothers: Kui-ichiro, Kui-jiro, and Kui-saburo. You must get through the entire level without getting hit by them once. Taking a hit from the drills means you must restart the stage. Since they are indestructible, dodging is the only option. Use Speed Gear to its fullest extent, and make sure to memorize the patterns they appear in.

Location, Location, Location - Destroy a Tatepakkan from the back.

Tatepakkans are the blue enemies that shield themselves when not firing. Simply jump over one of them and use a Charged Shot to destroy it. They can be found in Fuse Man Stage, Torch Man Stage, Bounce Man Stage, and Gear Fortress Stage 2, but you can find one pretty early into Fuse Man Stage if you’re struggling. Simply jump over it and shoot it from the back to earn the achievement.

Power Gear Master - Defeat a boss using only Power Gear attacks. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Defeat any of the boss battles (Block Man, Acid Man, Impact Man, Bounce Man, Fuse Man, Tundra Man, Torch Man, Blast Man, Yellow Devil Mk. III, Mawverne, or Wily Machine 11) only using attacks powered up with the Power Gear. If you’re having trouble, Tundra Man dies extremely quickly to Scramble Thunder with the Power Gear, making him the easiest target.

Playtime’s Over - [Bounce Man Stage] Destroy all balloon enemies once and reach the boss. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

By “balloon enemies”, the description is referring to the multi-colored metal balloons strewn throughout Bounce Man Stage. You must destroy all of them on your way to the boss. While the Charge Shot will destroy them, it’s easier to use the Acid Barrier since that will also destroy them in one hit, and it is faster.

Area Secure - Destroy all types of Gabyoall, Elec Crosser, and Elec Xtender. (1st Play) (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Defeat at least one Gabyoall, Elec Crosser, and Elex Xtender before you complete the game. Gabyoalls are the thumbtack enemies that speed along the ground found in Impact Man Stage, Tundra Man Stage, and Gear Fortress Stages 1 & 2, and can be defeated using Pile Driver, while Elec Crossers and Elec Xtenders are found in Fuse Man Stage and can be defeated by using Bounce Ball.

Cold Turkey - [Torch Man Stage] Prevent Sparkey the Barbecue Turkey from re-lighting. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Sparkey is the mid-boss of Torch Man Stage. Put out it’s flames by using Tundra Storm, then quickly use it two more times to defeat it, earning the achievement.

Three Birds, One Stone - Defeat three or more enemies with one charge shot.

Exactly as the description implies, you must kill three enemies using a single Charge Shot. This can be done in normal gameplay, but a particularly good spot for this if you’re struggling is towards the beginning of Gear Fortress Stage 2, where a bunch of Lyrics (the propellor guys) will spawn above the exploding boxes. Wait until they get close together then unleash a Charge shot to rip through them.

Catch ‘Em off Guard - Destroy a Sniper Joe piloting a Sniper Armor D.

Sniper Armor Ds are the big purple tank enemies that are found in Blast Man Stage, and Gear Fortress Stages 1 & 2. You can use Power Gear Blazing Torch to kill them instantly, but can also kill the Sniper Joe by aiming at the actual Sniper Joe and not the armor.

The Harder They Fall - Destroy 20 Crunch Don, Press Don, and Sniper Armor D in total. (1st Play) (Excludes Challenge Mode)

  • Crunch Dons are the grey enemies with the giant hammer that appear in Block Man Stage, Tundra Man Stage, and Gear Fortress Stage 2. Pile Driver & Chain Blast kill it quickly.
  • Press Dons are the giant blue enemies that fly up and try to crush you that are found in Fuse Man Stage and Fuse Man Stage and Gear Fortress Stage 2. Block Dropper kills it in one hit
  • Sniper Armor Ds are the giant purple mechs operated by Sniper Joes that are found in Blast Man Stage and Gear Fortress Stages 1 & 2. Scramble Thunder or Charged Blazing Torch kill it in a few hits.
  • Defeat 20 of these before finishing the game to earn the achievement.

Everything Proof - Run into an instant-death hazard without dying.

There are many ways to do this, but the easiest is to intentionally take damage to an enemy to gain invincibility for a second, then touch a spike, which would normally cause instant death. This is easily done in Acid Man Stage in particular but can be completed in any level. Alternatively, you can use the Spike Guard and touch a spike for the same outcome. Do not do this with the fire in Torch Man Stage, that will kill you no matter what.
Mid-Run Achievements (Part 2)
Explosions, What Explosions? - [Blast Man Stage] Avoid all exploding boxes and reach the boss. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Complete Blast Man’s Stage without taking a hit from the exploding boxes. If you are hit by an explosion, you must exit the stage and re-enter it. You can detonate the boxes early with Blazing Torch to avoid the explosions, which will make the task easier. Remember to also use Speed Gear if you are having trouble.

Collateral Blammage - Destroy three or more enemies using a Shimobey explosion.

Shimobeys are the little robots that jump around and cause an explosion when shot at that are found in Blast Man Stage and Gear Fortress Stage 2. You must defeat three enemies with the explosion caused by shooting at it. An easy place to do this is in the beginning of Gear Fortress Stage 2, where there are a set of exploding boxes and infinitely spawning Lyrics (the propellor enemies). Simply wait for multiple Lyrics and a Shimobey to spawn, then shoot the Shimobey at the Lyrics. If you didn’t defeat three of them to earn the achievement, simply wait for them to respawn and try again.

Brute Force - Destroy 10 blocking enemies using special weapons. (1st Play) (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Using any of the 8 Special Weapons (Block Dropper, Acid Barrier, Pile Driver, Bounce Ball, Scramble Thunder, Tundra Storm, Blazing Torch, or Chain Blast), defeat 10 enemies who have a shield before you complete the game. Almost every weapon will defeat these types of enemies quickly despite their shielding, but an easy one is to use Chain Blast on the Mettaurs and Tatepakkans you encounter fairly early on in Block Man Stage. This will likely occur during normal gameplay but if it doesn’t, there are many enemies throughout each of the stages where you can farm in order to get the achievement.

Collector - Purchase five parts

Go to the shop and purchase five parts, you access the shop by pressing L (or the equivalent on your controller) on the Stage Select screen.

Demolition Man - [Block Man Stage] Use Chain Blast to destroy a stone wall. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Destroy one of the stone walls that appear in Block Man Stage, which can be done by using Chain Blast powered up with the Power Gear. It will destroy the wall in one hit, earning the achievement. This is also very useful to know if you’re speedrunning the game.

The Regulars - Destroy all types of Metall, Shield Attacker, Sniper Joe, Gabyoall, and Batton. (1st Play)

Before finishing the game, defeat one of each of the following types of enemies:
  • Mettaurs/Metalls are the yellow hard hat enemies found in Block Man Stage/Impact Man Stage/Gear Fortress Stages 1 & 2
  • Shield Attackers are the red shield enemies in Acid Man Stage/Gear Fortress Stage 2
  • Shield Attacker Ms are the blue shield enemies in Acid Man Stage
  • Sniper Joes are the green gun enemies with shields in Acid Man Stage/Tundra Man Stage/Blast Man Stage/Gear Fortress Stages 1 & 2
  • Sniper Armor Ds are the Sniper Joes in the giant purple armors found in Blast Man Stage/Gear Fortress Stages 1 & 2
  • Gabyoalls are the thumbtack enemies that speed along the ground in Tundra Man Stage/Impact Man Stage/Gear Fortress Stages 1 & 2. Use Pile Driver to defeat them.
  • Battons are the black bats in Fuse Man Stage

Stop, Drop, and Roll - [GF1] Destroy all W.Blasters, M.Cones, and A.Nuts once and reach the boss. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Wall Blasters are the cannons situated on the walls, Missile Cones are the red and white cones that shoot missiles, and the Air Nuts are the invisible robots that phase into existence to shoot a set of blue orbs. You must defeat every variation of these enemies before reaching the boss door in Gear Fortress Stage 1. Use the Special Weapons to your advantage to do this.

Unstoppable - [GF2] Destroy all foes in Skull Roller area and reach the boss. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

In any area with the Skull Rollers (the giant instant-death skull walls that move towards you), you must kill every enemy present. This isn’t super difficult, just make sure you know which Special Weapons are strong against which enemies (the giant Skull Pillars die in one hit to a Power Gear enhanced Chain Blast, for example).

Firing at Max Power - Defeat an enemy using the Final Charge Shot.

Defeat any enemy in the game using the Final Charge Shot. This can be accessed in one of two ways, either by using the Power Gear or the Double Gear when low on health. Activate either then charge your Buster as the meter fills. When the gauge is almost full, you’ll hear a sound effect, letting you know to fire your shot. This will defeat most enemies in the game when fired, but you will immediately burn out your gears, forcing you to recharge.

Quick Draw - Destroy 100 enemies using Speed Gear. (1st Play) (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Defeat 100 enemies while slowing down time with the Speed Gear (activated by pressing R or the equivalent on your controller) before you complete the game. You are likely to earn this achievement through normal gameplay, but you can always exit and re-enter a room to farm if you don’t get this on your first try.

All Power, All The Time - Destroy 80 enemies using Power Gear. (1st Play) (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Defeat 80 enemies while powering up your attacks with the Power Gear (activated by pressing L or the equivalent on your controller) before you complete the game. You are likely to earn this achievement through normal gameplay, but you can always exit and re-enter a room if you don’t get this on your first try.

Speed Gear Master - Destroy 10 enemies during one Speed Gear use. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

While slowing down time with the Speed Gear, destroy 10 enemies before turning the Gear off. This can be a bit tricky but an easy place to do it is located midway through Torch Man Stage, where a bunch of Mini Shpiders (the small spider enemies) will spawn. Simply slow down time, then fire a Charged Shot when a ton of them are close to you to easily earn this achievement. You can also get the Cooling System ∞ (which gives you infinite gear time), turn on the Speed Gear, and defeat 10 enemies this way, although the Cooling System ∞ isn’t unlocked until the game is complete.

Guard Breaker - Defeat 30 enemies while their guard is broken. (1st Play) (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Defeat 30 enemies while you break their guard before you complete the game. To break an enemy’s guard, fire a Charge Shot at an enemy with a shield, then follow it up with quick Buster shots to kill the foe. If you are struggling to attain this through normal gameplay, you can farm this achievement in Block Man Stage. Part of the way through you’ll climb a ladder to find a single Mettaur (the yellow hard hat enemies). Use the Charge Shot to break their guard then fire several Mega Buster shots to kill the Met. After that, climb down the ladder to the previous screen and climb back up to respawn it, repeat this strategy until the achievement pops.

Mega Unstoppable - Complete the game on Normal difficulty or harder without getting a game over. (1st Play)

Exactly as it sounds, you must complete the game on Normal difficulty or higher without seeing the Game Over screen (which happens if you lose a life when already at 0 Extra Lives). To avoid this, make sure you stock up on E Tanks and Extra Lives in the shop before entering a level. If you are in a level and are down to 0 Extra Lives, I suggest reloading your save and buying Extra Lives/Tanks from the shop to avoid getting a Game Over. This can also be done concurrently with The Blue Flash since getting a Game Over will likely lock you out of beating the game in under an hour.
Post Game Achievements
While you can get these during your first run, a majority of these become much easier if you get the Cooling System ∞ that is found in the Shop upon completion of Gear Fortress Stage 4 for 3,000 Bolts.

Go Blue or Go Home - Reach boss room with no damage/deaths/death protection. (Excludes Gear Fortress and Challenge Mode)

One of the trickier achievements, you must get to the end of any of the eight main Robot Master stages (Block Man Stage, Acid Man Stage, Impact Man Stage, Bounce Man Stage, Fuse Man Stage, Tundra Man Stage, Torch Man Stage, or Blast Man Stage) without taking a single hit or using any sort of damage protecting item. Thankfully, there is an easier method. Upon completion of the game, you can find the Cooling System ∞ for 3,000 Bolts in the shop, which lets you use the Gears as much as you want with no repercussions. Buy this, disable any items that lessen the damage you take, then go to whichever stage is easiest and use the Speed Gear for the entire level in order to dodge every obstacle. This is most easily done in Block Man Stage, but choose whichever level you feel the most comfortable with. Taking a hit before the boss shutter means you must restart the level.

Things Are Looking 1-Up! - Use a Mystery Tank and turn an enemy into a 1-UP.

Mystery Tanks, or M Tanks, are special items which refill your health and weapon energy to maximum, although you can only carry one at a time and they can only be purchased in the shop. If you use an M Tank while already at full health and weapon energy, all enemies on the screen will turn into Extra Lives. This can be done in any level but the easiest location is at the beginning of Bounce Man Stage due to the large number of enemies. Simply access the Special Weapon selection screen by pressing + (or the equivalent on your controller) and use an M Tank right at the beginning to earn the achievement. This is also useful if you want to farm Extra Lives.

Fight Acid With Acid - [Acid Man Stage] Enter a green acid pool using Acid Barrier. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

Extremely simple, after defeating Acid Man in his level, re-enter the stage and use Acid Barrier. After that, just jump into the first pool to get the achievement.

I Think You Dropped Something… - [Tundra Man Stage] Avoid all ice from Ice Swans and reach the boss. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

The Ice Swans are the birds found throughout Tundra Man Stage, and you must avoid getting hit by the ice they drop. YOU CANNOT DESTROY THE ICE SWANS OR THE ICE EITHER. You must dodge the projectiles instead. Getting hit once by the ice, getting hit once by the bird, or destroying either requires you to restart the stage from the beginning.

Danger! High Voltage! - [Fuse Man Stage] Avoid all lightning emitters and reach the boss. (Excludes Challenge Mode)

The lightning emitters are the obstacles that will occasionally shoot a laser of lightning. You must make it through the entirety of Fuse Man Stage without getting hit by these obstacles once. Getting hit by the Elec Crossers and Elec Xtenders (the ones that flash lightning in a predetermined place) will also result in failing this challenge, forcing you to restart from the beginning of the stage. While you cannot destroy the lightning emitters, you can destroy the Elec Crossers and Elec Xtenders by using Bounce Ball. Take it slow, and use Speed Gear to its fullest extent to dodge all the obstacles. In addition, during the mid-boss battle against Dread Spark, use a Power Gear enhanced Bounce Ball to ensure it ends quickly before you accidentally touch one of the Lightning Emitters in the arena.
Second/Third Run Achievements
The World's Best Hope requires a second run on Superhero mode. While Mid-Boss Buster, Boss Buster, and Can't Improve on Perfection can technically be done as part of the first Normal mode run, it is recommended you do these on a third run on Casual mode to alleviate the difficulty.

The World’s Best Hope - Complete the game on Superhero difficulty.

Complete the game on the hardest difficulty, Superhero Mode. Compared to Normal Mode, there are a few changes. Enemies have more health and therefore take more shots to defeat. All item pick-ups except Bolts in the stage are disabled, including health energy, weapon energy, E Tanks, and Extra Lives. You take more damage, which is especially troublesome against bosses as they can kill you very quickly. Bosses have faster attacks and some fire more projectiles. Finally, bosses can use their Gear attacks at any point instead of only doing so when below a certain amount of health. However, there are several things one can do to make this challenge easier.
The shop is still available, and while some items can’t be purchased, all the essentials can (Tanks, Extra Lives, etc.) Use this to your advantage since you receive more Bolts due to the enemies not dropping anything else upon defeat. It is recommended that you beat the game on Normal difficulty first so that you can learn the patterns of enemies, the uses of the Special Weapons, and the enemy and boss weaknesses before attempting this challenge.

Mid-Boss Buster - Defeat the mid-bosses of all 8 stages without special weapons. (1st Play)

You must defeat the 8 mid stage bosses without using any of the 8 Special Weapons (Block Dropper, Acid Barrier, Pile Driver, Bounce Ball, Scramble Thunder, Tundra Storm, Blazing Torch, or Chain Blast). These mid-bosses include:
Totemer in Block Man Stage, Dread Spark in Fuse Man Stage, Thrill Twins 1 & 2 in Blast Man Stage, Cyclone W in Acid Man Stage, Mega-Mammostal in Tundra Man Stage, Sparky in Torch Man Stage, Pickman Digger in Impact Man Stage, and Frog Balloon in Bounce Man Stage.
You can do this achievement on any difficulty, meaning you can use Newcomer mode if you’re struggling.

Boss Buster - Defeat the bosses of all 8 stages without special weapons. (1st Play)

Defeat the 8 Robot Master bosses without using any of the 8 Special Weapons (Block Dropper, Acid Barrier, Pile Driver, Bounce Ball, Scramble Thunder, Tundra Storm, Blazing Torch, or Chain Blast) before completing the game. The 8 bosses include:
Block Man, Acid Man, Impact Man, Bounce Man, Fuse Man, Tundra Man, Torch Man, and Blast Man.
This is commonly known as a Buster Only challenge, and can seem difficult at first since you are unable to use their weaknesses. However, you can earn this achievement on any difficulty, so you can complete it on Newcomer if you’re struggling. Using E Tanks is also permitted.

Can’t Improve On Perfection - Complete the game on Casual difficulty or harder without buying/using items or parts. (1st Play)

As the description indicates, you must beat the game on Casual difficulty or harder without buying any items from the shop or using any items you find in stages (including tank items). This is very straightforward to do on Casual.

Extra Modes Achievements
These achievements are unlocked through the Extra Modes option in the main menu.

Gallery Gazer - Unlock and view all Gallery files.

You will unlock all of the gallery files upon completion of the game. To access them, go to the Extra Modes option on the main menu, then select Gallery Simply scroll through all of them in the enemy and boss sections (which can be swapped between by pressing ZL or ZR/the equivalent on your controller).

Built to Win - Get Bronze Rank or higher five times.

See Programmed for Perfection

Tuned for Performance - Get Silver Rank or higher five times.

See Programmed for Perfection

Programmed for Perfection - Get Gold Rank five times.

Get a Gold Rank (the highest ranking) on five of the Challenges. These can be accessed by going to Extra Modes on the main menu and then selecting Challenges. It is recommended you do this once you finish the game so you have access to Mega Man’s full repertoire of abilities. If you’re having trouble, this can be attained very easily by going to the Playground set and then doing five of the boss battles. Since they can all be killed extremely quickly with their weaknesses, simply do this 5 times on different bosses to earn the achievement with little trouble.

Survival Skills - Complete Dr. Light's Trial for the first time.

This is probably the hardest achievement in the game. You must complete Dr. Light’s Trial, found by going to Extra Modes, then Challenges, and finally Dr. Light’s Trial. You must complete the main game to even unlock the challenge. When you’re ready, steel your resolve and prepare yourself for 30 rooms of difficult platforming, where losing all your lives means restarting from room 1. To make matters worse, the Yellow Devil, Mawverne, and Wily Machine 11 must be fought in rooms 10, 20, and 30. There are no tanks, and you only get health/weapon refills in rooms 11 and 21 (as well as one Extra Life in each). The number 1 key to success is using all of your Special Weapons and abilities to the fullest extent while still remaining conservative with your ammo. Ask on the /r/megaman Discord for tips if you need it, as this is no easy task. If you best all 30 rooms, the achievement will pop as soon as the Gold Medal appears (this also counts toward Programmed for Perfection). If you still need help with this achievement, a separate guide is available exclusively for this challenge by me, found here . Good luck.
Speedrunning (The Blue Flash)
The Blue Flash - Complete the game on Normal difficulty or harder within 60 minutes. (1st Play)

While playing Normal difficulty or higher, you must complete the game while the timer on the save file is under one hour. This is one of the most difficult achievements in the game, and requires intricate knowledge of the game’s levels and how to move quickly. The most important things to remember are that sliding is faster than walking while the fastest way to move around is Impact Man’s Pile Driver, there are 12 stages total (so don’t spend more than 5 minutes in one stage except for Bounce Man Stage, the longest in the game), and above all else, minimize your time in the menu as that counts towards the timer as well. Time starts upon selecting “Normal” and ends upon seeing the screen to save your game. BE SURE TO SKIP THE CREDITS! Those count towards the timer. The achievement will pop at that same screen. In terms of the boss order, it doesn’t particularly matter for a run like this, just go with whatever you find easiest. OneOneTwo’s order that got them a 53-minute run was Tundra Man Stage, Torch Man Stage, Blast Man Stage, Block Man Stage, Impact Man Stage, Acid Man Stage, Bounce Man Stage, Fuse Man Stage, a quick trip to the Shop for a few tank items, followed by the Gear Fortress levels. This may take a few tries, feel free to ask for help on the /r/megaman Discord Server!
Appendix: Boss & Mid-Boss Weaknesses
Mid-Boss Weaknesses:

  • Totemer - Chain Blast/Pile Driver
  • Dread Spark - Bounce Ball/Acid Barrier
  • Thrill Twins 1 & 2 - Tundra Storm/Scramble Thunder/Chain Blast
  • Cyclone W - Block Dropper/Acid Barrier
  • Mecha-Mammostar - Scramble Thunder/Chain Blast
  • Sparkey - Tundra Storm/Acid Barrier
  • Pickman Digger - Block Dropper
  • Frog Balloon - Pile Driver/Blazing Torch

Boss Weaknesses:

  • Tundra Man - Scramble Thunder
  • Torch Man - Tundra Storm
  • Blast Man - Blazing Torch
  • Block Man - Chain Blast
  • Acid Man - Block Dropper
  • Impact Man - Acid Barrier
  • Bounce Man - Pile Driver
  • Fuse Man - Bounce Ball
  • Yellow Devil Mk. III - Chain Blast
  • Mawverne - Bounce Ball
  • Wily Machine 11 - Chain Blast/Acid Barrier
  • Wily Machine 11 v2 - Acid Barrier
15 megjegyzés
Андрей jan. 20., 13:50 
Have you anybody save before final dr. Wily with time less than hour? I really tried to get this achievement but I can't. I can give my e-mail to receive it (and pay some money for it). I need only this last to full collection of achieves.
NightWolf 2023. aug. 11., 9:58 
Oh well that doesn't sound so bad.

(why did I take so long to respond)
TricksterTravvy 2023. máj. 2., 12:19 
NightWolf, it just means you have to start a new game instead of loading a game. Instead of just loading your save and going to a level to finish a particular achievement, it just has to be done on a new file.
NightWolf 2023. máj. 2., 8:22 
Okay, so question about the achievements that say (1st play).
Do you get permanently disqualified from them if you beat the game for the first time before you get the achievement? If so, then I'm screwed out of 100%.
franQ 2023. ápr. 4., 20:27 
Thanks for the guide! :MM_1up:
BlazingRaven495 2023. febr. 4., 16:20 
Where is the records page?
Gleashy 2022. nov. 11., 13:54 
Nice guide bro!:steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup:
OneOneTwo  [készítő] 2022. szept. 21., 18:25 
Ignore the other guy, they're a forum troll.
TricksterTravvy 2022. szept. 21., 18:23 
Not sure if you're trolling but it is possible, it's just torturous (hence my four-part comment)
TricksterTravvy 2022. júl. 22., 20:33 
This is the order in which I got my parts, of course yours will be different depending on how you play:
1. Mystery Chip
2. Auto-Charge Chip
3. Speed Gear booster
4. Energy Balancer
5. Cooling System
6. Energy Balancer Neo (because I had the extra bolts)

The rest of the parts are not particularly useful, or have requirements that you're just not going to meet while trying for this achievement.

-Grab Mystery Chip after first stage
-Abuse rapid fire and dedicated slide button
-Abuse Rush Jet, Rush Coil, and Speed Gear
-Run, jump, or slide past most of the enemies in the game
-Utilize special weapons like Tundra Storm to clear enemies

Good luck!