Not enough ratings
By 󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⁧Baitermin
Step 1 - How to get this long guide to your profile
1. Download this image is just a dark page
2. When you get on the site press "ctrl + s" to save the image
3. Save the image where you can find it
Step 2 - Create the guide
1. Create Guide
2. Set empty title
  • Visit this Pastebin:
  • The pastebin will appear empty. It's not, follow the steps below
  • Right click inside "RAW Paste Data" and click "Select All"
  • Right click inside "RAW Paste Data" again and click "Copy"
  • Go to your guide and paste the blank character
3. Add the image you download from step 1
4. Accept the "Rights and ownership"
5. Click "Save and Continue"
Step 3 - Get the guide published
1. Add a section (You can leave it as it is)
2. Click Preview Guide
3. Then is should look like this

4. Click Publish Guide then give it some seconds
5. Then reload the page
6. Now you have your guide published
Step 4 - Add guide to profile
1. Go to "Edit Profile"
2. Go to "Featured Showcase"
3. Add the guide you just made to Favorite Guide

4. Click "f12" on your keyboard to open Developer Tool
5. Click on the "Selcet Tool"

6. Click on "Choose and customize what showcases appear on your profile page."

7. Right Click on the element and click "Edit as HTML"

8. Replace it with
<button type="submit" class="DialogButton _DialogLayout Primary">Save</button>
9. Click anywhere on the page and then there will be a save button like shown below

10. Click save and you are all done