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【Rosy's】 Hag Guide
作者: RosyJosy
Despite some people charging the hag and telling you "YOU HAVE TO KILL IT", you actually don't. But if you try, it isn't as hard as it seems.
Intro - What's the Hag?
Hags are around as tall as Bruisers / Wretches / Breakers, pale white, very thicc up top and have a lot of "feelers" you will see violently vibrating.
They do count as a boss but are (kind of) optional on some maps. They are tough and take time to kill, but to give you a break won't be trying to eat the person the whole time, and will try to escape and try again.
She's most dangerous when the team is split, slowed by specials and ridden, making it hard to run from her, do damage to her, and save a teammate once they are grabbed. At this point if she digs away with the teammate they will die and respawn later, but you want to do your best to stun her before this.
When the Hag will spawn
Corruption cards that spawn the Hag:
Sheeeesh she got that Gru figure!

The Hag can spawn on every difficulty
- [credit Satsujinki for finding the Hag on recruit]
  • "Hag"

This will just spawn a Hag for the level that will appear pretty early on.
  • "The Fog"

The map will be filled with a lot of mist, you'll need to be near players to see their states (a cloud icon appears over their status bars), and it'll be very hard to see and highlight specials/the Hag before they're close.
  • "Ferocious Boss"/"Boss Mutation"

This card will include either a Hag, Breaker, or Ogre with different stats.
Hag Behaviour / Sound / Strategy
If you get a card that may spawn a Hag, take a flashbang as backup - if someone gets swallowed a flashbang will stagger it and free the cleaner! - [credit - Knife_Masters]

  • The Hag Spawns:
    You will hear a LOUD (improved) mess of instruments and chimes that symbol that the Hag has left her mother's basement. She will keep spawning ahead if you run far enough, but relatively quickly will catch up from behind. If there's no bonus, you can just keep running ahead, but if you get stuck in one place because you ran into 3 specials and someone triggered a horde, it's going to be trouble. So consider destroying her career early.
  • The Hag Moves:
    The music will go a little quieter, and begins to swell as it moves about and decides where it thinks you currently are.
  • The Hag Searches:
    As the cheeto dust settles and she realises you're not there, she stresses out over being stood up as you are bought a few seconds of safety.
  • The Hag Finds You:
    The Hag will scream out like a Tuscan Raider and charge someone for a sloppy. It's not easy to obliterate it straight away so you can scare it off with some damage and get as much as you can in there while she's running. She will also spawn a tiny horde, and it is quite the problem on nightmare!
  • The Hag Comes For Round 2:
    Cancel the Hag's dinner plans prematurely and then blow out her back before you make your escape.
Fin + Extra Content
Anything else that people suggest or I remember or discover I will try add it here.
I do stream also and do a bit of theory crafting and question answering so feel free to stop by.

Tips Tricks and Memes:

Specials Guide:
Card Compendium:
22 件のコメント
TheShinyBMO 2021年11月14日 3時37分 
lol i meant Bomb Squad not Explosives Expert my b
TheShinyBMO 2021年11月14日 3時24分 
Heres a lil something i learned with the hag because of that god awful act 2 part on Nightmare.

1. Explosive Expert is extremely effective against the Hag
2.Having two gray grenades with this perk is enough to make the hag run away
3. if you have green grenades with the perk, one nade and team fire can send her away
4. If you wanna kill it(because who doesn't) 3 green grenades will be more than enough

Hope this helps somebody
TheAlienPotato 2021年11月9日 17時44分 
Hag my beloved
RosyJosy  [作成者] 2021年10月20日 9時54分 
Lazy Moka - Video uploaded!
RosyJosy  [作成者] 2021年10月19日 1時03分 
That would make them a lot more useful yes
Insubordination 2021年10月18日 14時38分 
Ya know what the bots should carry? A stun gun.
RosyJosy  [作成者] 2021年10月18日 3時31分 
As she basically does no damage and only chases, you can use the flash in case she gets the grab or you really want to kill her instantly otherwise she's not really that dangerous! If you have an axe melee player, he will shred through ANYTHING with a weakspot
Rawrquaza 2021年10月18日 3時08分 
decent strategy if you have a coordinated team: you can chain flashbangs to keep her stunned while everyone just unloads on her. can be very efficient.
Satsujinki 2021年10月17日 3時43分 
Oh is it? Perhaps it might be random event or something that I don't know of.
RosyJosy  [作成者] 2021年10月17日 3時36分 
There are cards such as Toxic Spill that I've only seen on Nightmare - you constantly lose health but kills give you temp hp, I think some either have tiny chances or may even be locked behind difficulties. After 70-90 hours I haven't seen some cards outside of Nightmare!