Horny Alice: Gothic Run
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Horny Alice: Gothic Run

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Horny Alice: Gothic Run - 100% Achievement Guide
By NoxNtella
Achievement Guide + Tips!
Welcome & Achievement Roadmap
Welcome pervert to my guide for Horny Alice: Gothic Run by NoxNtella. I'm going to run through a few tips to help make the game easier for you, and give a quick run through of all the achievements.

If you used this guide, I would appreciate if you gave it a thumbs up, rating, or favorite.

There are a total of 8 achievements. None of them can be missed and will be unlocked as you keep progressing through. 7 of the 8 Achievements can be done in a couple hours, but the 100,000 crystals achievement is the grind.

  • Difficulty : 2/10
  • Playthroughs : A lot
  • Hours to 100% : 20-30 hours

If you do not have the game, it can be downloaded here.

Gameplay Tips
How to Play
Ever play Temple Run? It works just like that. Move left, right. jump, slide to get out of the way of obstacles and collect crystals and power ups on your way through the level.

Quick Tips
  • The ↓ key is your friend. You jump too early, press ↓ and slide, it brings you right to the ground instantly and you can jump again.
  • When on the 2nd floor of the barn, as you're jumping out the window. Keep pressing the escape button. You can get a good look at the floor below you so you don't land to your death and can make last minute changes.
  • Always use the 2nd floor of the barn when going for crystals. There is a power up at the window at least 50% of the time.
  • For the best score, always stay on the bottom floor of the barn when you can. The 2nd floor can be dangerous when jumping out due to the random obstacles and you could end up falling right to your death.
  • Go for the upgrades first in the unlockables, it makes getting crystals easier and quicker. I recommend in this order. Butt Plug Magnet > Flying Dildo > Ball Gag x2.
  • You need 16,000 Crystals to unlock everything.
1. Is this your first time? - First death

The first time you die, this will unlock.

2. Got a taste? - Open your first scene

Unlock a scene using your crystals and view it. You will get this most likely on the cheaper 300 crystal picture.

3. Hot hand - Unlock all scenes.

This will cost 8,800 crystals to unlock all the scenes. I recommend going for the Butt Plug Magnet and Flying Dildo upgrades first before going for this.

4. Magnetism - Get all Magnet Upgrades

This will cost 2,400 crystals to get all 3 upgrades for the Butt Plug Magnet.

5. What is the shape? - Get all flight upgrades

This will cost 2,400 crystals to get all 3 upgrades for the Flying Dildo.

6. Tick - Get all x2 upgrades

This will cost 2,400 crystals to get all 3 upgrades for the Ball Gagged x2.

7. Rich girl - Collect 100,000 Crystals

This will most likely be your last achievement. You don't have to worry about dying since this is all cumulative. So keep jumping up to the 2nd floor of the barn since that's where most of the power ups are. This is the only real grindy achievement there is in the game and it will take awhile.
Thanks to Charmed76 for finding out that you need to have all 100k crystals in your hand. So the ones you spent on upgrades do not count.

8. 50k - Record 50,000

This has to be done in 1 run. You have to get to 50,000 points without dying. This sounds hard but once you have all the upgrades and don't have to worry about the crystals anymore it's super easy. I mentioned most of what to do in the tips above but I will repeat it here.

  • Avoid going to the 2nd floor of the barn, when jumping out of the barn you don't know if you might die or not. If by any chance you do end up on the 2nd floor, when jumping out just keep pressing the pause button so you can keep checking your surroundings and make last minute decisions.
  • Don't worry about crystals. When going for crystals, you might end up dying. So don't go out of your way to get them.
  • Don't grab the Flying Dildo powerup. The powerup does make your run faster, but it could kill you too when its time to land. I had a few runs cut short because the flying dildo decided to stop right before the barn entrance and I was dropped off right under the window frame with no way to avoid dying.
  • Take it easy. If you need a quick break, press ESC and crack your knuckles. (i did this every 10k-15k points). The pause menu is your friend for this whole run.
  • I'm going to mention it again because it's the most important step... STAY ON THE FIRST FLOOR FOR THE BARN. I know those power ups are tempting, but it's not worth it. Take it slow and you will get to the 50k.
Thank You.
Thank you for clicking on this guide. If you see any errors, please point them out in the comments.
If you want to add any tips, I can add it to this guide and give you credit for it.

Again, I would appreciate if you gave it a thumbs up, rating, or favorite.

Enjoy the game.
NoxNtella  [author] Sep 12, 2021 @ 12:58am 
I'll update the guide right now. Thank you. @charmed76
Charmed76 Sep 11, 2021 @ 7:59am 
You need 100k unused crystals
Wanderbild Sep 5, 2021 @ 1:30pm 
oh okay thanks anyway
NoxNtella  [author] Sep 5, 2021 @ 12:22pm 
@wanderbild That's my last achievement that I haven't gotten yet. I'm assuming its 100,000 cumulative since it doesn't say have 100k on hand.
Wanderbild Sep 5, 2021 @ 11:58am 
Thanks for the guide!
Just a quick question: for the Rich Girl achievement do you need to have 100 000 chrystals on you, or the ones you paid with still count?