Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed

62 ratings
How to enjoy bless.
By TTV_BenTLampard
This is gonna Teach you how to enjoy bless even more.
Step 1.

Find a new hobby or passion. You may not be having as much fun as you want because you feel like you're doing the same old thing day after day. Well, finding a new hobby is a great way to spice up your routine, pick up a new skill, and provide something to look forward to on a daily basis. Finding a hobby will also force you to carve out some personal time for yourself and will make you less stressed; more open to fun.[1]
Explore your artistic side. Learn how to sketch, paint, or take professional-quality photos. Photography will change the way you view the world and will make your everyday life a bit more fun.
Try to be a wordsmith. Write a poem, play, or short story and revel in the feeling. You don't have to be a Hemingway or Steinbeck to feel happy and fulfilled.
Pick up a new solo sport. Try running, swimming, or power yoga. Whatever you do, make sure you commit to doing it at least once a week so you know you can have a great time on your own.
Learn a new skill. Picking up a new skill is always a lot of fun, whether you learn how to knit, speak Japanese, or fix a car.

Listen to music. Conventional wisdom suggests that music helps reduce stress and kills a bad mood. Listen to music you really like when you feel stressed, then make music a part of your life, a habit.[2]
Take the stress as a 'cue' which will remind you to bring music into your life.
Stress(cue) leads to listening to music (routine) which, in turn, creates a better mood.

Think more positively. Being a positive thinker is a great way to put a new spin on the same old thing and to, therefore, open the door to having more fun. Your whole life will brighten: daily routine, friends, and goals will be more attractive once you learn to embrace the best in every situation. So, stop obsessing over all of the little things that can go wrong and think more positively:[3]
Recognize everything you're grateful for. Write down all of the things you love about your life and the people in it. This will make you feel more upbeat as you go on with your day.
Think of the best-case scenario instead of the worst-case scenario. Whenever you catch yourself worrying about the worst thing that can happen, fight your negative thoughts with more powerful positive thoughts.
Avoid nagging or whining. It's okay to complain once in a while, but if you whine about every little thing that went wrong, you'll be ruining your own fun as well as the fun of everyone around you.

Get out of your comfort zone. Another way to have fun on your own is to get out of your comfort zone. Instead of doing the same old thing day after day, do something completely unexpected that you never thought you would do, no matter how silly or out-of-character.[4]
Commune with nature. If you're more of the indoors type, spend an afternoon taking a long walk or even going on a short hike. You'll be surprised by how much fun you'll have.
Watch a movie that you're convinced you'll hate. No matter how silly it is, you'll be guaranteed to have a good time if it's something completely new.
Pick up some food of a cuisine that you would normally never try. You'll be surprised by how fun it is to give your taste buds a completely new treat.

Reduce the stress in your life. You won't be able to have fun if you're stressed out over the little things that come your way. If you're busy worrying about when you'll get all of your work done or walking around like a sleep-deprived zombie, then you'll never have any fun. Here's how to reduce the stress in your life and have more fun as a result:[5]
Relax your mind. Spend some time meditating, doing yoga, or taking long walks to think about the day ahead.[6]
Relax your body. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day or a good massage once or twice a week is guaranteed to release tension.
Make time for fun. No matter how stressed out you may feel, you should plug "fun time" into your schedule every single week. (Every single day is even better. Just making time for fun for a few hours a week can help improve your state of mind enormously.[7]
Get enough sleep. Going to bed and waking up around the same time every day is guaranteed to improve your energy levels and make you feel more capable of handling your responsibilities.[8]

Leeroy Jenkins Oct 4, 2021 @ 12:39am 
this is a well done guide
demiurgchaos Sep 5, 2021 @ 8:18am 
The organization is Round 8 Studio thieves. 05.09.2021 they stole 60 Bag Expansions from me. It was 148 and became 88. Don't buy anything from them.
Axiata Sep 1, 2021 @ 1:03am 
People who commented saying gides like this is bad.. have 0 sense of humor and spend too much time in game... like the guys from gta discussions..
Wehzy Aug 16, 2021 @ 10:24am 
@Starkregen Stay mad. You didn't contribute to the comunity once and you're telling OP this ain't a guide? kek.
Wehzy Aug 16, 2021 @ 10:23am 
There is no need for a guide how to enjoy a game.
If you don't enjoy it, then don't play it.
IF you do enjoy it, then keep enjoying it.

So far this game is meh, my NASA PC is too bad for it seems like. Need x10 3090's
TTV_BenTLampard  [author] Aug 14, 2021 @ 6:17pm 
thank you mexrell habibi <3
Mexrell Aug 14, 2021 @ 9:50am 
people so mad i don't get it this seems like a solid guide
TTV_BenTLampard  [author] Aug 14, 2021 @ 6:41am 
btw this is a guide *cough cough*
TTV_BenTLampard  [author] Aug 14, 2021 @ 6:39am 
didn't use this area for my pettiness, where in the guide does it state "don't play this game"
you commented, i replied, don't like it, don't look at it.
CyberSosis Aug 14, 2021 @ 5:46am 
I dont care what your thoughts are about the game or company. you re misusing a section of a platform dedicated for guides.this is not the place for your pettiness

Do you think is it worth to got your account suspended over something you dont even like?