43 értékelés
Recommended Settings For Maximum Visual Quality
Készítő: jakey1995abc
This guide will show you the optimum settings for absolute best visual quality at max settings.
Graphics Settings Screenshots

Window Mode: Fullscreen if only gaming, Windowed Borderless if multitasking (alt+tabbing).

Screen Resolution: Same as your monitor's native/max resolution.

Anti-Aliasing: TAA. Other settings either blur edges too much or add distracting amounts of motion blur in the form of artifacting.

Motion Blur: Off. Why would anyone want Vaseline vision?

Chromatic Aberration: Off. Detailed textures and object edges become slightly blurred when set to on.

Adaptive FX Quality: Off. From what I've seen, when set to on it will lower effects quality to improve FPS.

FOV: I normally use 90 or 100, but use what ever feels right to you.

VSync: Turn off if you lag, leave on if no lag felt. It will prevent visual tearing when turned on, but can also increase latency.

Limit FPS: Off. Unless temps are too high, in which case set it just above your monitor's refresh rate. Or if using Gsync, set to a few FPS below your monitor's refresh rate.

Quality/Custom Quality: Epic for all. No need to explain this one.

HDR: On if available.

Brightness/Contrast/Saturation: Default, or whatever looks best on your monitor.

Graphics API: DirectX 12 if available.

Sharpening: FidelityFX if available. It will make textures sharper/clearer.

Resolution Scale: 100. Anything lower will make the game become pixelated.
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30 megjegyzés
jakey1995abc  [készítő] 2021. aug. 17., 9:12 
100 is more than enough for my setup
RecklessEvil 2021. aug. 17., 8:15 
bro, raise your FOV
jakey1995abc  [készítő] 2021. aug. 14., 20:45 
Does anyone have recommended display driver settings for this game? AMD or Nvidia
xtraKrazy 2021. aug. 11., 17:13 
+1 for Sharpening, for some reason this game looks blurry AF with it off. Normally i have sharpening off in other games.
Frogo 2021. aug. 11., 17:08 
I'm going to vouch for motion blur being on in this game, and honestly a lot of modern games in general. I think they picked a really good shutter speed and I notice it way more on the gun animations than anything else. I think the whole "never turn on motion blur" argument is kind of dated at this point. Games are using per object motion blur more and more and it really adds a sense of momentum and polish to animations that you don't really get with it off. Give it a chance. If you still don't like it, turn it off :)

Also if you have an RTX card, DLSS works fine in this game. I personally opt for FXAA as I'd just rather have the cleaner/clearer image vs no aliasing and everything being slightly blurry. I'm also just like hyper-aware of ghosting artifacts that come along with TAA and DLSS(not as bad now but still there) and you don't get any of that with FXAA.

Just my preferences, so take them how you will. Cheers!
alberto pau de metro 2021. aug. 9., 7:54 
I'm pro-sharpening. Yeah, it may introduce some jaggies and on some games you can get odd artifacts on textures... but it tends to counter blurred/muted art styles. Valorant is one of the most relevant modern examples I can think of.

It's subjective, so what's good for me may not work for you. I hate motion blur, adaptive quality and less than 100% resolution scaling. but I understand these settings exist because there are those who like them.
jakey1995abc  [készítő] 2021. aug. 7., 19:28 
@ImNotSure NGL... Personally even after comparing it myself and looking at the screenshots, I still feel like comparing sharpening on vs off is like comparing wearing prescription glasses on vs off
ImNotSure 2021. aug. 7., 19:06 
@jakey1995abc A lot of the time it sharpens things too much which makes edges look more ugly than native, here's an example of it on https://ibb.co/C8CjGjr and it off https://ibb.co/BqsMMWv
jakey1995abc  [készítő] 2021. aug. 7., 18:17 
Why not?
ImNotSure 2021. aug. 7., 17:42 
Don't use sharpening.