Siralim Ultimate

Siralim Ultimate

72 vurderinger
Universal GOTG Build [UPDATED]
Af C4rnif3X
- A universal late game GOTG team you can use with any specialization -
- Quickly run through GOTG to get all Ascensions -
- Get the rank 50 achievements for all God's -
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All God's done at rank 50 - All cards off, no perks.

Aeolian - 0:00
Alexandria - 0:37
Anneltha - 1:02
Apocranox - 1:30
Ariamaki - 2:29
Aurum - 2:57
Azural - 3:19
Erebyss - 4:16
Friden - 4:41
Genaros - 5:16
Gonfurian - 5:41
Lister - 7:19
Meraxis - 9:35
Mortem - 10:10
Muse - 11:33
Perdition - 12:19
4080 - 12:42
Reclusa - 13:10
Regalis - 13:49
Shallan - 14:10
Surathli - 14:33
Tartarith - 15:30
Tenebris - 16:07
T'mere M'rgo - 16:48
Torun - 17:34
Venedon - 18:12
Vertraag - 18:33
Vulcanar - 19:01
Yseros - 19:40
Zonte - 20:24

Version/Patch 1.0.0+ Changes
Mutilate was nerfed to do damaged based on the caster's current HP, instead of the enemies MAX HP. We don't need this anymore, so in it's place we're using Living Staff which works nicely with the amount of spells we're carrying.

Replaced Sanctum of Eternity for Rejuvenation.. Since we rely more on HP boosting now that Mutilate is gone, we need more reliable ways to keep HP up.

Changed everyone to Helmet Artifacts, prioritizing survivability and HP. We loose some extra casts of Clayman off staff's, but now most units have it equipped. Vulpes with Thousand Needles can still chain cast it.

Replaced the Eternal Echo anointment with Inner Light. Since one shots are not possible anymore at higher ranks, I added more damage reduction. We loose the speed we were able to kill, but we picked up more safety in fights like Muse/Torun.

Upgraded some spell gems, notably Greater Dispel over Mass Dispel.

Added some spells and deleted some spells that weren't necessary anymore.

Reworked some spell properties.


  • Venedon: Beat him at the GOTG for his mana to summon him.

  • Mimic: Mana for it can be farmed quickly in the Arachnid Nest as it has a high spawn rate for them.


  • Six Helmets at Rank 50: Needed for the Spell Gem socket, an absolute must for Tartarith. You don't need the Netherstone slot which is the most expensive. I left it blank for future upgrades however you see fit.

Spell Gems

  • Life Orb: From Caliban's GOTG fight.

  • Phoenix Down: Life Guild after a certain rank. Not necessary when you have Life Orb, but a nice safety net.

  • Utopia: Life Guild after a certain rank.

  • Entangling Roots: Nature Guild after a certain rank.

  • Living Staff, Living Necklace, and Living Helmet: Arena shop after a certain rank.

  • All Others: Will be random drops in regular loot.


  • Inner Light: Saint Althea False God.

  • Onslaught: Loid Prime False God.

  • Expanded Mind: Caliban the Unredeemed False God.

  • Bleed Out: The Ancestor False God.

  • Voracity: The Ancestor False God.

Trait Material

  • Master of Diabolic Horde Trait Material: Diabolic Horde Master can be found in the Kingdom of Heretics. The change of your lowest ranking master being the one who will appear makes getting this way easier.


  • Whisper, Shadow Staff of Tenebris: Rank 60
  • Salus, Jade Guardian of Lister: Rank 90
  • Materium, Shifting Gem of Aurum: Rank 100
  • Bloodseeker, Hungering Dagger of Mortem: Rank 70
  • Thousand Needles, Honed Bow of Apocranox: Rank 70
  • 5740-NG, Impenetrable Plate of 4080: Rank 50


  • Six Tome's of Relaxation: Health Up/Speed Down, uncommon drop in loot/realms

Full Team Layout

Creature & Trait Characteristics

He is pretty much an all-star for GOTG. Not only do your buffs last forever, but enemies debuffs stay forever too. This is very important for fights with Gonfurian and Azural where once applied, you don't have to think about it again unless they cast Dispel/Mass Dispel. This combo is very potent combined with our debuff Salted Earth + Absolution + Despair combo. The Virtue of Patience is for Azural mainly, but generates massive value overtime in any fight.

Phase Knight
Another absolute must is Endurance Aura, and mainly Torun protection. Provides protection for various debuffs that can be applied to us as well. Rejuvenation helps units keep their HP full after multiple Clayman casts. Between Dryad's Sense of Purpose and this, we can keep the damage pressure up for Voracity. Nature Transformation is specifically for Zonte, as he can make our team wipe themselves at the start of battle without it.

Dryad Vindicator
Absolution is the last piece of our debuff combo that provides massive benefit to every fight. Our debuff combo is definitely the MVP of this teams foundation. Chain casting Clayman, then Timewalking Dryad is a very quick way to push out damage with the Voracity anointment we're using. Diabolic Fortitude is our second piece of health stacking, and works great with Blessing of the Sands.

Sphinx Zealot
We don't have enough stats for Pharaoh's Boon to be relevant, but Pharoah's Bane does scale nicely with the enemies stats the higher the level, so it does provide some nice indirect protection. Blessing of the Sands is multifaceted and an absolute must - specifically with Diabolic Fortitude and Diabolic Protection.

Incandescent Vulpes
Naturalization is the bulk of our damage reduction, and great with the Expanded Mind anointment we're using. I've done heavy testing with and without some health stacking, and the higher in ranks you go you definitely want a buffer.. Even if you're not solely focusing on health stacking. Solace is one of the two pieces of health stacking we're using, and goes nicely with Naturalization. I have also done a lot of testing with the appropriate amount of damage reduction we need, and though one singular piece isn't an MVP.. It all adds significance, and definitely noticeable when we take off Diabolic Protection.

For obvious reasons, Mimic is an absolute must for strategic purposes. Especially at higher ranks. Surprise! needs no explanation. Celestial Fortitude works nicely with the amount of damage reduction we're packing. It assures we take no more than 20%, and our damage reduction assures we won't be taking more than 100% of our health most times. Salted Earth is a piece of our debuff combo, and excellent on Mimic because we can do this at the start of battle.


Artifacts & Spells

Spell Gems

  • Living Staff: Our main damage dealing spell. Makes quick work of Mortem.

  • Living Helmet: Gives us immunity for the Zonte, Muse, and Apocranox fights.

  • Living Necklace: Allows us to replenish Spell charges in case the fight goes on a bit.

  • Clayman: Our most important spell. Allows us to boost HP absurdly and push out damage with our Voracity Anointment.

  • Soothing Breeze: For Friden.

  • Utopia: For Torun, T'mere M'rgo, and back up heals.

  • Timewalk: Two purposes:
    1. Cast on Dryad to heal.
    2. For the Azural fight. Cast on Venedon to accumulate buffs so we can damage him.

  • Wormhole: Utility to take whatever turn you need. Switch to whatever unit has the highest health to cast Living Staff.

  • Exhaustion: Specifically for Lister.

  • Greater Dispel: For Surathli and Tenebris primarily, and a "you're pissing me off Zonte!" button.

  • Life Orb: Resurrect effect.

  • Phoenix Down: Backup resurrect effect.

  • Guardian Force: Our opener with Mimic. Causes Despair + Absolution to trigger, and protects units in the beginning of the fight.

  • Cruelty of the Wild: Is for any instance a God gets paired up with a healer.

  • Vitality Explosion: For Yseros if her team copies your Clayman casts on themselves.

  • Entangling Roots: For Muse. Guarantees resisted snare on all enemies, which will hopefully make a majority of them lose their turn. In addition, it will set off our Despair + Absolution chain.

  • Morph:Life/Death/Sorcery/Chaos/Nature: For Aeolian. Paired up with the Materium Relic, it's a nice way to gain some incremental stat buffs for a couple fights that might go longer.

Living Staff's and Clayman's in the helmet spell sockets for Tartarith. The Netherstone slot is not necessary, but allows for upgrades later on.

Spell Gem Properties

I wouldn't advise tweaking any of this as i've done a lot of experimentation with everything, and one of those "works out of the box" type of things. Dryad's Morph spells definitely need Generous gems or else Aeolian is a pain in the butt. No need to explain most of this, you'll see what's happening when socketing all of this.

Corresponding order from the "Artifacts & Spells" list, top to bottom.

Netherstone Upgrades

Some useful traits to be on the lookout for:
  • Vigor - Your creatures take 25% less damage.

  • Bulwark - This creature and your creatures adjacent to it take 50% less damage.

  • Defer Pain - When this creature takes damage, 90% of the damage is delayed until the start of it's next turn.

  • Pride - This creature always has Repelling and takes 30% less damage.

  • Nature's Blessing - Your creatures always have Mending and take 15% less damage.

  • Details Matter - Your creatures always take damage as if they are strong against their enemy's class.

  • Pocket Tank - While this creature has at least 3 buffs, it intercepts enemies attacks on it's allies and takes 50% less damage.

  • Consecrated Ground - This creature and it's adjacent allies are immune to damage from minions.

  • Horde Limits - After your creatures are afflicted with a debuff, they have a 20% chance to gain Immune.

  • Righteous Concession - This creature and the creatures adjacent to it are resistant to debuffs.

  • Uninterrupted - Your creatures have a 50% chance to avoid Silenced and Scorned.

  • Sense of Purpose - At the start of this creature's turn, your creatures recover 35% health.

  • Redemption - After this creature is killed, it heals your other creatures for an amount equal to 100% of it's maximum health.

  • Mindbender - When your creatures would take damage from spells, they have a 30% chance to ignore that damage.

  • Diamond Attunement - All spell gems can never be sealed.

  • Forbearance - When your creatures are resurrected, they are resurrected with 100% additional health. If this amount exceeds their maximum health, their maximum health increases by an amount equal to the difference.

  • Singularity - Your creatures have additional attack, intelligence, and defense equal to 10% of their current health.

  • Sarea's Command - At the start of battle, each enemy attacks a random enemy.

  • Love Thyself - After an enemy gains maximum health, this creature casts Vitality Explosion on it.

  • Spectrum of Eternity - After your creatures manually cast a Life spell, they have a 50% chance to take another turn.

  • Despair, Nature Transformation, Salted Earth, Diabolic Fortitude, Diabolic Protection - If you find any of our traits in our Artifacts, we can replace it with one of the above traits.

Relic's & Character Interactions

Whisper, Shadow Staff of Tenebris

Venedon: Rank 60 recommended, as this will gives us ample time and chance to gain Invisible. Invisible works good with The Virtue of Patience so we don't loose turns with Venedon. Though we could always Wormhole, we might not be able to in the current turn rotation.

Salus, Jade guardian of Lister

Phase Knight: Rank 90 recommended. We need Phase Knight alive at all times as it provides a lot of benefit to us. This relic gives us Mending, less spell damage, less damage received, defends at the end of turn, supplemental healing, and provides damage output the more it gets healed. A great tank relic that can turn into a damage unit in case shtf.

Materium, Shifting Gem of Aurum

Dryad Vindicator: Rank 100 necessary. We need all the defense on Dryad as we can get. Since it has a chance to cast different spells we have equipped from other classes every time you cast, this relic lets us boost our stats with the Morph:Spells.

Bloodseeker, Hungering Dagger of Mortem

Sphinx Zealot: Rank 100 recommended, but definitely 70. We always want to Clayman on Sphinx since it distributes max HP to everyone else, and rank 70 gives larger health increases which means larger distribution. With multiple Clayman casts, we get our damage online fast.

Thousand Needles, Honed Bow of Apocranox

Incandescent Vulpes: Rank 70 recommended. Rank 30 will allow us to chain multiple Clayman's which is necessary - but Rank 70 allows us to attack multiple times, which is very helpful for Gonfurian.

5740-NG, Impenetrable Plate of 4080

Mimic: Rank 50 recommended. Another good tank relic with indirect damage protection to boot. At the end of every enemy's turn, this relic will attack and give Mimic a massive health and def boost. If the fight goes long, Mimic will end up with a massive HP pool and be very hard to kill.

Inner Light

A static 40% damage reduction for our harder fights. (Muse, Torun, Yseros, ect.)


A combination damage/damage reduction package (+40%/-40% respectively). I've done lots of testing with this and it's pretty necessary for this build to survive Torun and the variables that he spawns with. Sometimes it's not necessary and we have just enough damage reduction without this. It's better to be safe though and make this build consistent. If anything, i'd swap this out with Rigor against Zonte and Apocranox. Snare/Freeze/Sleep immunity goes a long way in those fights. The damage increase this provides is nice at the start, but with Voracity we can get insane damage output in a turn if we need to, so a static 40% is less exciting.

Expanded Mind

We need lots of answers for situations, so this is an absolute must. It's also a big part of our damage reduction package in combination with our trait Naturalization.

Bleed Out

Bleed Out is just nice to have for one shots that can happen. Mainly for Erebyss, Meraxis, Muse, Yseros, Reclusa, and Apocranox who can get out of hand with debuff arrows. It does not help with Torun because if he wipes you once, your creatures will be at the bottom of the timeline and he'll easily wipe you again. Erebyss always goes to the bottom of the timeline after she kills your team, so you'll get another round to kill her.


Another absolute must. No real explanation needed as it's just great with builds that can stack and stat massive health. Without it, this build does not work.


In the next part of the guide, I will go over ideal win condition routes for each God. Obviously RNG plays a big factor in this game, so things can go awry very easily. This build provides all the tools you need do things on the fly if things don't go as planned/explained.. Zonte being the biggest culprit of this. Outside factors can put an immediate stop to our ideal setup - namely Repelling/Invisible/Silenced/Freeze/Snared. At higher ranks, one shots can happen which also throws some wrenches in the gears.

No strategy for Caliban listed because his fight isn't required to ascend each class. Though he still has his rare skin drops.

Mimic will usually be starting off with Guardian Force, and teammates will have a chance to cast Living Helmet on themselves after defending. Guardian Force will proc our Despair + Absolution combo and apply most debuffs on enemies. From there, we're casting Clayman on Sphinx to boost our HP. Rejuvenation and Sense of Purpose will keep our Current HP up, and an occasional Utopia cast will be needed. We can wipe out most things with Living Staff once our HP is boosted. Vulpes can chain cast Clayman with it's Thousand Needles. All other gimmicks we'll cover when we get there.


Not a big threat. Have Mimic cast Guardian Force, and let Aeolian shift. Morph:Cast it's corresponding element, Clayman, Living Staff.


This ability can get out of hand I suppose, especially once it starts scaling with us. Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff should finish it before this happens.


Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. Anneltha will most likely kill Venedon, but should be dead before it kills your next teammate.


Apocranox is annoying af. It has some arrows that can freeze and snare. Mimic should cast Guardian Force first, and hope you can get Living Helmet on a couple units. If not and you get these debuffs, just cast Greater Dispel with any free unit. Keep on top of casting Clayman, and Living Staff when you have an opening.


Don't worry about this team's Shell and Invisible statuses. We should be able to take them out in one round, so it's second ability doesn't matter either. Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff.


Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. His gimmick is very underwhelming as 300% of our lowest stat is insignificant.


Start off with Guardian Force. Vulpes should use Clayman on Sphinx, and Timewalk Venedon with everyone else for buff stacking. Repeat this loop until some units are over 1M+ with around 9-10 buffs, then Living Staff for the win.


Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. The Bleed Out Anointment will protect us if she gets her second turn for whatever reason, and she'll always go to the bottom of the timeline afterwards. So just rinse and repeat.


Guardian Force, Clayman, Soothing Breeze Friden. Once he's down, Living Staff the rest of his team.


It's abilities are irrelevant to our gameplan. Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff.


One of our slowest fights because we've put so much effort elsewhere on more serious problems that we have no real reliable way to do heavy attack damage to Gonfurian outside of the 5740-NG Relic.

Despair + Absolution is absolutely necessary to be able to damage their team. Venedon's Soul Reaver will assure these debuffs are permanent on them. Mimic's 5740-NG Relic will quickly boost Mimic's HP up as enemy turns pass, so a couple rounds and Mimic should be able to take down Gonfurian easily.

Start off by defending with Mimic, and attack Gonfurian with everyone else. Then have Mimic attacking Gonfurian afterwards. Once he's down, Clayman a couple times, and Living Staff the rest of Gonfurian's team.


Guardian Force with Mimic on it's first turn, and Exhaustion afterwards. Have everyone else cast Exhaustion, and Dryad should Defend. After a couple rounds start skipping turns until Lister leaves, this will speed up the process a bit more.


This one is a bit tricky.. He reflects 100% of your damage back to you, but our setup makes this easy. Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. Bleedout will resurrect us, and Meraxis will be dead. If there are any variables, use Life Orb in case you need a backup resurrect.


Very easy fight, just a bit long. Guardian Force, Clayman, Utopia everyone to full. Then Living Staff with everyone until they're dead.


Probably the hardest fight alongside Torun. This fight can go either way at higher ranks, but our plan is fairly consistent. Start the fight by casting Entangling Roots, which will guarantee a resisted snare on them. This will still trigger our Despair + Absolution chain applying most debuffs on them, and minimize their stats. Most of them should lose their turns, but if not their incoming damage will be less scary.

We also have Bleedout for a saftey net. On your following turns, alternate casting Clayman and Greater Dispel if you have any debuffed teammates.. Living Staff on an opening which should be the win. Make sure to only cast Living Staff once you have over 800k-1M HP because once you cast it, your whole team will get blasted with debuffs and you'll most likely lose from that point.


Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. They do have some decent damage output, but really a non-issue. We have enough damage reduction in case he gets paired up with something that maximizes this ability.


Trying to debuff this team is pointless. We don't need to worry about damage either, so Guardian Force isn't necessary. Have Mimic start out with Clayman this time, and Living Staff their team away afterwards.


Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. Bleedout will protect us from it's ability, but we'll kill them before this is relevant.


A debuff gimmick, but easy enough. Once again.. Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. If too many teammates get snared/frozen, Greater Dispel is there.


Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. They're pretty tanky, but just cast Clayman till you're over 1M HP. Living Staff will easily take them out afterwards.


Cast Greater Dispel with Mimic first which will clear Rebirth, Barrier, Invisible, and Shelled from everything. Then - Clayman and Living Staff. Her team has Repelling so some casts won't go through. This fight is a little RNG dependent depending on what she spawns with, but use Life Orb if necessary. If she goes down first, cast Greater Dispel on everything else and continue to take them out with Living Staff.


Defend with Mimic first, then have it provoke. Provoke with everyone else. Clayman's and Living Staff's should automatically cast, quickly ending the fight.


Guardian Force, Clayman, Greater Dispel away Invisible, Living Staff.

T'mere M'rgo

Don't worry about this ability. Just stick to your Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff plan and they will die without hurting you.

Alternatively, if they end up blighted from Despair + Absolution, you can cast Utopia to make quick work of them too. Don't bother trying to set this up though because if you attempt to cast Cruelty of the Wild on them, they'll cast it on you as well.


This one is a pain in the ass without the right setup, luckily we have it! In most cases our Traits, Artifacts, and Anointments should give us the appropriate damage reduction to tank Torun's insane damage every turn, but sometimes it might be a wipe depending on what he spawns with. Start off by casting Guardian Force with Mimic, we need to reduce the damage as much as possible on everyone.

Everyone should rotate between Clayman and Utopia. Dryad can Timewalk itself for the heals since it doesn't have Utopia. Once you have an opening and have high HP, cast Living Staff.


Similar to Perdition. Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. Venedon and his team attack/cast spells 5 extra times, but we have enough damage reduction to tank this.


Not too much to say here. His gimmick is irrelevant to us, he'll kill us if we take too long..

Soooo - Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff.


Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff. Vulcanar's gimmick is it'll resurrect 5 times, so just keeping casting Living Staff on him till you win.


This fight is a bit tricky, and another one where they can easily wipe you out. Yseros and her team copy everything you do, and output some decent damage with some RNG debuff elements.

Start off by just defending with Mimic. We don't want them all defending and casting Living Helmet on themselves. Despair + Absolution will chain off giving them most debuffs, and will put us in an ok spot to start our Clayman boosts. If they copy Clayman and cast it on Yseros, cast Vitality Explosion on her which will take her out. If not, continue Clayman and Living Staff as usual.


Another really hard fight. Here is the joy of Zonte.. One of his gimmick rotations he'll reset his team to 70% health - bypassing Blighted. He seals Ethereal spells and regularly gets paired up with creatures that seal regular spells, and your team will constantly attack and debuff themselves. Nature Transformation is an absolute must so your team doesn't pummel themselves to death on your turns. If your creatures start the battle silenced just forfeit. Overall it's just really RNG, but if we're not silenced or in the midst of a couple other factors we have a consistent plan.

Good news, this is just another "Guardian Force, Clayman, Living Staff" fight, but if that doesn't happen from outside factors it turns completely RNG and you're left to work through it with the tools you have. Living Helmet and Greater Dispel equipped on everyone are our best ways to keep your turns. Living Staff Zonte and his team with the users who are free and have Immune.

29 kommentarer
Misfit 9. dec. 2022 kl. 15:31 
same question with living necklace, more targets and twice casting make no sense on a spell that covers the whole team anyway. maybe it was a single target spell before?
Zabero 2. nov. 2022 kl. 3:15 
Hi guys, according to the spell properties I should select "cast for another target" on Living Necklace, but when I try to do it is marks red. Any Idea what I do wrong?
Ossi 22. aug. 2022 kl. 15:48 
Where do i get "Despair" Trait for my relic? It's not listet in my codex as of now :(
Ariamaki 6. aug. 2022 kl. 0:41 
==> Ariamaki: Read a Guide To Thrash Your Own Ass
A classic resource that probably needs a few small updates after the latest patch, but really well-composed and written with good production values.
torrid 26. maj 2022 kl. 20:31 
Thanks for this guide! It took me about a week to piece everything together for this, and I still have a few spell gems to unlock, but this is looking extremely promising for getting all specs ascended. Bravo!
Camkitsune 25. apr. 2022 kl. 13:38 
Since Wormhole doesn't work with Thousand Needles Equipped (presumably you cast it twice on the same target, resulting in switching and then instantly switching back) it would be a good idea to put an Astral Dimension with Generous on the Incandescent Vulpes in its place.
Back To 17 4. mar. 2022 kl. 5:13 
Hi, i encounter a potential bug with materium relic

Materium Lv 90 allow creature to cast other non same class equipped spell gem each with a 10% chance when casting.

However in my last two hours testing this effect doesnt trigger even ONCE! Thats really abnormal for 10%

I hav a mix pack of spell gems equipped(2 from each class) so the condition are met.Appriaciate any suggestion for this issue
HeraldOfOpera 19. jan. 2022 kl. 9:58 
I cubed 0.6 and it turns out that replacing the Vulpes with maxed Shimmer (which you can get by simply adding more generous if you can't be bothered to use the ophan) would be twice as effective at reducing damage. (Cubed because you have two 40% reductions and the Vulpes' 44% that I rounded)
C4rnif3X  [ophavsmand] 19. jan. 2022 kl. 9:45 
That would be a really good change, a couple others i've wondered about too over Boon. I've wanted to look into options over it for a while now - just don't feel like testing and comparing at the moment.

I don't know if getting rid of Boon's stat reduction will matter or not. It was part of an old package where I used some other stat reduction anointments together with it to be relevant. I just kept it because it seems to scale nicely the higher in ranks you go.

Shimmer + Orphan would probably produce enough DR to open up another spot as well, so ya will most likely look into that when I update again. I want to make the guide a little more accessible instead of late post game, or a least a section for substitutes so you can jump right in when you unlock gotg.
HeraldOfOpera 18. jan. 2022 kl. 18:51 
Oh, and if this really works then We Are Pack should also work. Which could do a lot more broken things than what you're doing with it, probably. Because quite frankly Diabolic Rebel would do 90% of what the Sphinx is doing and the remainder is Pharaoh's Bane which you could probably find something more broken to do. Like Mitida Ophan and swapping in Apex and Shimmer instead of your current damage reduction suite.