She Will Punish Them
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She Will Punish Them

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Tentative Suggestion For An Alternative Levelling Path
Por ☕TeaDrinker
A tentative suggestion for an alternative levelling path for update V0.830
Skills (in order of acquisition)
Fast Learning
Hardened Skin

Max out each skill in turn, according to the order above.
This creates a very smooth ascent for your character.
Picking 'Regeneration' first means you are unlikely to die early on.
Follow up with 'Fast Learning' to give yourself a boost to your levelling speed.
By this point you will have noticed how quickly you run out of stamina.
It is annoying.
Solve this problem by maxing out 'Athletic'.
Things will be starting to get a little tough again now,
so flatten out the difficulty curve with 'Hardened Skin'.

At this point you are functionally immortal to everything except elemental damage,
which is currently very rare from enemies.

With immortality achieved, you may safely experiment with the rest of the skills to suit your preferences and play style.

The 'Summoner' skill does not increase your minion cap.
'Group Combat', 'Ignore Pain', and 'Summoner' do not appear to do anything at all,
so don't bother with them.
Just dump everything into Agility.

As well as improving your dps by boosting attack speed,
and increasing your max stamina,
Agility increases your defence.
This will stack with 'Hardened Skin'.
That's an awful lot packed into just one stat.

Power only makes sense if you are making a mage build which isn't very effective at the moment.

Strength has an extremely negligible effect on attack damage. Doesn't seem worth it.

Vitality isn't bad, but with 'Regeneration' maxed out, and the bonus to defence from Agility and 'Hardened Skin', It's just overkill.
New Game
Sell the quiver, the summoning scroll, and the dagger.
Buy an exp book if you can.
Consume said exp book with your main character.

Spend your first 2 skill points on Regeneration,
and your first stat point on Agility.

Press M to go to the map and do Forsaken Ruins.

Head back home,
sell booty,
buy more exp books,
try to keep your companion at or near your lvl by feeding them exp books.
Exp doesn't carry over to the next lvl, so save gold by only using an exp book when it won't quite level you up,
otherwise the leftover exp is wasted.
General Advice
In my opinion it is generally worth saving the gold keys for the boss loot chests.
I quite often get 1 or 2 exp books from these, so it seems worth it, given that gold keys only sell for 300g, or 600g if you have the 'Trading' skill maxed out.

Silver keys only sell for 7g,
so you may as well save them up for chests as well,
even though RNG is so bad on silver key chests that their existence seems pointless.

I would not recommend ever buying keys at the shop, since the RNG is extremely unlikely to be worth the extortionate price she sells them for.

I find it sufficient simply to use whatever does the most damage per hit.

Templar shields are great value for money,
and they don't drop that often.
Keep an eye out for them at the blacksmith.
Buy one for yourself and each of your waifus as soon as you have enough gold.
They do seem to increase your armour even if you are using a 2-hander.

Pick up everything.
There is no need to leave anything on the ground.
There are 4 merchants back home to sell it all to, and there are 8 tabs in your Home Storage.
If your inventory gets full while looting, just open the menu by pressing ESC, click 'Home Storage' and transfer all your loot to your Home Storage.
Then get straight back to looting.

As you unlock the waifus,
You should find it effective to level them the exact same way as your main character,
with the exception that they should not be given 'Trading'.
Honestly, it shouldn't really even be there as an option.

The new minion system is pretty good. Don't waste your money on summoning scrolls. Go to the slaver to buy minions that can be kept and level'd up. Check the minions screen (Esc > Minions) after every battle and level up as many as you can afford.

Having a large minion army will enable you to just sit back and farm low level skirmish parties if you want. Personally, I find it quite satisfying, kind of like playing TABS.

Another benefit is that it will increase the survive-ability of you and your waifus to have lots of cannon fodder to take aggro and soak up damage. The non-archer variants tend to be better at this, although they also tend to die a lot until you level them up. They are fairly cheap, so don't worry too much about losing a few lower level ones, although it might be worth it to do a few low level skirmishes if you keep getting wiped out.

They are pretty cheap, so just fill up your quota and take a whole army in with you as soon as you can afford it.

I've noticed the archers tend to clump up and either shoot each other or shoot into a wall. The AI is pretty terrible, and their arrows do not pass through friendly units, so I would recommend that archers always be less than half your force. They nearly always survive a battle, and they do great dps when they happen to end up in the right place at the right time, but most of the time they are pretty useless. If you only have a couple of melee minions they tend to get swamped and splatted, so you want to go mostly melee with a few archers for ranged support.

I have found about 5 archers to be as many as can be useful without most of the archers just shooting most of the other archers in the back.

For the tanks I would recommend getting the berserkers, and upgrading them to blade masters as soon an you can, as they have so much more survive-ability than the skelleton alternative that it's just silly.

Healing Aura
At time of writing, 'Healing Aura' only heals you, not your allies, so I would not recommend it. You gain better survive-ability from passive skills that don't clutter up your inventory with mana pots.
It's a shame, because I quite like the idea of a build focused on being a healer for a huge army of minions, and playing as a kind of Lich Queen. It would also add variety to the game-play to switch back and forth between healing your allies and pummelling your enemies.