Element TD
ElementTD Tower Cheat-Sheet
โดย TheDeadSkin
This guide aims at providing a single-image cheat-sheet helper. The image (based on in-game help) contains all the upgrade/total prices, element combinations of towers and short clues about stats and properties at a single glance.
This guide aims at providing a single-image cheat-sheet helper. The image (based on in-game help) contains all the upgrade/total prices, element combinations of towers and short clues about stats and properties at a single glance.

With this picture I aim to fix the incompleteness of built-in help which has a relatively low glance value and no filters. As it stands, you have to know numerous (44) towers by heart with all their parameters for the help menu to have value without clicking on individual towers.

This is not a substitution for the full knowledge of the game and its towers. This is just a brief summary/reminders fit into a single image, so you can keep it open on your tablet, phone, second monitor or just maximized on your computer so you can alt-tab instead of opening built-in help.
First of all, to get it out of the way - the image itself (click to enlarge).

The next section will explain the notations used.
Image structure

Top bar contains tower prices next to the tower types.

Highlighted in red is the upgrade cost - this is the price of upgrading any Level 1 Dual Tower into a Level 2 Dual Tower.

Highlighted in cyan is the cumulative cost - this is a total cost of constructing a Level 3 Dual Tower from scratch, i.e. first a Single tower (175), then adding a second element to get a Dual (425), then an upgrade to Level 2 (1150), then an upgrade to Level 3 (3000) which come out at a total of 4700.


All towers are marked with a brief summary for their construction and properties.

Highlighted in red is an indicator that this is a "support tower" those towers are excluded from each other's support abilities and only help other towers, typically having lower stats.

Highlighted in green is (only for support towers) the brief indicator of what is support tower's ability.

Highlighted in cyan is the combination of elements required to produce the tower.

Remark: Unlike in the game, in the picture the order of the elements is always the same regardless which ones are used. The order is given by going from top row to bottom row in the picture. This means that Light always comes before Shadow which always comes before Water etc. If you're searching for a tower that combines Fire, Light and Earth - you can "sort" the elements L > F > E and now you can more easily search for LFE tower on the picture.

Remark 2: The elemental damage type of the tower is defined by which row it's situated in, regardless of the element combination. So LN, NE, SNE, LNE, WFE and WNE towers will have Nature type damage because they're on the same line as Single Nature tower.

Highlighted in red is an indicator of the tower's range. See next section for explanations.

Highlighted in cyan is an indicator of the tower's mult-target capabilities (if any). See next section for explanations.

Highlighted in green is (for non-support towers) the brief indicator of any special effects (if any) that the tower posseses. See next section for explanations.
Tower range

Shor - Tower range is at most 700

Midi - Tower range is between 701 and 900

Long - Tower range is between 901 and 1150

Huge - Tower range is between 1151 and 1500

Tower multi-target capabilities

This describes base properties of tower's attack, without regards for special abilities (unless it's too integral for them).

Solo - Tower attacks a single target at a time.

Spla - Tower has a splash range which means it hits all enemies in a vicinity of a primary target.

Jump - Tower attacks a single target, however the attack jumps to its neighbours at least once (typically with a damage penalty).

Circ - Tower attacks all the targets within its range (Vapor only).

Area - Tower sends a projectile that deals damage to all enemies on contact (Ice only).

Support abilities

Clone - [Trickery] Creates a temporary copy of non-support towers in the vicinity.

SpeedBuff - [Well] Temporarily increases attack speed of up to 4 non-support towers in the vicinity.

DamageBuff - [Blacksmith] Temporarily increases damage of up to 4 non-support towers in the vicinity.

Non-support abilities

General effects:

{STAT}Up / {STAT}Decay - an indicated stat of the tower increases (Up) or decreases (Decay) with each subsequent attack.

Stracking - tower applies an effect on enemies that increases the strength from subsequent attacks. Works on a per-target basis.

DmgAmp - increases damage taken by all enemies affected by tower's attack.

Slow - all enemies affected by tower's attack are temporarily slowed.

LineAtk - the tower applies the effects/attack in the straight line that it targets.

TravelDist - tower's strength profits from the distance to the enemy or the distance the projectile has traveled.

(Small)Group - tower's strength profits from the grouping of enemies in the attack range (except when written "penalty").

Temp{STAT} / {STAT}Chance - Tower gains an indicated stat temporarily or at random.

Unique effects:

Life, AoeDmg14, Gold, Excess, HighHp, Current% - these are complex or unique effects of the towers so I encourage to look at the description. These keywords are selected to remind of key parts of the description to more easily remember the effects.
Closing remarks
I hope you can make use of this cheat-sheet.

If you have any remarks or if you spot any mistakes - let me know in the comments.
1 ความเห็น
Moimee 9 ส.ค. 2021 @ 9: 31pm 
Thank you for creating and sharing this. :greatreally::id2gm: