Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Errors in DbD
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I have been compiling a list of images of the different errors I got in Dead by Daylight, I don't know how to solve almost any of them, still I wanted to share my error library. I am not using the beta version.
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Archives Rewards Error
Connection Error
This one is related to your internet connection failing.
Connection Lost
Connection with Host Error
Probably internet connection issues.
DeadMatch Error
Disconnection from Host
Internet connection issues.
Join Game Failure
Match Cancelled
A player disconnected while the match was loading.
Match Ending still InGame
This one happened when we got the end match screen but I was still in game gathering crows. It also happened to other players since we all said it in chat.
No Network Connection
Party Creation Failed
Player Level Update Error
Save Game Error
Session Closed
Sync Error
These ones are a bit rare for me but they actually crash my game.
