Garry's Mod
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How to play TTT.
От mur mur
This is simple guide how to play TTT. Many people with Garry's Mod would like to enjoy TTT, but they don't know how. This simple guide will help you to play.
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The Basics
TTT is a mod, where you can do many things. Generally you have to kill. You can be one of three kinds of persons: Innocent, Traitor or Detective.
As Innocent, you have to kill Traitors. You don't know who is who, Traitor or Innocent. Only person you can really trust is Detective.
As Detective, you must kill Traitors and help Innocent with special stuff you have. Innocents know who detective is, but Detective doesn't know who is innocent and who is Traitor.
As Traitor you must kill every single Innocent and Detective. Being Traitor is not that easy, because you can't just kill in front of everyone. You have to kill fast and quiet or else you'll get caught.
If you did not understand something, as in the comments, press F1 in the game or continue reading.

Innocent is most usual role in TTT. It's quite boring for some people.

What you have to do as Innocent?
Generally defeat traitors, make trust and stay alive. In some of the maps you can find Traitor-tester. That's the best tool to find traitors and make trust. Traitor-testers aren't the best place to be at for long time, because traitors can easily blow up many people with one bomb. Good thing to do as Innocent is to be around detective. Traitors are trying to kill Detective as soon as possible. You, as Innocent, can protect Detective. Protecting Detective will make you trusted.

What you don't have to do as Innocent?
As Innocent you need to avoid RDM:ing. RDM means Random Deathmatch (killing people for nothing, a.k.a. trigger happy). RDM will make you not respected or maybe even banned. Also you lose Karma points for killing Innocents. So if you suspect someone, don't kill him immediately. RDM:ing Traitors will also lead you to ban, or make you not respected. Killing detective is teamkill, because you know that Detective is not Traitor. Do not break Traitor-testers or any Detective tool (for example Healt Station). Try to not damage other players. Follow the rules of the server.

Detective is a trusted Innocent with special tools that help you find out Traitors.

What you have to do as Detective?
It's annoying to be Detective because Traitors want to kill you as soon as possible.
You have to suspect everyone, except trusted people (Innocents that have protected you from Traitors, killed Traitor or just got tested). Detective have special tools. Best tool is DNA-scanner. It shows who have killed person that you took DNA from. You can take DNA by pressing(left click) on the corpse. In the top right corner you can check, have you successfully took DNA.
The red circle is DNA of killer. If you don't see DNA on corpse, you have ran out of time. DNA is only 1,30 minutes in the corpse. Detectives have also a little shop for special stuff.

What you don't have to do as Detective?
As Detective you have same rights as Innocents. Do not RDM, damage people or blame people for nothing. Follow the rules of the server.
As Traitors you have to kill innocents without leaving any trails, so you won't get caught. Most liked role in TTT.

What do you have to do as Traitor?
Being Traitors is pretty simple. You have to kill Innocents without leaving any trails and stay alive till the end of the round. Usually 10-30% of the people in the server are Traitors, so you have teammates. Your teammates have red letter T floating on their head. If there is less than 10 players in the server, you may will be the only Traitor. As Traitor you see who are Innocents. Good Traitors work in team. They walk together, kill together and die together. Traitors have own voice chat (SHIFT) and chat (U). Traitors also have useful Special shop. Tools are helpful in every way. With tools you can kill, hide bodies and yourself. Small things, like planting a C4 bomb can be very useful.
About the tools you can read in next section.

What you don't have to do as Traitor?
Simply don't kill or give out your teammates. You don't have to give up. You can get caught or have trail, but that mustn't stop you. Rushing(killing everyone as fast as you can) is also good thing to do at that moment. Bombs are always good. Sometimes just being near to your teammate can be dangerous for him. If you are caught or have trail, stay away from your teammates.

Special shops
Detective's special shop
Body armor - Passively gives a 30% resistance to damage. Has no effect on the player's appearance.
Radar - Scans every 30 seconds, showing the location of every living player.
Health station - When placed, any player (including Traitors) can use this to heal. Has a limited charge, but slowly recharges over time. Can be destroyed. A DNA sample is left when used.
Binoculars - Identifies bodies from a distance. Takes a few seconds of standing still to activate, rendering the Detective a sitting duck for a Traitor.
Defusal kit - Can be used to more safely defuse a Traitor's C4 than attempting to do so without one.
UMP.45 prototype - A special UMP that fires special rounds which, on impact, mess up the recipient's aim.
DNA Scanner - Scans DNA on a body, showing the current location of the killer. You must reach a body within a couple minutes of death, or the DNA will expire.
Visualizer - When placed near a body, it will visualize how the player died, showing blue "Ghosts" where the killer and the victim were standing at the time of death.
Some server have more items, but these are the most usual.

Traitor's special shot
Body Armor - Passively gives a 60% resistance to damage. Has no effect on the player's appearance.
Disguiser - Once purchased, the player may open the shop menu with C and click the Disguiser tab at the top. Then he may click the check box - this will disguise him. A disguised player has no name. This makes them an obvious Traitor, but since nobody can see their name, if the Traitor retreats, they can blend back in and nobody will know who was shooting.
Radar - Scans every 30 seconds, showing the location of every living player.
Silenced Pistol - A silenced pistol allowing for medium range silent kills. Victims do not scream when killed. Does low damage and has mediocre accuracy.
Silent/Night Fox - A silenced sub-machine gun allowed for small range silent kills. Victims do not scream when killed. Does high damage and has poor accuracy.
Knife - Can be used to silently stab an unsuspecting victim, and can be thrown with right click. It deals about 50 damage and will tell you when you can get an instant kill when holding it. Like the silenced pistol, victims do not scream when killed.
C4 - A destructive timed bomb. The Bomb can be programmed to explode after any time between 45 seconds and 10 minutes. When it expires, it causes multiple deadly explosions that will kill anyone within a fairly long radius. Has a distinctive beep to alert the Innocents. Any Innocent can try to defuse it by cutting 1 of 6 wires at random, but the longer the timer is set for, the more likely they will cut a bad wire and cause it to explode instantly. Detectives can use Defusal Kits to more safely defuse C4.
Flare Gun - Shoots a flare to burn a dead body; can be used as a weapon, dealing about 50 damage over a short period of time. You only have four bullets in this gun so use wisely.
Newton Launcher - When fired at a physics prop or player, it will push that prop or player. Can be used to push people standing on a ledge over. Works at a long distance, but has a long recharge. Uses the physgun model, so if you hold it out you will be an obvious traitor.
Poltergeist - A special weapon that can be fired at any physics prop, attaching a thruster. The thruster will begin to thrust in short bursts, throwing the prop around violently and potentially killing anyone in its way. As the thruster expires, the bursts will get faster until the thruster explodes, dealing damage to anything nearby. The Poltergeist has a long recharge and has no effect when fired on players.
Decoy - Can be used on a body to falsify evidence, causing the location revealed by a DNA test to be incorrect.
Radio - Can be activated by opening the shop with C and clicking the Radio tab. From there, you can play a number of sounds from the radio, from gunfire to death screams to C4 beeping, which may lure players to or scare them away from the radio.
Jihad Bomb - Once activated, the Traitor will go into a frenzy for about 2 seconds, screaming "LALALALALALALALA" and, unless an Innocent/Detective guns the Traitor down, will detonate and kill all surrounding players. Also has a right-click which makes the Traitor taunt "Hey, over here!" While this may not sound useful, it could prove to be effective if used near other innocents.
Death Station - The death station is what it says...A death station. Once placed anyone who uses [/b]this station will be killed, instantly. Not very useful in most situations since people will think "Where did that come from?" It's especially not worth it if an innocent sees someone get killed just by using it.

These are the most usual tools. Usually, servers have more stuff.
So, I am not sure is commands the best title, but in this section I will tell what each button on your keyboard and mouse do in the game.
You might know plenty of these, but remember, in DarkRP some commands are not the same as in TTT.
esc - main screen, where are all the servers and gamemodes.
W - walk forward
A - walk right
S - walk back
D - walk left
MOUSE1(left click) - Shoot,hit, press(DNA scanner).
MOUSE2(right click) - scope, throw(knife), push(crowbar)
MOUSE3(scroll) - you can choose which weapon you want to use, change weapon
F1 - Support and Help
F2 - When you are dead, you can mute alive terrorists, dead terrorists and spectators.
F3 - nothing
F4 - menu
F5 - takes screenshot
other F-buttons aren't that important
TAB - players, alive and death people
Q - drop weapon
E - closing and opening doors, breaking things, picking up, pressing buttons(traitor)
R- reload weapon
Y - chat
U - traitor- or detective-only chat
O - as same as F2
G - spray
SHIFT - traitor-only voice chat
X - voice chat
C - traitor/detective shop
CTRL - duck
ALT - walk(move slowly)
SPACE - jump
@ - you can send private message for admins(not in every server)
Numbers 1-6 are weapons. If you press 3 and left click, you take out your main weapon, if you have one.
You can change these controls by pressing Options in the main menu. First thing you will see is Keyboard.
You can change letters for control by pressing letter twice. There will appear little yellow box. After that press any button you want to change that command to. Then just press apply or OK.

General rules
This section is about general rules of TTT. There is not that many rules, so it's easy to remember them. Servers have always own rules, but these are most usual ones.
Easy to medium rule. It means that you shouldn't kill for no reason. If you still have reason, it should be good(for exaple: you had his DNA, you saw him killing people, you saw him planting C4). RDM often leads you to ban.

Very simple rule. Usually maps have many map props, which can be used as illegal weapon. You(often) have weapon Magneto-stick on slot 5. You can hold props with it. If you throw prop with a little boost at someone, he will die or get highly damaged. Propkill often leads to ban.

Simple rule. It generally means that you should write/speak things related to the game. Some people don't want to read/hear about your new shoes or laggy computer. Leads to mute(people don't see what you write) or gag(people don't hear what you say).

Often forgettable rule. People don't like to hear voice(s) of under 14-years old people. If you have high voice, don't talk, it annoys people. Leads to gag.

Easy to medium rule. Administrators and moderators are often "bosses" of the server. They don't want to argue against players. Good administrators usually ask questins like "why did you kill <someone's nickname> ?". Not obeying admins or mods leads to ban, slay, kick, mute or gag.

Easy rule. When you die in TTT, you often see the name of the killer. When you are dead, alive people can't hear/read your message about killer or something. That's why some people use Skype or Steam chat for telling out who the killer is. That is called ghosting. That's ruining everyone's fun. It's easy to find out who the ghoster is. For example: Traitor killed person <ghoster1> in the corner. No-one saw or heard that. Half minute later random <ghoster2> kills this Traitor. It's either RDM-Traitor or ghosting. Both leads to long ban.
Cheating(and hacking) is highly illegal in every way. Using map bugs isn't cheating, but it's not recommended. You can get slayed(killed by admins) while round. Cheating is for example using aimbot or wallhacks. It's hard for admins to find out cheater, but not for Valve. Valve can lock your Steam-account or the game where you hacked for a long time. If still somehow admins will found out that you cheat, you will be reported to Valve and banned permamently(forever) from server.

Hard for some people rule. In TTT, like everywhere else you must be respectful towards other people. Like many people say - words hurt. If someone didn't shoot so well, no need to call him names. If someone said something weird, you don't need to call him names. Racism is illegal aswell. People are different. Someone is great at shooting, someone's not. Someone is very social, someone's not. Deal with it.
This rule can lead to mute, gag, kick or ban.
Tips & some other stuffs
This is section where you can add your tips or other stuff. Comment something you want to be added here.

  • "KOS" <x> means kill on sight person <x>. Someone may have seen <x> killing someone. KOSing innocents is wrong, but it happens very often. If you don't think that KOS is right and person who KOSed someone is not trustworthy, don't KOS anyone.
  • If you RDM'ed someone, don't try to say that it was DNA(if it wasn't). Admins and mods can check everything from damagelogs.
  • Try to find one good server, where you enjoy playing. You can make new friends, get trusted and maybe even get admin.
  • Stay calm, don't rage. TTT is sometimes annoyed, but you have to control yourself.
  • Be nice to everyone.
  • Pushing people down with crowbar is also RDMing.
  • Don't show your special equipment as Traitor.
  • You can hang bodies as Traitor with Magneto-stick. First grab body, put it next to the wall and press right click on mouse.
  • In this guide <x> means someone or something.

Well, this guide ends here. If you want to ask or add something, comment. If you liked, like or comment. I hope this will help or helped you somehow. Be grammar nazi, if you find mistake in text. My english isn't perfect. Thanks for reading!

33 коментара
Meadman 2 март 2020 в 16:39 
i cannot get my head around this mode you just have to look at a guy and they can shoot on spot (inno and traitors) so how can u prevent that simple camping and being a hermit even if u see a kill like acctuly seeing the guy shoot the person 1st thought terrorist comes to mind you cant pause or you will die too if he is traitor or inno if u shoot you get accused of rdm even if u go to id the body sorry mode is too complex il stick to RP
frkn 24 окт. 2019 в 12:49 
I clicked this because i didn't know how to get TTT but i do know how to play it and i thought this was a Tutorial on how to get it but instead it was a tutorial on how to play it,so i'm going to commit NotExistingAnymore.
JK_Hipster 28 юни 2019 в 14:29 
6) *Don't use cheats unless you're with a group of friends or you happen to be SeaNanners* #NTN = Never Trust Nanners

Honorable Mentions:

1. CTC = Can't Trust Chilled

2. MTM = Mustn't Trust Minx

3. DTD = Don't Trust Doxy

Those were good times... when The RPGMinx played TTT with Necro, Dlive, Doxy, Chilled, etc. or when Chilled played Deathrun with Vanoss and his friends.

iget bar 23 март 2019 в 22:42 
why the fuck would you put movement controls in this lmao
Swagger Dagger 23 дек. 2018 в 19:37 
Anselme 20 авг. 2017 в 5:07 
thanks ! very helpful !
Johnny Fandango 4 юни 2017 в 13:22 
Very helpful. Thanks!
MarvelousChinGuy 6 юли 2016 в 16:06 
Thank you so much for the guide!
alexander_ 4 май 2015 в 17:03 
good guide! r
Pigeon 28 апр. 2015 в 10:54 
How do i put the command who gives me a shortcut for a list of sentences?