Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall

Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall

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Achievement Guide for "Realize the Century Long Dream"
By [BD] Crocve
Because I have nothing do to with my life and because "Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall" is one of my favourite games of all time (and my favourite of the "Crisis in The Kremlin"), I decided to make this guide to help new players and players that decided to dedicate their time to get it´s achievements.

Here I will present the path for peace in the Korean Peninsula and the peacefull reunification of the DPRK (North Korea) and the RK (South Korea).

First, when you start the game, go to the politics tab. Put the "Technocrat" as the SOVMIN minister - he will help reducing the research time of science - and put the "Tough Military" as the Ideology minister - he gives you a boost in the growth of your agents. Then, go to science and start researching the "Development of Militia". Then, go to the economy tab and stop working the following buildings: the TV Center and the Special Services Headquarters - they cost money to maintain and won´t be necessary at this point.
Now before you start to run the "timer", PAY ATTENTION TO THIS: every month, you need to liberalize your "Type of Economy" in the politics tab until you reach "Regulated Market" as the type of economy. This will trigger the death of Kim-Il-Sung as soon as possible, which will be VERY IMPORTANT to get the achievement.

Once you start the game in January, DO NOT sign the Chemical weapons accord - it will force you to spend money, which you need. You will also get the 1st event specific for the DPRK - choose the last option, which is the path towards peace. Before January ends, click all of the options in Libya, except for the option "Channel". Also, click Albania and support Ramiz Alyia, and make "Contract" with India for trade.

On March 1989, you will get the "Rehabilitation" event and choose the 2nd option. Congratulate the reformer in Vietnam, send ambassadors to Burma. In May 1989, once you get to 7 money, build a research institute to improve science research; make speech on the politics tab about either peace or about friendship with the USSR - you will do this both in May and November of 1989.

In June 1989, regarding the Tianmamen Square event ("Never heard off..."), choose to ignore. You should also finish your first research on the science - next, choose "Reinforcement of the Ministry of State Security". Also, you will get the event on the XIII Youth Festival: choose the last option, which will liberalize a bit "Freedom" on the politics tab.

July 1989 - choose the 2nd option of the USSR event ("time for reforms"). You will also get an event regarding Japan - choose the 2nd option, and the Japanese leftists will win elections. After that, click on Japan and get deep trade with them. August 1989 - send condolences to Iran.

September 1989 - Event regarding Japan - choose the option "Establish diplomatic and trade relations with Japan", to get a bit of money.

October 1989 - You should now have enough money to get a new research institute, so build another one. You will also finish another science research - as for now, I give you free reign on what science you wanna research.

November of 1989 - Don´t intervene on Greece, send money to INC in India and do nothing (1st choice) on Vietnam. Do speech on friendship with USSR. This month - if you liberalized your type of economy as I said in the beggining of the guide - Kim-Il-Sung will die and Kim-Jong-Il will take over. You no longer have to liberalize the economy. In December of 1989, there will be an event regarding "cartoons", but you won´t have money for it.

January 1990 - Help Noriega (1st option) to get some extra money. Next, you will have an important event (VI Army Corps) - here, you must choose the 2nd one, where the reformer Kim Yong-Chun will betray and arrest Kim-Jong-Il and take over the country. Support Polish communists and support Hungarian communists with all forces.

February 1990 - Support Zhikov, ignore Nicaragua and choose the option to "Reconsider the ideas of Juche". This is lower your party unity to the 20´s, but don´t worry. Stop the timer, click on Libya and choose "Channel". This will increase the party unity - then, go to economy tab, reopen the TV Center then choose to privatize it to get money - and then after that, click on Switzerland and send money, this improving party unity in order to avoid a coup.

March 1990 - Ignore the GDR, but persuade Husak in Czhechoslovakia to remain in power; April 1990 - ask Hungary to publish the documents regarding Imre Nagy; May 1990 - support Yemen with your special services, then click on "Petroleum" and "Investments" on the same country when you can; make speech, bu this time, against "external threat" (4th option), in order to lower Westalgie; June 1990 - congratuale Caecescu and ignore Afghanistan; August 1990 - support sanctions against Iraq; by now, you should build an army base; September 1990 - ignore Yugoslavia; November 1990 - be silent on the USSR event and make speech against "external threat"; support Krenz on GDR and then on the next event regarding the GDR, choose the 2nd option to make similar reforms - this will trigger elections on the DPKR, so choose the option to falsify them; December 1990 - you will get an event regarding the SEZ - choose the 2nd option to open them and to ease preassure on small bussiness, which will help with getting money - a this point, either built a TV center or an army base; you also get an event regarding an hotel in Singapore - privatize it to get money and right after that, put money again on Switzerland.

By 1991, your finances will be stabilized - now you have freedom to either increase your popularity or lower Westalgia with the buildings you decide to build.

January and February 1991 - by this time, you have researched all the science, so either stop the research institutes or privatize them for money - after that, replace the "Technocrat" in SOVMIN with the "Mediator" in order to decrease tension with NATO; change orientation to third world countries on the "Reduction" event; support Mladenov in Bulgaria; sign peace treaty on the "End of Feud" event, don´t interfere in the USSR event in order to lower our Westalgia and ignore Albania; March of 1991 - on the "Betrayal" event regarding China, choose the option to open the SEZ to South Koreans; as for Thailand, support Chonovan for trade; discredit Dubcek and overthrow Saddam for trade

May 1991 - speech against "external threat"; on the event about South Korea, choose the 2nd option to support the opposition; by now, the Warsaw Pact will start falling, and you won´t have enough agents to deal with it, but as long as you have money to put on the bank in Switzerland, you will should be fine with the party unity; also, if necessary, liberalize a bit on the politics tab to get some popular support points, in the case it gets below 30;

November 1991 - end the cult of personality on the "Final Verdict" event (again, spend money on Switzerland if necessary); then finally, in December of 1991, you will get the final event and choose reunification - with the end game, go to the "Special Result" screen and you should get the achievement.
Achievement Guide for "Realize the Century Long Dream"
Achievement Guide for "Realize the Century Long Dream"
밝은 해 Apr 16, 2023 @ 5:42am 
i basicaly focused on research and saved cash so i coulb put money on the swiss bank account so that the party wpuldnt topple me (i have the achievment:bbsu:)
[BD] Crocve  [author] Sep 3, 2021 @ 1:43pm 
Really, Rueiko? Can you be more specific on what this events are?
noodle.zip Apr 29, 2021 @ 12:46am 
All Thanks