Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money

Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money

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Mouse and Keyboard Control Scheme Guide
By ProXy
How you should be playing when playing with both a mouse and keyboard.
Favored Control Schemes
There are a few control schemes players use when playing with Keyboard and Mouse.

There's the classic right-handed two-hand method in which players use their left hand for the arrow keys and the right hand for the mouse.

However, for right handed players, it is actually more optimal to play with the mouse under the control of the left hand, which allows for your dominant right hand to bust epic dance moves with the directional keys.

For the most advanced players, there exists a one handed variant of this control scheme. If you use one hand for both the directional keys and the mouse, you are able to keep one hand free for the purpose of masturbation throughout the interactive music videos. Keep in mind this is only for the most advanced players, not recommended for first a playthrough, due to the increased risk of wrist injury do to the specific motion used when switching between the mouse and keyboard. This risk can be decreased by remapping the Mouse1, Mouse2, ScrollUp, and ScrollDown inputs on your mouse to the directional inputs.
Annex Jan 22 @ 8:06pm 
Thx smmm!
Chet Hanx Jul 2, 2021 @ 4:01am 
Thank you!