Guacamelee! Gold Edition

Guacamelee! Gold Edition

149 평점
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1.142 MB
2014년 3월 28일 오후 5시 42분
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다운로드 위해 구독하기

This is Pearl, one of the Crystal Gems. She's got a sword! And she's smart! And she's kind of a motherly figure. And she nags a lot.

In other words, the exact kind of character you want to play as in a video game.

Please let me know if you find any strange graphical glitches, and I'll do my best to look into them and get them fixed. I haven't beaten the game yet, so I'm unable to test out all the moves for myself right now besides inspecting them in Flash.

Other things I'm thinking of adding in the future would be specific animations, mostly involving Pearl actually using her sword/spear for more then just one move and also evoking more of a ballerina feel in her movements. Having her summon a weapon from her gem instead of the weapon just showing up out of nowhere could be cool as well.