

107 ratings
achievement guide
By rarestMeow
everything you need to 100% that game, including a school where you can learn various pesky moves, like "Calbot" and "Jumping Risekick"
if you need extra help:
discord group: https://discord.com/invite/absolver
reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/absolver/

  • there is the amazing map by Ghost-O & YUM that features locations of all bosses, marked ones, cairns - and just makes navigation much easier. check that map here (backup[drive.google.com])
  • there is "online/offline" mode toggle in Main Menu. if you don't want other people to mess with your progress, then feel free to switch your game in "offline" mode (for example when you are trying to farm new moves from NPC and other players kill your opponents)
Kill Kuretz
  • Kuretz is the boss who can be found in Raslan Coliseum. usually he is the first boss players encounter in their game
  • his gimmick is that he spawns lots of weak enemies when his health goes below 75%. those enemies are easy and serve as a good health replenishment
  • you fight with Kuretz in mano-o-mano mode, meaning that your coop buddies and random players cannot help you

Cargal & Kilnor
Kill Cargal & Kilnor
  • Cargal & Kilnor are two bosses who live in Adalian Columbary
  • they have nothing special apart from being two bosses at the same time which adds quite a challenge. when their health gets critical they will take out their swords
  • it is easier to concentrate all your efforts on beating one boss at the time. once you beat any of two, your health will be restored and you can safely deal with another one
  • as with Kuretz, it is mano-o-mano challenge

Finding your Marks
Kill all marked ones with one character
  • there are six marked enemies who live all around the overworld:
    • Revario, in Hunting Path,
    • Angler, in Lost Temple,
    • Ama Saba, in Bird Callers Outpost,
    • Lamren, in Central Harbor,
    • Ristael, in Raslan Coliseum,
    • Dormek, in Tower of Adal
  • they all are mostly of the same difficulty, the order doesn't matter
  • you ~can~ use the help of other players while fighting those enemies, being coop friends or just random players. so if you struggle to beat some of those enemies, just wait for another player to help you
  • Jinn Mesca doesn't count toward that achievement

Kill Risryn
Become an Absolver
  • Risryn is a final boss and live in Essense Reserves. access to that location will be unlocked only after you have beat all above-mentioned bosses
  • she is nothing special and a bit letdown. her main gimmick is having tons of health and using sharp and deadly sword. on other hand she seems don't like to block and dodge attacks at all, so you can just bruteforce your way through her
  • you get "Absolver" achievement after you beat Risryn
overworld and looting
Gear up
Loot 1 weapon
  • impossible-to-miss achievement. for it you have to find a weapon. there are two kinds of weapons in the game: war-gloves and swords
  • you receive the war-gloves after beating Kuretz, and get the sword for beating Cargal & Kilnor. in other words, you will get that achievement during a story (just don't forget to pick it up!)

Talem's Secret
Open all cairns with one character
  • a cairn is, basically, a chest that holds a piece of equipment, only it looks like a bunch of stones
  • cairn locations are shown on Ghost-O & YUM's map (see above)
  • game doesn't have a counter of unlocked cairns, so you have to memorize which one and where you already openned

This is Adal!
Push AI off ledge
  • achievement's description says it all - you need to push any NPC off the ledge right into abyss, it is not hard and more likely you will get it naturally
  • mind, that you need to deal a damage to NPC in order to get that achievement. so if NPC dropped down on its own with full health, it doesn't count. using a Shockwave skill to push enemy off without dealing him any damage will not trigger that achievement either
  • if you still have problems, then travel to "Oratian Quarters", there is a zone with one-two NPCs stay closely to the edge, so close that you can kick them off with one good hit
Combat Trials
Warming up!
Reach Gamemode Level 5
Getting serious
Reach Gamemode Level 100
  • the most troublesome and grind-heavy achievements. for them you need to level-up character's CT (Combat Trial) level to 100
  • you get CT in PvP only. depending on how good you fight in a PvP match you get "points":
    • +1 point for participation (regardless of win)
    • +1 point for winning two rounds
    • +1 point for victory
    • +1 point for victory, if you are a school's disciple/mentor and the "School Challenge" event currently is going on
  • in other words you can get either "x3 points" at max from each PvP fight (outside of "School Challenge" event) or "x4 points" (during "School Challenge" event if you are a school's disciple/mentor)
  • every x5 points get x1 CT rank
  • in order to get those achievements you need to collect, in total x500 points (or x100 CT ranks). given that you get "х1 point" even if you lose, theoretically, in the worst case scenario you need to lose 500 times to get those achievements
  • few tips (and pitfalls):
    • the best way to get those achievements is, of course, grind it with your friend, just match-up in PvP and allow to freely kill each other. best of all if you both are the school's disciples/mentors and grinding it during "School Challenge" event. you need ~3 hours to boost one person from CT0 to CT100
    • if PvP stage has ledges, then grinding might be decreased exponentially. the best way to boost both players here is to let one player commit suicide twice and let another one to commit suicide three times. in that case winner gets "+3 points", while loser gets "+2 points"
    • DO NOT INVITE. if you start PvP match by invite, then neither of players will get "points" and CT (both will still get school-exp tho)
    • if you don't have a friend to grind, then you just have to rely on fighting with other people. you may try to actually win, but it may be counter-productive, because of game's small playerbase which consists of hardcore grandmasters who will annihilate you in the seconds. maybe the better idea is get matched and try just a little bit to give your opponent an impression that you are trying to fight back, while secretly waiting to be killed and retry (grinding precious +1 points)
    • alternatively, if PvP arena has the ledges, then just commit suicide over and over again. your opponent will see what you are doing and will either allow you by standing still (he will get free CT from it), or will get pissed off and quit the fight (in that case you will get +2 points for victory and participation)
    • if you managed to get matched against some troll who uses low-brainer spam-attacks, then allow him patiently kill you by standing still, blocking and barely trying to intercept his attacks. while troll will believe that he annihilates you over and over again much to your frustration, you secretly will collect your precious +1 points, which you actually want by using troll's pointless efforts

Smells like Victory
Win 1 PVP Duel
  • for that achievement you need to win just one PvP match. you will eventually win while grinding "Getting serious" achievement

Double-edged Sword
Kill opponent with their own weapon in 1v1
  • self-explanatory achievement which is hard to get because of three reasons:
    • people in PvP are not eager to use the weapons (at all). try to provoke them by unleashing your weapon first
    • people in PvP who use the weapons are usually the good-fighters
    • people in PvP tend to use weapons when there is a 2-2 draw, so you have a little room to get achievement
  • with all this being said I can help you with at that achievement, if you struggle to obtain it naturally
Combat Trials rewards
Student becomes Teacher
Create a school
  • after reaching CT50 you can create your own school. this is self-explanatory, you can put whatever moves, skills, mask and weapon you want. noone have to join your school

Worthy Opponents
Kill all bosses in their last level with one character
  • after beating the bosses, you can repeat the fight with them on a higher difficulty (they will have more health and power). for that achievement you need to defeat bosses again on the highest difficulty (level 3)
  • in order to fight all bosses on the highest difficulty you have to reach at least CT60. the progression looks like this:
    Cargal &
    LEVEL 1
    LEVEL 2
    LEVEL 3
White Belt
Join a school
  • an easy achievement, you need to join any school in the game. there are three ways to join a school:
    • via "Encounters" you can click on player's name and join his school
    • via "School - Leaderboard" you can click on player's name and join his school
    • via "School - Find School" you can input a school's ID (a 001-99999 number) and join that school directly

Black Belt
Become a disciple of your school
  • for that achievement you need to join a school first, and then level-up that school to LV7
  • you get a school-exp by participation in PvP matches. the amount of school-exp you get depends on two factors:
    • what school-perks you have equipped (+100 for each perk)
    • victory (total exp * 3)
    • so, for example, five perks and a victory gives you +1500 school-exp
  • school-perks are school-exclusive decks, skills and items. they are highlighted in blue.
  • you start with two perks and get a next one for each school-level. the list of perks:
    • LV1 - combat style & bare-hand deck
    • LV2 - 1st skill
    • LV3 - sword deck
    • LV4 - 2nd skill
    • LV5 - war-gloves deck
    • LV6 - a weapon
    • LV7 - a mask
  • to maximize your income, ensure that you are using all school-perks. there is a "Equip All" button to equip all school-perks

Master of Styles
Unlock all fighting styles with one character
  • there are five fighting styles in the game - Windfall, Forsaken, Kahlt, Stagger & Faejin. you start with any of first three and you need to learn all five of them to get the achievement (despite the fact that only four styles are shown on achievement's icon)
  • to learn a fighting style you need to join a school with that fighting style first, equip it (as a school perk) and then use style's special ability against enemies. for example, Kahlt absorbs the attacks - so that is what you need to do. find an enemy, wait until he attacks you, absorb his attack
  • each successful execution of style's special ability gives a bit of experience toward that style. kill an enemy to get that experience. just continue further until you get them all
  • in case of Faejin there is an alternative method of unlocking it via Gleam (Downfall extra move). leveling up Gleam to lv6 unlocks Faejin style without any experience at all. however getting it via school is much faster
Make your Move
Master 1 new Attack
  • for that achievement you have to learn one new attack move. there are three ways to learn a move:
    • whenever an enemy (NPC or player) attacks you with a move you don't know - block his attack. an icon will pop-up telling the current progress of learning the move. until you killed an enemy that progress is temporary - you have to kill an enemy to get the that new move' experience
    • same as above, but instead of blocking a new attack - use style's special ability (avoid, parry, absorb...) - this way you will get more experience in a single hit and will learn that spell faster. and yes, one more time, you need to kill an enemy in the end
    • join a school that has a new move and use that move against enemies (you can use unknown move from the school). as usual, kill an enemy to get experience points
  • so just learn any one new move and achievement is yours

The Grandmaster
Master all attacks with one character
  • ...and now you have learn ALL moves in the game. all 121 bare-hands moves and 77 sword moves (war-gloves moves are count as bare-hands)
  • that is quite challenging achievement, that will take a while to complete (it might be the latest you will complete)
  • start that achievement by grinding various NPC moves during a story. you can learn a lot of moves by just fighting NPCs over and over again. don't forget to switch your game in offline mode to make sure that noone will interrupt your process
  • after that start joining various schools. use "Leaderboard" to check various schools and see what moves they have, join the schools that have most of unknown moves and grind them further. it would be much better if unknown moves are set in alternative attack slots or in the beginning of combo chain
  • don't forget to grind sword-moves too! in order to use school's sword deck you need to level-up school to lv3 first
  • if you have few moves left, then I can help you by teaching them in PvP
I have set-up a school that features various hard-to-find moves

ID #39600

currently, it has the following moves:
#1 Bare-Hands
Jumping Risekick
Drunk Stomp
Front Sweep
360 Tornado Kick
Double Spike Kick
Handstand Kick
Run-Up Strike
Whirlwind Double Punch
Double Wata
Drunken Smash
Donkey Slap
Jackhammer Punch
Rising Kick
Axe Kick

#2 War-Gloves
Dwit Chagi
Parry & Strike
Ankle Stamp
Jump Out Elbow
Body Blow
Roll Back Fist
Eye Poke
Spiral Back Punch
Upper Backfist
Roll Punch
Falcon Punch
Upper Elbow
Double Fist Stretch
Twist Back Kick
Collar Chop
Jumped Spin Kick

#3 Sword
Neck Slash
Parry Reverse Low Slash
Parry Slash
Spoon Slash
Corkscrew Thrust
Thunder Slash
Rising Spin Slash
Side Wind Thrust
Twist Hips Slash
Obvious Slash
Forward Lean Slash
Ram Thrust
Toreador Slash
Reverse Rising Thrust
Wrist Roll Slash

Adding insult to injury
Unlock Calbot
  • Calbot is a joke move that just an ordinary handslap that deals pathetic 15 points of damage
  • naturally, you have to learn that move from a ~naked~ NPC that randomly spawns in any location. the thing is that players with 400+ hours of playtime have reported that they never encountered that NPC (I have played for 120+ hours and never seen him either). so your chance to get that move in a native way is small
  • instead you can learn that move from my school, see above
Survival of the Fittest
Kill 100 Players Character (Any Character)
  • deaths in both PvP and Overworld count
  • it is easier to fight characters in Overworld (because there are more casual players, while hardcore public are in PvP)
  • just run around the world, and declare a duel to various people. and hope to win
  • in a single location there could not be more than three players. so if you see two players near altar who don't pay attention to you - move to an other location
  • how to not be a jerk:
    • greet a player with a "bow" or "hello" emote
    • declare a duel, if player asked you stop then cancel it
    • if you won, resurrect your opponent
    • "bow" or show "thumbsup" emote after a duel

You were like a brother to me!
Have Cargal kill Kilnor (or the opposite)
  • surprisingly hard achievement to get if you are already finished the story mode. you see, after you beat the story mode you can repeat the fight against Cargal and Kilnor but they will have more health and damage
  • it is much easier to start a new game as a new character and travel all the way back to those bosses (when they are at lv1)
  • for achievement itself, fight one boss at the time and leave a single magic pixel of his health left. then allow both of bosses attacks you (while blocking) and hope that one will accidentally hit another one. forfeit a fight if you managed to accidentally kill one boss

if you want to thank me...
...then check my guide about fixing various game issues: launching, crashing, optimization, stuttering, gamepads, etc. the guide is huge, but the topic is broad to begin with
appendix: the list of all moves

Jab Punch
Direct Punch
Blink Punch
Jumped Light Kick
Ankle Stamp
Crouching Elbow
Wobble Low Kick
Inside Kick
Fast Cross
Straight Punch
Elbow Stumble
Low Kick
Cross Punch
Winged Back Kick
Drunk Stomp
Jar Bash
Double Wata
Curled Up Uppercut
Dwit Chagi
Front Sweep
Cleaver Blow
Jumping Risekick
Roll Punch
Pulmonary Palm
Bending Palm
Leg Breaker
Spiral Back Punch
Hammer Kick
360 Tornado Kick
Run-Up Strike
Spinning High Kick
Falcon Punch
Furious Uppercut
One Inch Punch

Knife Hand Strike
Wrist Jab
Drunk Crane
Rabbit Punch
Foot Slap
Fencing Punch
Switch Kick
Mill Punch
Tripped Kick
Double Spike Kick
Rising Kick
Handstand Kick
Reaching Mawashi
Roll Back Fist
Crushing Palm
Bounce Knee
Side Kick
Back Fist
Body Blow
Front Kick
Plexus Elbow
Jump Out Elbow
Drunken Paw
Charged Haymaker

Fast Back Fist
Back Turn Wrist
Heel to Knee
Back Tripped Kick
Stretch Out Hook
Chin Palm
Backfall Strike
Gut Punch
Low Backfist
Parry & Strike
Spin Back Fist
Reaching Maegeri
Pushed Elbow
Fast Punch
Wallop Blow
Double Palm
Donkey Slap
Light Sidekick
Twist Back Kick
Eye Poke
Liver Knee
Scissor Kick
Whirlwind Double Punch
Face Backfist
Illusion Twist Kick
Slap Kick
Pushed Back Kick
Power Mawashi
Knee Strike
Drunken Smash
Guts Punch
Grab Punch
Jumped Spin Kick
Upper Elbow
Spinning Wide Hook
Horse Kick
Collar Chop
Spiral Palm

Fast Elbow
Back Hop Wrist
Spin Elbow
Outward Kick
Back Ura
Temple Knock
Underknee Kick
Upper Backfist
Double Fist Stretch
Jackhammer Punch
Low Spin Heel
Roll Uppercut
Axe Kick
Surging Palm
Twist Parry Strike
Spinning Flute Swing


Light Swing Slash
Rising Slash
Chest Stab
Neck Slash
Up Slash
Toreador Slash
Reverse Rising Slash
Reverse One Handed Slash
Keen Crouch
Sickle Slash
Tendon Slash
Spoon Slash
Pommel Bash
Reverse Feet Thrust
Parry Reverse Low Slash
Swirl Slash
Reverse Sharp Slash

Corkscrew Thrust
Kitsuneo Cut
Leg Stroke
One Handed Slash
Circular Slash
Typhoon Slash
Light Thrust
Reverse Twist Slash
Reverse Hips Slash
Hook Slash
Painstaking Slash
Slip Slash
Head Splitter
Inward Slash
Whirl Slash
Digging Parry Elbow
Overhead Slash
Parry Shove
Side Wind Thrust
Puropera Cut
Obvious Slash
Body Slicing

Poke Thrust
Duster Blow
Shifting Thrust
Ram Thrust
Side Thrust
Front Stab
Limbo Thrust
Shapu Furiko
Gokai Slash
Wrist Roll Slash
Wise Slash
Ground Swell Slash
Reverse Rising Thrust
Spiral Slash
Parry Pommel Bash
Stumble Slash
Seven Star Thrust
Parry Slash

Nose Stab
Ducking Spike
Needle Point
Woosh Slash
Double Thrust
Thigh Slash
Mill Slash
Arc Slash
Vertical Slash
Dash Slash
Back Thrust
Rising Double Hand
Drop Slash
Rising Spin Slash
Twist Hips Slash
Forward Lean Slash
Thunder Slash
totor.3014 Jun 30, 2023 @ 9:09am 
thanks :)
zakk Dec 15, 2022 @ 3:12pm 
Helpful, thanks :Lemon:
ChewbeeDoo Dec 18, 2021 @ 3:01pm 
for "You were like a brother to me!" how do you forfeit a fight ?