Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok

Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok

112 ratings
Warrior 500 Walkthrough
By MassConnect and 2 collaborators
This is a guide that reveals solutions needed to obtain the maximum score of 500 points with the Warrior. Following the instructions given by this guidance will allow you to get all of the points available to the warrior class, which number 500 in total. The number of points each task is worth are provided in parentheses, and the steps to attain the points follows immediately thereafter. Thus, upon reading this guide you will find that all of the points are adequately explained, and the sum of all of the parentheses is in fact, 500.
Character Creation
When you first start the game, you have the option to spend points on several stats and skills. If you have never played before and want some guidance about your options, then this section is for you.


Endurance is a great stat for all characters. As you increase endurance, you will gain extra health and extra stamina. Stamina is needed to train your skills and do just about everything, so it wouldn't be a crime to spend all of your points on this - it makes the early game significantly easier.

Strength is imporant for warriors and rogues, because they use weapons in combat. It also affects your carrying capacity, but that is generally less of an issue. You can get by if you make use of the storage available to you in the adventurer's guild and the Munarvagir inn. Later on, when you have plenty of strength, you can literally carry everything. It may be important on max difficulty to take advantage of every monster's weapon weakness, so strength will determine whether you can carry all the weapons or not. If you try to carry more than your "capacity," then you lose stamina with every step (lose all your stamina, and you start losing health).

Agility isn't going to kill you if you ignore it. As it increases, your attacks and defenses will be slightly faster. You would need a whole lot of agility to enjoy any significant benefit, however. Additionally, you may be able to train it with Hervor ad nauseum (ask for training, duck and dodge, exit the training, do something else like talking to birds available on nearly every screen, then go back and ask for more training). Agility may also help with getting up faster if enemies knock you down. But in general, you will want to understand how to react to every attack and avoid being knocked down at all. In summation, you can train agility if you want to, but spending points on it will not help anywhere near as much as spending those points elsewhere.

Willpower helps you take less damage from spells. You won't see many spells on lower difficulty, but if you're playing max difficulty then this is a stat worth training. I wouldn't say you need to spend points on it during creation, unless you decide to add magic to your warrior. Willpower also increases mana, but you won't have mana unless you also have magic.

Weapon use is helpful for combat, but doesn't have any other roles. Strength is probably the better choice for spending, especially since weapon use is easier to train.


All skills are easily trained, but most skills aren't especially helpful.

Warriors need plenty of climbing to get all the points in the game. Climbing is also helpful for getting over walls when city gates close at night.

Animal Ken is required for certain puzzles and plays a small role in hunting, but you don't have that great a need for hunting. You also won't need a high level for the puzzles, so it's better to train it when playing the game than to spend points raising it before you start.

Magic allows you to cast some useful spells: flame aura can help with fighting the cold on harder difficulties, and shadow can help you avoid random combat altogether. Those two are for sale from the beginning, but other spells offer little benefit and some are not available to warriors ever. Blink allows you to teleport to another spot on the same screen, but I have not tested whether warriors can get this (it would be random loot on Svartalfar, if so).

Herblore allows you to brew potions - IF you can acquire the potion recipes and the ingredients and flasks. It's a labor to accomplish and the reward is not worth the effort, in my opinion. As your stats increase, the potions lose value, and since you can't get the potions very quickly, you won't have access to them when they are the most beneficial. Play the game both patiently and well, and you don't really need any potions at all.

Everything else is not worth mentioning.
Basics (Survival, etc.)
Q: What am I supposed to be doing?
A: This game does not have an automated journal to help you remember the story. You can generally use the map to see where your next main objective will be, but if you are the short-term memory type, then it may be wise to make use of the in-game notepad. You can find it in the storage crate in the adventurer's guild. Keep a list of things people want, say that you should do, etc.

Because there is a character limit on guides, I am having difficulty including everything that I would like to mention. At a minimum, I need to explain how to get the points in the game, so I cannot always tell you every person you need to talk to next, and what you need to say, etc. There are a lot of things that do not give points, but are a natural part of the story. I try to include things that I know have caused problems for others, but if you still have questions, then feel free to comment.

Depending on your difficulty level, this game can be mostly about the puzzles, or it can be a trial of survival and combativeness. For the time being, I can't help very much when it comes to combat, as I've chosen to play on minimum difficulty up until now.

Survival is comprised of three major elements: staying warm, staying fed, and staying rested. There is a fourth minor element: you have a stamina bar, and if you become fatigued (out of stamina) then you will lose health to fuel several actions. Don't expect to just run everywhere all the time - you can easily run yourself to death early on if you aren't paying attention.

- If all else fails, get inside.

- The earliest equipment you can get for free are Volund's boots, but taking them is stealing and it will affect your honor rate.

- Next, you can buy a scarf from Aurvandel. Scarfs can be found as random loot on Svartalf in chapter 2, but there's no sense waiting. You can always save your game, gamble with Snorri in the Sleipner tavern, and make fairly quick money to cover the cost without putting your health on the line.

- If you've got the money, buy the dagger from Volund. Eventually you will fight varg in the forests, and if you have enough animal ken, then you can successfully skin them when collecting their meat. You need to have the dagger to "cure" the pelts before they can be used (and this must be done indoors). I don't believe there is a benefit to carrying more than one, however.

- In chapter 2, you can use an empty flask to collect eternally-hot water.

- In chapter 3, you have the option of asking for something useful as a reward for saving the Jarl. He will give you a magic cloak to add to your total insulation.


- To my knowledge, you would need to eat only once a day on lower difficulty. I suspect you need to eat more frequently on higher difficulties, but I cannot attest to the actual rate for the time being.

- Food in Midgard is actually more abundant than the story implies. In chapter 1, you should have no trouble collecting as much varg meat as you could ever want. The 3 (or 2 depending on how you look at it) boar meat and 3 rations you start the game with give you a good head start. You can buy as many rations or apples as you want from Sigrun, and you can catch 1 or 2 fish every day if you want to bother. Add to this that you can find apples randomly on brigands, meat randomly on trolls, and that Sigurd will offer you unlimited free meals if you rescue him without assistance (sit at his table before speaking to him to get these) - you shouldn't ever go hungry.

- Lithrasir sells cooking herbs, which the game says will make food tastier. I cannot verify whether using them will keep you satiated longer.

- Food in Svartalfheim is where you may have trouble. If you go unprepared, and have difficulty rescuing Heime quickly, then you could get in a bind {it's better to play the game on a lower difficulty and solve the puzzles first, before trying to tackle the game with advanced survival management}. Edible roots can be found randomly on Svartalf, and edible mushrooms can be found randomly on duergar. Don't count on them being common. You need herblore to be able to pick your own mushrooms, and most warriors will not have it.


- If you are not hungry, then you can sleep in the adventurer's guild, the watchtower, the library (if you go to Munarvagir before rescuing Sigurd), Sigurd's inn, or Eitri's bed in Nidavellir. This is the one thing that makes food necessary on all difficulty levels: you cannot sleep until you eat, and you need to sleep to have certain visions.

- "Rest for an hour" can help you restore stamina, but it will not satisfy the need for sleep, nor make you immune to cold and hunger. When you are tired, you must get to a bed. When you are fatigued, it is sometimes better to get inside, or at least get to a city. Stamina replenishes faster in the cities.

- All non-magic skills will use up your stamina. Herblore doesn't, but this is a Warrior's guide. It is always a good idea to train skills when you can, but pay attention to your stamina bar. You need stamina for combat, and you do not want your attacks and defenses to cost health points. Trying to run away from combat also requires stamina (or health when stamina depletes), so if you are planning to escape combat, choose to run before your stamina is gone.
Honor 100?
Max honor is easy to mess up, and unlocking the corresponding achievement necessitates that you play the game in a less efficient/expeditious sequence. As such, if you are aiming to do it, keep the following in mind:

PNG and Radiant have shared the following information about tricky/missable honor points:
At the beginning of chapter 2 before going to Svartalfheim, you need to talk to Hervor about the rescue.
Before you find Regin's chest, you need to visit Nidavellir and talk to Fafnir about the quest. You need to receive the offer to kill Regin and refuse to do it.

Iris was the first (to my knowledge) to achieve 99% honor while simultaneously doing the maximum score, and shared with me the following strategies:
never run away from a fight (technically you are allowed to run a few times, but it's simpler IMO not to have to keep track of that)
never ask Sigurd for a free meal
do not win the dice game so often that others lose all of their money
if/when trading, never make such a low offer that the trade is refused
never wake up Arngrim or use his bed
never ask impolite questions: whether there are female Svartalfar (Eitri), why Kraka stole from you or what happened to her parents, what Volund was doing near the crates, what is the eye of Thiassi (Sigurd)
you cannot tell Alviss that he deserved his punishment

I cannot promise that all of these are necessary to bring your score to 100%, but I can promise that they will not hurt your honor score. Better safe than sorry!
Chapter 1
Introduction: Aside from getting points, in order to obtain the sword in the tree you need to do honorable things and avoid doing dishonorable things (e.g. lie, steal...). Honor is a hidden stat that seems to include specific dialogue choices. I do my best to describe things that may affect honor. As it is difficult to test individual things, most players can only speculate about what is or is not right. There's also a character limit for guides, so I am forced to condense explanations.

Suggested Dialogues:
When the Jarl asks your name, choose the Warrior option.
When the Norns ask your name, choose the aspirant heroine option.
- do NOT mock them with the Olympics option.
When you speak to Volund, thank him for saving you.
When you encounter Ratatosk, avoid mocking and choose "Not if I kill you first!"
When Sigurd asks your name, choose the Warrior option (honor is not about personal gain, so
- you should not express interest in indebtedness).
Find Kraka in Munarvagir and give a coin when asked.
When you encounter the thief, choose "Stop thief" and "...Stay away..."

I have organized tasks mostly by location, since many events are time-sensitive and it is not always convenient to do things in a set order.

Fornsigtuna - inside the Adventurer's Guild:
Ask Hervor for training (1) - only available in this location, but may be done at any time
Sign the logbook (1) - the logbook is found below the notice board on the back wall
Read the notice board (1) - look at either the top left or top right notice
Eat cooked boar's meat (2) - use the raw meat on the fire to cook it first
Open the secret compartment (3) - after finding Arngrim, ask about Fornsigtuna, choose
- "something else," and the option to ask about the Adventurer's guild will be unlocked.
- Listen to his clues, return to the guild, and use your sword on the fire.

Fornsigtuna - East of adventurer's guild:
You need the spear to hunt the boar. You must eat the boar to progress.

Fornsigtuna - in Volund's shop:
optional - buy the ice pick (1) {the alternative is to find it as random loot from draug}
optional - buy the chain mail (3) {the alternative is to find it as random loot from duergar}

Fornsigtuna - above Volund's shop:
Honor - do NOT take the boots. Look at them, just to be on the safe side, but do not steal.

Fornsigtuna castle - Jarl's throne room:
Speak to Jarl to accept main quest (5) - unavoidable, really.

Fornsigtuna castle - jail:
Obtain a tinderbox (1) - LOOK at the tinderbox first, and Snorri will give you permission to take it if he is present (he is there in the morning, an hour after dawn, until midday). Taking it before getting permission seems to be stealing. Tinderboxes can also be found randomly from draug.

Forsigtuna castle - Aurvandel's store:
optional - buy the scarf (1) {the alternative is to find it as random loot from svartalf}
Obtain eitur from Aurvandel (3) - this is the reward for ending the haugbui threat and telling
- Aurvandel about it. You can also say this wherever you find him.
Sell mugwort (3) - can also be done wherever you find him
Sell fox fur (3) - can also be done wherever you find him
Show wooden sword to Aurvandel (5) - must be done in this location to advance story

Fornsigtuna - Northwest of Adventurer's guild:
Investigate glow (3) - unavoidable

Fornsigtuna - Sleipner tavern:
Win a round of dice minigame (1) - you can exploit save and load if you want to avoid losing

Jarnvidr - random events in most locations:
Cut meat from boar (3) {note that there is only one boar in the game}
Kill a brigand (2)
Kill a varg (2)
Kill a spectre (2) {alternatively, kill the haugbui outside Fornsigtuna's gate}
Kill a draug (2) {alternatively, kill the 3 draug that always guard the West cemetery at night}
Kill a troll (2)

Jarnvidr - West cemetery:
Kill 3 draug (3) - these always appear at night until the haugbui is found
Find haugbui's grave (2) - if you have read the notice about the haugbui, then you need to kill
- the draug located here and watch for which grave spawns the haugbui.
Burn haugbui's bones (2) - use the shovel on the correct grave, use the tinderbox, and use the vase bought from Sigrun to collect the ashes

Jarnvidr - willow tree:
Obtain willow bark (3) - the glowing bark can only be seen at night. Use a dagger or ice pick on the tree, then climb the non-willow tree at the bottom of the screen. When the trolls exit to the right, you must exit to the left.

Lake Gandvik - flying ship:
Obtain fishing net (1)

Lake Gandvik - fishing hole:
Catch a fish (1) - use the net found to the west

Lake Gandvik - outside watchtower:
Spread ashes (2) - use the vase on the ground here
Climb rocks (3) - you will need moderately high climbing. If you fail, then keep training.

Lake Gandvik - inside watchtower:
Tell a true story (3) - to get a true story, you must find the thieves' lodge, eliminate the haugbui,
- or rescue Heime in chapter 2. Arngrim will ask for a story if you talk to him enough.
Ask for training (3) - no prerequisites

Jarnvidr - archery target:
Obtain fox (3) - talk to the fox twice to calm it (if it fails to calm down, then you need
to train animal ken more) before picking it up. I suspect it begins to appear after you save Sigurd.

Jarnvidr - fox's den:
Obtain fox fur (5) - use the fox on the den.

Jarnvidr - strange stones:
Obtain mugwort (3) - after asking Liff to identify its location, use the shovel on it
Revive Alviss (3) - use the eitur (reward for haugbui quest) on the strange stones, BUT...
Alviss escapes Midgard (3) - use the eitur at NIGHT

Jarnvidr - frozen garden named Hoddmimi's Holt:
Obtain gem (3) - at MIDDAY, use the ice pick on the gem

Jarnvidr - Sigurd's body:
Rescue Sigurd without assistance (5) - do NOT steal his purse. Just pick him up

Jarnvidr - sword in the tree:
Obtain wooden sword (3) - use a weapon on Ratatosk

Munarvagir - Liff:
Deliver letter (3)
Ask about mugwort (1)
Sell bark (3)
Sell troll's blood (3) {if random trolls don't spawn, alternatively go to Odinn's shrine in chapter 2}

Munarvagir - Sigrun:
Buy shovel (1) - You also need to buy the vase.

Munarvagir - Kraka:
Honor: give Kraka a scarf and something to eat

Munarvagir - dog:
Pick up thief's scent (2) - you can climb out the window. Use the scrap of cloth (found on the
- ground) on the dog.
Find thieve's lodge (3) - continue using cloth on dog until it points to barrel. Use sword on barrel.
Recover stolen inventory (3) - use hand cursor on yourself to break free, then win combat
Honor - give cooked meat to the dog

Munarvagir - Library:
Find recommended book (5) - you need to use the note on the cryptology section (top left), dictionary section (upstairs right), poetry section (book atop shelves in bottom right), and strategy section (behind the raven).

Travelling people - wherever you can find them:
Find something to help train Heime (3) - give him the book recommended to you
Give red gem to Snorri (3) - you must admit it was funny to receive honor
Honor - give cooked meat to the dog in Fornsigtuna and the cat in Munarvagir

Miscellaneous - any indoor location:
Cure a varg pelt with a dagger (2) - buy the dagger from Volund

Advancing to Chapter 2:
You may need to warn Volund about the troll to unlock the next vision when you sleep.
Chapter 2
Preface: If you want to do as much as possible, as soon as possible, to avoid repeated long trips,
then take note of the following: once you enter Svartalfheim you cannot leave until you rescue Heime, and once you release Heime from prison you cannot do anything except take him home. Some of the optional things in Svartalfheim require high stats. There is one bed in the city, but very little food. Edible roots are randomly found on Svartalfar, and edible mushrooms randomly found on duergar, but these are not that common. You can only pick mushrooms if you have the herblore skill, and you would also need to have gained several levels in it first.

Jarnvidr - Thrivaldi's cave:
Obtain supplies (5) - use the fox on the bag. If you returned the fox to the den already, then use meat or fish on the den to get the fox back (you can only do this once). Do not attempt to go to a city with the fox.

Jarnvidr - runic stones:
Leave Midgard (5) - the trick is to move clockwise. The 3rd and 6th stones can be touched (hand cursor) without special movement. After the 6th stone, walk southeast slightly, then walk southwest until you are below the 1st stone. You may now touch the 1st, 4th, and 5th stones without special movement. Again, walk southeast, then southwest until you are below the 2nd stone. Touch the 2nd stone. Use mead on the ground (buy it from Lithrasir at night or found randomly from brigands). You must select the Warrior boast, the Svartalfheim destination, Heime, and Aurvandel dialogue options to avoid game over. Once accomplished and Heime rescued, you may travel between the two realms as much as you wish by touching any stone, no extra mead required.

HONOR - Skrymir's Home:
There is something to do inside, but I suggest waiting. If you do it now, then the game says, "you probably shouldn't be in here," implying that you are trespassing during this chapter. Because of this, I want to point out ASAP which door in Nidavellir to avoid entering: it's the one in the middle of the screen, East of the fountain but West of the cave. I describe how to get the points in chapter 3. To be safe for now, I am describing what I did when I was finally able to get Balmung and max score, because at least I know that it is one way to do it.

Solve chime puzzle (3) - the order from left to right is 2nd, 5th, 3rd, 1st, 4th
Defeat Heime's guard (5) - no puzzle, combat only
Rescue Heime (5) - climb the rock formation beneath the crystal to the right of the prison cell

Nidavellir - trader:
Obtain gloves (5) - these are always the first thing traded. Giving a tinderbox (suggested),
- shovel, or ice pick works for the human tool trade. Using the eitur on the strange rocks allows
- you to tell news about Alviss. Either works.
Obtain exit without dishonor (3) - do NOT threaten Eitri. If you are patient, and look at each object
- that is prompted, then you will be allowed to leave after hearing 3 stories.
Obtain flowers (5) - these are always the second thing traded. Giving a tinderbox (suggested),
- shovel, or ice pick works for the human tool trade. Using the eitur on the strange rocks allows
- you to tell news about Alviss. Do whichever one you did not do before.

Nidavellir - workshop:
Honor - do NOT ask if anything is for sale.
Clean workshop (3) - After asking Eitri about Andvari, challenge Andvari. Try to pick up the crate.
Obtain armor (10) - if you have killed Fafnir, removed a scale from the lindworm (the ice pick
- works), cleaned the workshop, and caught Andvari's fish-form from the mushroom screen, then
- it is possible to obtain this armor in this chapter. DO promise to boast about it when drinking,
- which you should keep by using the armor on people in Lithrasir's tavern and Sigurd's inn.
Obtain cursed ring from here, then break the curse (3) - the ring becomes available after getting
- the armor. The cursed ring has the power to travel across all save files, so if you want these
- points it would be best to break the curse before trying to do anything else in Midgard. Break
- the curse by giving the ring to Heime. I know the option to give the ring to the bridge troll exists,
- but the lore suggests that it is meant to be broken by someone "pure and innocent."

Svartalfheim - chasm:
Find a way across (3) - try to grab the stalactites and you will try to climb across. If you fail, then you can train climbing on the columns outside Nidavellir, on the column inside Nidavellir, or on the ice wall (after solving the sliding puzzle).

Svartalfheim - crystal cavern:
Obtain crystal (3) - use the ice pick on the tiniest, blueish crystal.
Find chest (3) - use the golden sword on the screen and follow the directions until you sense something is hidden. BE SURE to have the gold sword equipped as your weapon before trying to pick up the invisible chest, because you must keep your promise to kill Fafnir with it.

Svartalfheim - hot lake:
Fill empty flask with water (3) - if you have no empties, but do have a potion, then go ahead and waste one of them. Empty flasks can be bought from Aurvandel and Liff, or randomly found on draug in Midgard. This water always stays hot, and its only use is to keep you warm in Midgard.

Svartalfheim - mushrooms:
Catch fish (3) - use the net on the land bridge over the water. If Andvari is already in fish form before you do this, then you probably need to walk off screen and come back.

Svartalfheim - shrine:
Obtain potion (3) - With high enough strength, you can open the chest by using your sword on it. Combat and climbing (especially the ice wall) can train strength, as will walking around while carrying more weight than your current strength allows. If you are really hard-pressed for a way to train strength, then keep killing random lindworms in chapter 3 and always loot a scale. I suspect that you probably won't max climbing before maxing strength, unless you spent all your points on climbing during character creation.

Svartalfheim - random encounters:
Kill a svartalf (2)
Kill a duergar (2)
Kill a lindworm (2) {actually, this may only be random in chapter 3, but if you kill Fafnir in chapter
- 2, then you can get it out of the way earlier, since he turns into a lindworm}

Svartalfheim - easter eggs:
Find a sliding puzzle solution and explore the area(s) unlocked (5)
An ideal puzzle solution puts the optional "Test of Fate" very close to the West Svartalfheim exit, and gives a much more direct route to the ice wall. The pieces are arranged in a grid as such:
A1 A2 A3 A4
B1 B2 B3 B4
C1 C2 C3 C4
D1 D2 D3 D4
The only pieces that matter are A2, B2, B3, and B4. The empty square can be in any of these positions: A4, C3, or C4. The rest of the puzzle pieces can be arranged in any manner without repercussions, but using the arrangement shown keeps your options open if you think you need to walk all around the map.

Jarnvidr - blizzard:
Escape (15) - look at the bottom right area of the screen until animal tracks become visible. Try to pick them up with the hand cursor and you will use your animal ken to follow them (I doubt it is possible to lack enough skill to succeed, but I haven't tested).
Chapter 3
Sell crystal (3) - you have the option to sell it to Aurvandel or to sell it to Regin, and iirc Aurvandel pays more. The crystal burns up in Midgard's sunlight. You can exploit the transition from chapter 2 to chapter 3 (the game automatically sets the time to evening upon returning to Midgard, and you have no option but to immediately get inside the adventurer's guild). From there, it is easy to put the crystal in storage or sleep until nightfall, then find Aurvandel in the tavern or rush to Regin.

Lithrasir - wherever you can find her:
Deliver flowers (3) - give the flowers from the trader, described in chapter 2.

Jarnvidr - ice flowers:
Obtain an ice flower (3) - after trading anything that Eitri wants, climb the wall, use the sword on the flowers, climb down, and use the gloves on the single ice flower.

Fornsigtuna - in Volund's shop:
Obtain unbreakable gold sword (3) - use the command menu to change your equipped weapon. Using the gold sword in combat breaks it. Take the pieces and coral to Volund. You can find coral randomly on Svartalfar, or use the ice pick on coral by the hot lake. {The most convenient thing to do is find the hidden chest first, equip the sword, break it by killing Fafnir, and return the chest to Regin ASAP. The reward allows teleportation to any city, which eliminates lots of walking.}

Munarvagir - Regin:
Return chest (3) - how to find it described in chapter 2

Jarnvidr - Munarvagir bridge:
Honor - after the golden sword has been repaired, use it to destroy Fremont's shield. Tell Liff that Lithrasir asks to meet (you must deliver flowers first) and he will begin visiting the holt.

Jarnvidr - Fornsigtuna gate:
Escort Lithrasir (10) - tell Lithrasir that Liff will meet her. {The quickest thing is to sleep until nightfall in the adventurer's guild, then walk immediately outside the gate. But if you informed her during the evening, then you must wait until the following day. You can sleep until dawn, then sleep until nightfall if this is the case.}

Jarnvidr - random events in most locations:
Kill a bergrisi (2)
Kill a muspell (2)
Kill a jotunn (2) {alternatively, kill the jotunn during the battle for Munarvagir} - you may need to
- duck to avoid an instant death, because nothing else will protect you from the power attack.

Jarnvidr - East cemetery:
Unlock tomb (3) - use the silver key that Sigrun lent you
Obtain skull from the coffin inside (3) - tell Helgi that Sigrun misses him.
Honor - do NOT take the purse
Honor - use the skull on the coffin after reuniting Sigrun and Helgi
Honor - lock the tomb after returning the skull

Jarnvidr - Thrivaldi's cave:
Honor - use the shovel to bury the guard.

Jarnvidr - fox's den:
Rescue Jarl (5) - talk to the huldra, mention the Jarl, choose "We'll see about that," and give the mirror to the huldra.

Jarnvidr - Hoddmimi's Holt:
Obtain cat (5) - talk to it with animal ken, or use a fish
Obtain cat's footprint (3) - use an empty flask on the inkwell in the adventurer's guild and use the
- ink on the cat. You must have the librarian's note with you.
Obtain apple (3) - after Lithrasir and Liff leave, climb the tree

Nidavellir - trader:
Obtain runic stick (5) - give the cat's footprint to Eitri (see above for how to get it)

Lake Gandvik - inside the watchtower:
Cure Arngrim (5) - get a golden apple as described above and give it to him.

Munarvagir - Sigrun:
Obtain key (3) - try to pick it up, and she will give permission to take it if chapter 2 is complete
Reunite Sigrun and Helgi (5) - visit Sigrun's shop with the skull
Honor - return the key to Sigrun after the reunion and locking up the tomb.

Return cat (3)

Svartalfheim - Skrymir's home:
Learn from dummy (5) - I suggest not attempting this in chapter 2, because you may be trespassing then (dishonor, and you need all the honor possible). Save your game first, and try to go inside when Alviss is there, but Skrymir is not. Use a weapon on the dummy to learn a new technique.

Svartalfheim - Skrymir:
Asking him about honor allows you to challenge him. You can wager the dragonscale armor.
Slow his mind (3) - use mead on the first spirit, or drink a power potion if you have one
Find something the fire spirit cannot consume (3) - use the frozen flower on the spirit's food
Defeat Elli (5) - no puzzle, combat only

Jarnvidr - archery target:
Hit the bullseye with all 3 arrows (3) - only available at midday, and you may have to wait for Snorri to come. Watch the animated foliage in the bottom-left corner to see the amount and direction of the wind. For no wind, position the cursor's white pixel in the bullseye. For some wind, position the white pixel near the outer edge of the middle ring (left or right, accordingly). For strong wind, position the white pixel near the outmost edge of the target (left or right, accordingly). If you position the white pixel anywhere else, then there is almost zero chance of hitting the bullseye.

Jarnvidr - swamp:
Chop down tree (3) - you need to buy the battleaxe from Volund.
Cross over log (3) - you need to use your shield to block the plant's attack.
Kill gulon (2) - no puzzle, combat only
Obtain amethyst (3) - pick up the "shiny" glimmer on the ground after killing the gulon.

Fornsigtuna - inside the Adventurer's guild:
Mount the head (3) - use the head on the empty plaque in the top-left corner

Jarnvidr - circle of flame:
Obtain passage (3) {must be done before reunion} - if you have mounted the gulon's head as
- above, then you only need to walk through.
Ask about the eyes (5) - can be done wherever you find her, if the reunion already happened
Reunite valkyrie with lover (5) - win Skrymir's challenge, then give the mead of poetry to Sigurd

Fornsigtuna - East of Adventurer's guild:
Obtain Swanmaiden's wings (5) - use the magic gloves on the crates
Honor - give the Swanmaiden's wings to the Swanmaiden. Did you ever notice that Hervor had
- feathers in her hair? No? Then give the wings to Hervor and don't feel bad (I never noticed the
- feathers until after solving this).

Fornsigtuna - jails:
Honor - when speaking to Kraka, you must choose "I think you were caught stealing," to unlock "If I help, will you promise to quit stealing?"

Fornsigtuna - Jarl's throne room:
Honor - when speaking to the Jarl about a reward, ask for Kraka's release.

Munarvagir - battle (10):
You need to be in Munarvagir at night after making X progress. Several things count, but I can't test and prove everything that does or doesn't count. Because night is required, it is possible to miss this and I caution you not to challenge Sigurd for the eye until after the battle (I also haven't tested if the battle can still happen after getting the eye).

Obtain the eyes (40):
To get the eye from Fornsigtuna, you will need to unite Lithrasir and Liff, eliminate the haugbui, and complete the archery challenge (I have not tested if curing Arngrim is an option, but for max points you need to do all of them anyway). After, you can tell Aurvandel that the people trust you.
To get the eye from Munarvagir, you can either challenge Sigurd to combat (and get an achievement), or complete 4 of the following: unite Lithrasir and Liff, return the Librarian's cat, return Regin's chest, reunite Sigrun and Helgi, secure Kraka's release, and reunite Sigurd and Brynhild (and you must do all of them for max score).

Jarnvidr - flying ship:
Honor - befriend Ratatosk ("Am I not doomed?"+"Why are you a villain?"+"People would like you if did not talk about doom," and finally suggest being a "bloom squirrel.")

Jarnvidr - sword in the tree:
Obtain Balmung (15) - with everything else done, you should finally be able to pull it out.
Chapter 4
At this point, there should be nothing more except to finish the main quest.

Defeat Thrivaldi (3 and 10 consecutively) - there is no puzzle, only combat
Defeat Fenrir (10) - there is no puzzle, only combat
Overcome your reflection (5) - use your shield on the ground
Obtain key and seed (3) - use your hand cursor/get action on the wall behind the troll
Plant seed (5) - if you still have your shovel, simply use the seed on the ground. If you do not have
- the shovel, pick up the trowel nearby, plant the seed, then be sure to use the trowel on the ground
- to leave it behind.
Escape the past (5) - use the portal after planting the seed, without carrying anything taken from
- the past
Prepare your former self (10) - speak to your former self, say the two lines that you heard before
- using the portal, then use the vortex stone on your former self
Unlock ice door (5) - use the Jarl's key on the door
Kill final boss (25) - use the gloves on the boss, then win in combat
good_lil_potato Dec 6, 2022 @ 2:01pm 
I had 97 honor, realized a couple last-second things I missed, and those two things took it to 100. I gave Sigrun back the key (already returned the skull) and I buried the guard by the troll cave. I thought I was in trouble because I went to gamble and was told they were broke. I loaded from before they revealed their financial problems, and just moved on, figuring it was a wash, but it turned out OK in the end.
aa Apr 16, 2021 @ 4:59am 
Frackenstein Aug 19, 2020 @ 8:05pm 
Just beat this game roughly an hour ago. Got 100% Honor (and got Balmung) but only 493/500 points. Never fought/killed a Muspell/Fire Giant and never beat that puzzle in Andvari's workshop, so I think that counted against me. Rather bittersweet epilogue, honestly. :*(
Altomar Sep 15, 2019 @ 1:33am 
Awesome guide. Unfortunatly even though i have followed everything to the letter, i ended with 99 honor :steamsad: I avoided most conversations with the exception of the ones mentioned in the guide.
orcsheaddriller Sep 15, 2018 @ 10:41am 
Great job, thanks a lot for all the hard work you put in this guide!
umbravox Jul 13, 2018 @ 11:08am 
just got the paragon achievement for 100% honor,by following the guide . Thanks
Architekt Feb 12, 2017 @ 6:50pm 
Regarding the puzzle in Svartalfheim where you move the puzzle pieces, you can also have the blank tile in D4. I just did it.
Radiant  [author] Sep 7, 2014 @ 1:13pm 
Correct, thanks for reminding me.
Radagast the Brown Sep 6, 2014 @ 6:16am 
I already did post about it in the max honor 99 thread in discussions, but you probably didn't notice it.
Radiant  [author] Aug 26, 2014 @ 2:58pm 
Actually it would be easiest to post it in the forum; people (including me :) ) tend to forget there's threads attached to the guides, and they don't get a highlight if there are new posts.