Toast Defense

Toast Defense

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Gameplay Basics/Mechanics and 100% Achievement Guide
By Danero
Everything you need to know to shoo those ducks away from your toast!
Getting Started
This section will help get you started in the game. More detailed information about items, ducks, and strategy are in later sections.

Creating a Path
In Standard and Endless mode, you are able to create a 30-square path however you would like within a 10 by 10 grid. You can remove the most recently placed square by clicking on it if you make a mistake, or select "Clear Path" to start all over. Once you have placed the 30th square, there should be a "Confirm Path" option at the bottom of the screen, which will finalize your path.

Shooters and upgrades are available from the build menu at the right. You start with 600 breadcrumbs, which will get you 4 of any combination of shooters. Starting at wave 2, the price of each shooter starts at 150 breadcrumbs and increases in price by 20 breadcrumbs for each one you buy. Each shooter can be upgraded one time for 200 breadcrumbs.

Placing/Removing Shooters and Items
Shooters can be placed anywhere on the grid that doesn't have path. To place a certain shooter, click on its icon in the Build panel to the right, then click on the map to place it. You cannot move a shooter without removing it. To remove a shooter, either click on its icon in the builder panel or click Sell, and then click on the shooter you want remove. You can then place it back as normal. You can only make changes to shooters between waves.

Selling Items
You can sell shooters at any time for their full purchase price (including an upgrade) by clicking on "Sell" in the build menu and then clicking on the shooter you want to sell.

The Wave
Start each wave with the button in the bottom right. Ducks will continuously pour from the start square until the game has spawned the whole wave. Take note of how your setup did so you can make changes with the breadcrumbs you earn, or for your next run if your toast was eaten. You can make the wave progress faster with either of the fast-forward options at the top (2x and 4x speed, respectively). Under normal circumstances, you can use the 4x option on most PCs.
Item Breakdown
Toast Defense has 6 shooters you can buy. You purchase them with breadcrumbs, which you earn for shooing ducks. As far as I can tell, the damage per shot is not significantly different between damage shooters; the main differences have more to do with the firing rate, range, and whether it hits multiple ducks. The effective range of each weapon is shown below using splashes of hot sauce (patched out). I have also included what each shooter looks like when it has been upgraded.

Water Gun
Fastest firing rate, moderate range. These pick the duck that is closest to the end of the path within their range and shoot that duck until it dies or leaves leaves its range.

These are the go-to guns once you have the other blasters you need in place, but it's usually helpful to have at least one by the end of the second wave. If you have more than 15 shooters, you should have more of these than any other blaster, if not more than all other types combined.

Fast firing rate, small range. These will shoot continuously when there are 1+ ducks within its range, and cannot select targets.

While these can have a very high damage output if they are completely surrounded by path, you are better off placing a Water Gun or Balloon Launcher if these cannot cover 8-9 pieces of the path.

Water Balloon Launcher
Slowest firing rate, moderate-small range. The water balloons will deal damage to every duck within the blast zone. Launchers try to deal damage to the most ducks in their range with each shot.

You want to have some of these near the beginning of your path, as this is where ducks will be most dense, and thus these will deal the most damage. Later in the path, you are better off just using Water Guns.

Water Sniper
Moderate firing rate, large range. These will fire at the highest health target within their range, and they will actively switch between targets.

You will want to have at least one of these if there are going to be any Chad Ducks; this main thing Snipers are useful for, but they also work great for the fringes of the grid if you start filling it up.

Hot Sauce Tower
Same effective range as the Water Balloon Launcher. Each shot deals initial damage, and each duck shot by hot sauce will be dealt damage over time.

Having one or two of these near the start of your path is helpful because you maximize the amount of passive damage.

Honey Tower
Same effective range as the Water Balloon Launcher. Each shot will slow a duck for a couple of seconds.

Honey towers are most effective near the end of your path for helping to prevent stragglers from reaching the end and eating your toast.
Duck Breakdown
As long as you have a reasonable setup, there isn't really a unique way to deal with each duck type, aside from the Chad Duck, for which you'll want a Sniper.

Ninja Duck
Fastest speed, lowest health, will eat 5% of your toast.

Normal Duck (Santa Hat Duck in winter theme)
Fast speed, mid-low health, will eat 10% of your toast. This duck has a Santa hat in the winter theme.

Gray Cap Duck
Moderate speed, moderate health, will eat 20% of your toast.

Chad Duck
Slowest speed, highest health, will eat 40% of your toast.
Game Modes and Strategy
There are three different game modes in this game, all of which essentially have Steam leaderboards. You can select your difficulty in Standard and Endless mode, but for the most part I would suggest just playing on Easy.

Standard Mode
This is the "Play" option in the main menu. Standard Mode consists of 10 waves, where you are allowed to choose the number of duck squads that you would like to face each wave. Each squad consists of 3 Ninja Ducks, 2 Normal Ducks, and 1 Gray Cap Duck. There will be 1 Chad Duck for every 10 squads selected. As much as possible, you want to exponentially increase the number of duck squads you face in each wave, as you can quickly face very large waves if done right. If you're facing more than a few hundred duck squads, I suggest you use an auto-clicker (OP Auto Clicker is my personal favorite, and the game can handle clicks every 10 ms) to select the number of squads you want. Duck spawn pattern and speed are supposed to be the same for each wave, but sometimes get shaky at really large (20k+) squad waves.

Endless Mode
In this mode, one squad of ducks is added each wave, starting with 1 squad at wave 1. Since you're not always earning that many breadcrumbs, damage shooters are going to be most important. Do still place a honey tower at the end, and a hot sauce tower near the beginning. Chad ducks will start appearing in wave 10. Having played both modes, Endless feels harder, and it takes a lot longer to kill any amount of ducks.

Menu Duck Mode
Shooting away the ducks in the menu is also a game mode with a hidden score, though you can check the leaderboards to see your best score. The score is based on how many ducks you can shoo away before any of them move the toast from its start position. This is a fun little minigame within the game.
All of the achievements in this game are for having shooed a certain number of ducks across your entire time playing the game. Ducks shooed in the menu do NOT count towards these achievements. The best game mode to earn these in is Standard, as it is possible to survive waves consisting of thousands of ducks each after just 15-20 minutes of setup.

As of the posting of this guide, Toast Defense has limited profile features, which means that the following achievements will not show up in any profile banners, showcases, or global achievement stats until Toast Defense stops having limited profile features, which may never happen since it is a free game.

First Duck Shooed!
Shoo 1 duck. Laughably easy.

Baby Steps
Shoo 100 ducks. You should get this one for playing 5-10 mins.

Now We're Making Progress
Shoo 1,000 ducks. This one might take 45-60 mins, still reasonable.

Big Leaps
Shoo 10,000 ducks. This one will take 2-3 hours without normal setups, and an hour or so with really good setups.

Almost There
Shoo 100,000 ducks. If you don't want this one to take forever, you'll have to get good at Standard Mode. With good setups, you can definitely get this one by surviving extremely large waves. Possible within 3-6 hours with good setups.

The Big One
Shoo 1,000,000 ducks. For this to be reasonable, you need to have pretty much mastered a setup in Standard Mode that can kill at least 100,000 ducks in a single run. Otherwise, this will take a really long time. This one will take 30-60 hours even with good setups.
Cupofgiraffe Jun 20, 2022 @ 8:24pm 
oh nvm
Danero  [author] May 21, 2022 @ 1:12pm 
As far as I know they have towers that shoot each, and that's the only way they're available. If they patched those towers out of the game, that's news to me.
Cupofgiraffe May 20, 2022 @ 2:13pm 
how get hot sauce and honey