Persona 5 Strikers

Persona 5 Strikers

Persona 5 Strikers Gameplay
"A great sequel to the original Persona 5 game, with the return on old characters and introducing new ones. It's got an interesting story with the phantom thieves as you fight evil and go on summer vacation with the gang. The mouse and keyboard controls are pretty decent though playing with a controller is a lot more comfortable. The combat is quite fun with the hack n slash style with the characters having their own unique mechanics, it gives the gameplay a bit more fun as you take down the waves of enemies. The atmosphere of the game is great with the many interesting characters and dialogue to read and listen to with the excellent japanese and english voiceovers. Visuals are nice with well animated anime cutscenes as well as the ingame details. Music of course are also bangers. It is most definitely worth it for those who are a fan of the Persona franchise and Persona 5 in particular. Here's hoping that Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal also comes to steam.

Also lewds"