House Flipper

House Flipper

42 ratings
How to make a poster without modding
By Typhon Plume
Tired of looking at mods of posters only to be disappointed, well here is how to make your own in game, without using a mod.
About this guide
NOTE: This guide is not meant to trash on mods, heck I love mods... but lets be frank a lot of the poster ones out there currently are very questionable in content and quality. Still the game has a system in place just for making your own posters and wall art in the game. So lets get started.
Choosing a picture
Choosing a picture to add in is pretty simple, all you have to do is find one you like and download it to your computer. I suggest putting them in a directory where you will remember them, something custom named will do. PNGs and JPGs tend to work best for format. Note Transparency's will always have a black background so sorry no transparent images allowed. The example below is being done with a transparent image. Note sometimes it will show up as while for the background, I believe this is done by the game trying to figure out how to best display a transparent image.
How to upload the picture
This part is pretty simple. First open up your tablet in game then select camera.

Next on the right side select the image icon below the camera icon.

Then finally select this image below, not the pixel size limits is 2k x 2k. So if you want a wide or tall picture you can do that by adjusting the size of it before uploading it here.

If this works the image should now be uploaded and appear next to the Add Photo button.
Making the image part of your house art.
Now that it's uploaded lets make it part of the hose art. I choose a simple square image for this as seen here, when it is selected by pressing the button of the image you just uploaded.

Now you can see here you have a simple slider and buy button. THe slider is set to default to 1m x 1m. Now I adjusted it to be 1/2m x 1/2 and after selecting buy icon I can place it in the scene as seen here.

Now there are a few options to this.

  • The first is the AutoFit which is normally checked, this will strech the image to fit your desired in world size.
  • You can place the image anyplace just like a normal in game art. You can also delete it and rebuy it if your not happy about the size.
Typhon Plume  [author] Dec 21, 2022 @ 3:32pm 
Nope it's a default feature, no unlocking needed to my knowledge. Admittedly a game update could have changed things since I made the guide.
ZWiloh Dec 21, 2022 @ 11:02am 
Hi, does this need to be unlocked or something? I started playing recently and when I tried to follow your instructions there was no second icon to click under the camera. Just wondering if there's something I missed. TIA
Raven May 31, 2022 @ 11:15am 
Thank you it's nice to know.:steamthumbsup:
Typhon Plume  [author] Apr 21, 2022 @ 5:03am 
Might be the image quality, try and see if you can up the resolution to see if that fixes it.
Manor Apr 20, 2022 @ 8:55pm 
Everytime I choose a picture, it shows up as a low res red question mark. anyone know a fix?
🌟🌿🍄🌿🌛 Dec 18, 2021 @ 5:19pm 
I didn't even realize that menu was in there, thank you :) :csd3perfect::woo:
DianaHarley Jul 28, 2021 @ 12:22pm 
Typhon Plume, Thank you so much. I don't know how I stumbled on your end but "WOW". Least now I can try and do my own posters. Much appreciated. "Poof to make a few"
BustedNintendo May 4, 2021 @ 9:36am 
This was such a bonus to the game. Thank you so much. I now have more to pick from.:steamhappy:
wyndham May 2, 2021 @ 5:34am 
Thank you so much. I'm using this right now.
Soraziel Apr 26, 2021 @ 10:43am 
I have to try it! Thank you