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How to complete the achievements
By Robinqh
How to complete the achievements?
The answer is here! These are the easiest methods (I know of).
Quests Achievements
These are the achievements you get by just completing the quests. These do not have a cheeky way. The underminer: Just do the first few quests
Technologist: Just do the first quest.
Extender: After a few quests you need to do this one.
Silencer 1/2/3: Do the destroy laser quests.
Winner: Complete the game.
Kill/Mine Achievements
These are the achievements where you need to kill/Mine
Robot killer/Robot destroyer:Make a custom game and set robot damage to max % and go on a ranpage.
Mining apprentice/Miner:Just get a lot of coal, coal mines are a good methods. also go to custom game and set ore deposits to max.
Tasks/Module achievements
I cant really explain this type of achievements.
Full extender:Get max engine and put on all the segments.
Multitaking:Put 5 of those things on at the same time.
Hard Achievements
The harder achievements.
Environmentalist:Turn off cogs so you dont have to use defences. And just dont place a second powerplant.
Micromanager:Its not to hard just use normal chests!
No time to waste:Play a custom game and set all the options on the easiest method. i beated the game within 3 hours with that tactic!
Captain who?:Just dont accept any quests. You can also just look on internet for what you need do do!
Secret achievements
]Dont disturb:Close the door from the room the captains in.
Extra protection:Close the hatch of the submarine. (If its not hatch try other doors im not sure wich one.
Thanks for reading! I hope this helps. if you want to support me give me a like!