CASE 2: Animatronics Survival

CASE 2: Animatronics Survival

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CASE 2: Animatronics Survival - A Comprehensive Guide
By Slenderminion
So, since i made a guide for the first game i might as well make a guide for the second one. This guide will focus entirely on guiding you step-by-step through the three singleplayer chapters released so far, along with some of the achievements. The devs stated they are working on the fourth, so if that ever comes out i will update this guide accordingly. If you are looking for a multiplayer guide, you'll have to look elsewhere.
Introduction and Basics
First things first, just like the last game there's one key component that you have to keep in mind: You cannot defend yourself. (At least in the singleplayer.)

This game is also a lot less forgiving than the first one, which was already plenty difficult, since there are far less hiding spots for you to use and the larger rooms mean that running away and breaking line of sight is a lot less likely. Getting caught by the Cat in the first episode is pretty much a death sentence, so you might as well get it over with and take the game over. Later episodes get rid of stealth almost entirely, so that's something we can look forward to.

Normally i would go into what tools you have at your disposal to help you get through the game, but since none of the gameplay mechanics the game introduces you to ever get brought up again, that won't be necessary and i'll just explain it as i go along. I'll also seperate the first and third episodes into seperate acts for ease of reading. So, let's start this... eventful trip.
Episode 1 - The Past is not Forgotten
Act 1: Another Rude Awakening

The game begins as you, a man named Jack Bishop, wake up in a nondescript building that you and your partner Matthew have apparently been using as an office of sorts. If that name sounds familiar to you, yes, you are indeed the brother of the protagonist from the first game. Just like John, Jack receives a call from a stranger simply called the UNKNOWN who has a score to settle.
  • As soon as you are able to move, grab the flashlight from underneath Matthew's desk. Alternatively, you can go to the door and repeatedly flick the light switch on and off until the walls become fleshy for an achievement. If you do that, you'll have to reload the game, as that will lock the door permanently.
  • With the flashlight in hand, open the door and walk down the hall. Ignore the open door you see as soon as you step outside. That one leads to the toilets, which you never have to go into.
  • Once you pass the Bull animatronic behind a large glass wall go into the lit kitchen room that has a large hole in the middle of it for some reason. Jump into the hole for a quick achievement, otherwise move on to the room connected to it.
  • After entering what seems to be a break room, a dead body will be dragged into another room by an animatronic. Walk to the middle of the room, grab the tablet on a small table and follow the instructions the game gives you.
  • As soon as Jack mentions having to call the cops, immediately crouch behind the couch where you first entered the room. The Cat animatronic will break down a wall shortly after and begin looking for you.
  • The door behind you will be locked, so you'll have to sneak past the Cat and go through the hole it just made. The Cat will always start by moving to the door the corpse was dragged behind, so use this as your opportunity to get to the hole.
  • Make your way back to your office. Don't worry about the room to the right after the hole in the wall, you never have to go there. Important: Never stop sneaking until you are past the deactivated Bull. If you stand up, the Cat will notice it and give chase.
Act 2: Warehouse Funhouse

Congratulations! You have now completed the only proper use for the tablet in the game. You only have to use it a single time later on. Bit disappointing, honestly. Rather than expand on the central mechanic of the last game as it seems to do, it's thrown away after one use. But regardless:

  • Pick up the phone for another conversation with the UNKNOWN. Immediately hide under Matthew's desk where the flashlight was, as the Cat will come to check the room once he turns off the power.
  • It will enter a nearby vent shortly afterwards. You can run around without worry for now, as unlike the last game it won't exit the vents regardless of how much noise you make.
  • When moving down the hall again, the Bull will break out of the glass wall and rush down the hall to your left. Don't worry about it. He won't become a threat until Episode 2. Enter the room he just opened up.
  • Somewhere inside this room is a lockpick that you'll need to progress. Its location is randomized, so you'll have to look through the shelves. It might also appear in the drawer behind the table with the random human jaw, so keep that in mind.
  • Once you have it, go to the door in-between where the Bull broke through and the kitchen. That's the door that leads to the generator room. Interact with it and simply find the right angle for the lockpick. When you do, the Cat will immediately break down the door, turn around and enter the nearest vent. Don't worry about it.
  • Interact with the note on the door to the right, make your way down the hall and go into the newly opened warehouse. Yes, you have to interact with the note, otherwise the warehouse won't open.
  • In the warehouse, immediately walk down the path to the right for an achievement. There's a large crate here that will always fall down and crush you if you try to move through this specific spot, even if you crouch.
Pick up the camera on the desk on the other side of where the crate would crush you. A cutscene will play and this is where the real fun begins!
  • Pick up the keycard. At this point, the warehouse will be locked and the Cat properly starts to move around looking for you, so be sure to stay crouched. To get out you'll need a second keycard, which is located on the tip of the Cat's tail. Quietly follow it around until it stops moving at an opportune spot. This is your moment to grab it, it won't notice. Sneak your way out of the warehouse, you'll get a checkpoint as soon as you enter the main hallway.
  • Go back to the generator room and open it. Like the lockpicks, there will be a fuse randomly placed inside this room that you need to reactivate the generator.
  • Place the fuse into the generator and it'll go haywire as it restarts. Pick the "yes" option to electrocute yourself and get another achievement. Otherwise pick "no" or just wait until the timer runs out.
Act 3: What A Hoot

Now that the power is back on and the tablet works again, of course the first thing that happens is that it runs out of battery. Get back to the office and place it on the charger on Matthew's desk.
  • Next you'll need a crowbar to smash the lock in the kitchen room with the large hole in the floor. Go back to the warehouse, but be careful. The Cat is likely still going to be in there. It's best that you position yourself behind the crate at the entrance to the warehouse proper and wait for it to pass by into the hallway so you can search in peace. (NOTE: I know what you're probably thinking. No, you cannot pick the crowbar up the first time you go into the warehouse, as it only spawns in at this point of the game.)
  • Like the fuse and the lockpicks, the crowbar you need will be placed randomly on a shelf. Pick it up and you'll get a message from the UNKNOWN over the speakers.
  • Once you pass the fallen-over shelf on your way back to the hall, the Owl will join the frey and it got an upgrade from the last game (or maybe rather it gets a downgrade since this is supposed to be a prequel). Just like last time, looking at it will freeze it in place. However, this time it will blind you if you stare at it for too long, so you'll have to balance looking at it and looking away to lead it away from the entrance so you can get by it.
  • Get back to the office and pick up the tablet.
  • The Owl will have relocated to the room you first encountered the Cat in. This is the second and last time you'll have to use your tablet. Activate the radio in that room.
  • Go into the kitchen with the large hole and interact with the locked door. Now you'll have to react quickly, as the Cat will attack you from behind. Quicktime event! Press the buttons shown to you and the Cat will short out, sending you both plummeting into the hole.
Congratulations! The tablet is now gone completely and the first episode finished. On to the next one.
Episode 2 - Revenge
This episode takes place entirely in a dream sequence, as the fall knocked you out cold. Don't ask why this time the fall doesn't kill you when it does if you choose to jump into the hole, but i suppose the Cat's solid metal body is a suprisingly effective cushion. Anyways, you'll wake up in your room in your house.
  • Go downstairs and into the living room, opposite of the red door. Move into the kitchen area and close the open fridge.
  • Move back into the main hall and pick up the ringing phone.
  • Go upstairs again and into the room of your kidnapped daughter. The door will close behind you. Open it again.
  • You will now be in a long hallway. Simply make your way to the end and open the door. Afterwards, go to back to the beginning and open that door instead.
  • Open the red door and step into your house once more. Go into the basement, it's the door that is partially opened.
This is where things get interesting. You'll be transported to a larger version of the basement and hunted by the Bull animatronic from earlier. To proceed, you'll have to stay alive for exactly 2 minutes.
As long as you stay in the dark, the Bull will always know where you are and head for you. One spot in the room will be illuminated by a light, which switches to a random position frequently. The Bull will not see you as long as you are in the light, but is still going to kill you if you touch him, so be careful as he'll occasionally wander underneath the light.
Once 2 minutes have passed, the exit door underneath where the timer is will unlock itself. Quickly open the door.
  • You'll be back in your regular basement again. Move upstairs and pick up the phone.
  • After getting chewed out by the stranger, who i can only assume is the UNKNOWN, open your front door next to the phone.
And so ends Episode 2. Short but sweet i'd say. The encounter with the Bull is perhaps the most fun section in the entire game. Which is fitting, as it's followed by the worst part of the game: the entirety of Episode 3.
Episode 3 - Biological Waste
Act 1: Welcome to the Labyrinth
I'll be honest, when making this guide this is the part that i was dreading, as pratically everything in this map looks the same. By the way, if this map seems somewhat familiar to you, it should. This is just the underground multiplayer map retooled into the third episode. Anyways, you finally awaken next to a deactivated Cat. Don't expect it to stay that way though.
  • Once you are able to move, you have a choice between two doorways. Pick the one on the left with the D1 on the wall. Move straight down it until you enter a room with a red fog.
  • In this room is a closed white door. Attempt to open it. The Wolf will jumpscare you from behind it, but just ignore that. Open the door again and follow the path behind it.
  • Shortly afterwards your vision will turn grey and the Bull from earlier will walk into a doorway to the right. Ignore it, it's a dead end. The Bull won't hunt you just yet.
  • You should now enter a long hall with a pillar that has B1 written on it. Walk down the left hall past it until your path blocked off by rubble. Enter the doorway to the left and follow the arrows to a door with a valve. Attempt to open it, it's locked and the game will tell you to find a different way out.
  • Go back to the hall with the B1 pillar and down the path away from it. Before you enter a new room, there should be a doorway with the top half boarded up on your left. Go inside, you know you're in the right place because the walls are painted green. (NOTE: If you think you're going to be clever and just go this way to begin with, these rooms will be full with poison gas that kills you instantly. The gas only goes away if you interact with the locked exit.)
  • Keep to the right wall and try to open the white door after what seems to be an abandoned classroom of sorts. Now: Get out of the way. The Cat will break down the door shortly after and resume its hunt.
  • Sneak around it and go through the door it came from. Don't bother hiding in the classroom you probably came through. It seems to be able to see through those walls, which is just nice and fair.
  • Behind the knocked-down door you'll need to head to the left (as the right is blocked off) and move down the left hall with the red arrows immediately after passing the next doorway. At the end of this hall is a doorway with a beautiful green exit sign above it. Go inside and follow the arrows to an exit door without valve.
Act 2: The Valve to Freedom
Jack will mention that he needs either a generator or a valve to open the door. To progress, you need to get back to the B1 pillar. Thing is, the Cat will still be waiting for you in the green classroom area. Sneaking around it is nearly impossible this time around, so how do you get it to go away?
  • After passing through the door with the neon exit sign, head left and down the hall back to the one that leads to the classroom area. But rather than going into certain death, continue forwards until you get to a large presentation room of sorts. You'll know you're in the right place because you will hear another flashback conversation mentioning a Mr. Didgy.
  • Go up the metal stairs to the left and interact with the generator on the wall. It's broken, but doing so will make the Cat retreat back to where the false exit from earlier is. Now head back to the B1 pillar.
  • Once you reach it, the Bull will break down another white door in the left hallway behind the pillar. Don't bother hiding, he'll know where you are. All you can do is keep your distance, as from now on both he and the Cat will periodically short out, giving you precious seconds to make room.
  • You need to get into the storage room that the Bull just came from. The best way to do this is to run down the hallway to the right after the B1 pillar. The end is cut off by rubble, but that's not an issue. Wait at the rubble for the Bull to charge at you, run around him by using the pillar there and into the storage room.
  • The Bull will short out on the way back to the storage room, so you'll have ample time to get the valve you need. It lies on top of a crate at the far left of the junk pile in the middle of the room. Grab it.
  • Wait for the Bull to come close and run around the left side of the junk. There's a gap in between two shelves that you can pass through. The Bull will once again short out before he reaches you.
  • Leg it back to the real exit. There should be enough distance between you and the Bull to make it. Place the valve on the door and it will automatically open. Run in and it will close behind you.
Act 3: A Trippy End
Well done making it this far! You are nearly there, the worst is behind you.
  • Head down the path before you and keep straight at the long hall. Taking a detour will result in death by green poison gas. Eventually you'll get into an area with tiled walls. Welcome to the secret government laboratory. No, i'm not kidding. This is happening.
  • Your path should lead you directly into a very large room with some glass containers in it. There's some kind of mask with tubes leading into it in the broken one. Interact with it.
  • The gas is now gone. Get out of the room and head down the long hall to your right.
  • The paths are going to split frequently here, but keep going straight ahead. Eventually you'll get jumpscared by a harmless Bull. Shortly afterwards, the hall branches off into two. Head down the right path with the broken vent shaft.
  • If you did it right you should be in another storage room. The path seems to be blocked, but you can squeeze your way through there via a gap on the left side of the room. Go up the stairs and into the vent.
  • You will now be put into the Aurora Police Station from the first game. The Wolf will break down a nearby door and very slowly chase you. Enter the second door you see.
  • The Cat will bellydrop into the next room, so you'll need to get around it. This Cat is also a lot slower than normally. You should be able to hear a phone ringing. It is behind a door made of prison bars. Interact with it.
You will now be put into a large room with a lot of doors. You only need to pay attention to the big red one at the other side of the room. That's an elevator. Get in and press the button. All you need to do now is get out and breathe in the fresh air. Congratulations! You made it all the way to the (current) end. What a wild ride it was.
By this point you should already have most of the singleplayer achievements in the game, but I'm going to list the ones you don't get automatically here nontheless.
  • "You are not ready" - Repeatedly flip the switch in the first room on and off until the walls become fleshy.
  • Uuuuhuu! - Get killed by the Owl in Episode 1.
  • Easy way - Get crushed by the crate in the warehouse in Episode 1.
  • Researcher - Jump into the large hole in Episode 1 before you are supposed to.
  • Danger! Keep out! - Attempt to shut off the generator in Episode 1 after placing the fuse in it.
  • World of The Wild West - This one only works in hardcore mode and even then seems to be bugged. Interact with the hat in your office in Episode 1 and then die to the Owl in the warehouse. The Owl will have the hat on if you did it right.
  • Acoin - Unobtainable. Was probably supposed to be multiplayer-only, since Acoin is what you are awarded with for playing a match. I assume it was going to be currency for the shop in the multiplayer, but that never got properly implemented so you cannot get this one.
What are you buyen?
Ha haa, Resident Evil 4 reference. You need to collect all coins in Episode 1 for this achievement.
There are no coins in the other episodes. These are all the coins i could find, but since i haven't actually gotten the achievement yet i have either missed one (despite looking everywhere) or this achievement is also bugged as of writing. If you happen to find the last coin, feel free to tell me and i'll update this chart.
In the office right at the start of the game. The coin is on top of Matthew's desk.
In the room with the large hole in the ground. It is directly behind the hole, next to the locked door.
Same room as above, in the large grey wardrobe at the room entrance.
In the room next to the one with the hole, where you first get the tablet. This coin is underneath the broken tv at the wall where the Cat breaks through.
In the room the Bull breaks out of and you get the lockpick from, behind a misplaced shelf towards the middle of the room.
Same room as above, in the shelf next to the locked door at the end of the room. The lockpick can also spawn in this shelf.
In the short corridor next to the generator room, the one whose door you lockpicked and got broken down by the Cat. It's just behind a barrel.
In the room to the right after passing through the hole made by the Cat, it has lots of classroom chairs. It's in the large shelf to the left of the room entrance.
In the warehouse, in the last corridor leading to the desk with the keycard. It's next to a red gas canister.
Also in the warehouse, underneath the desk with the keycard.
Pikmew <3 Apr 11, 2022 @ 1:50am 
"I'm glad you like the game and that my guide has been a help. At least I think it has, not sure from your comment. Personally I prefer the first game. It's just more polished and makes better use of its mechanics."

I am thinking that the 1st game is more towards the horror elements, but the 2nd game being more towards the action packed elements.
Slenderminion  [author] Apr 4, 2022 @ 5:04am 
I'm glad you like the game and that my guide has been a help. At least I think it has, not sure from your comment. Personally I prefer the first game. It's just more polished and makes better use of its mechanics.
DiamondWonderCityzensYT Apr 3, 2022 @ 11:17pm 
thats so cool dude all the achievements to unlock you can look at them can you
and playing this game is way cool and scary
and its awesome and amazing