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ShakurasEnder's Strategy+Achievement Guide
By ShakurasEnder
A guide encompassing basic strategy and achievements
This section will introduce information for the rest of the guide.

Controls in this guide will assume the VR player is using the Valve Index.

I will be using some terms throughout the guide that may be unfamiliar, here they are:
  • The Challenger: The computer player
  • The Overseer: The VR player
  • Beings: The small masked men that look like the computer player
  • Watchers: Taller Beings with masks and floating orange crystals that will search for The Challenger with a spotlight
  • Orbs: The yellow balls that The Challenger must destroy to win the round
  • Interactables: Objects in various spots on the map that The Challenger can use to blend in with other Beings by interacting with them
Overseer Strategy
As The Overseer, your job is very difficult. The Challenger is very tiny, and has many places to hide. Fortunately, you have some tricks and abilities to assist you in rooting them out.

  • Shoot: This ability is an attack that is charged with trigger and is aimed at the spot you are looking, and looks like a red dot when ready to fire. This dot must be over the target to have a successful hit. It will kill Beings, The Challenger, and Watchers.
  • Scan: This ability is charged by holding both triggers and aimed with the hands. When aimed at an area, it will reveal smoke clouds that indicate if The Challenger has passed through that spot recently. The cone of vision can shrink and expand if you move the controllers in or out. Make sure you are looking directly through the blue diamond to see the trails.

Being a good Overseer means being an observant Overseer. There are a number of things one can do to improve their chances of identifying and stopping The Challenger:

  • Watch The Challenger as they leave the starting area.

    Make use of both your vision and the Scan ability to track The Challenger. When they spawn, a white diamond will be visible that points out where they are located at the round start.

    On some maps (such as Crystal Mines), this may be too effective, allowing you to shoot The Challenger the second they step into the open, and you may need to make a house rule with the PC player to give them a headstart.

  • When an Orb is broken, immediately use your scan ability on the area.

    Even when running, The Challenger is not fast enough to flee your vision entirely when looking at the broken Orb. You can quickly Scan the area to see what direction they may be headed.

  • Use your Peripheral Vision

    The Overseer casts light in a circle at the center of their vision, and The Challenger can see it to know where you're focusing, but you can still look elsewhere outside this circle. Use this to catch a Challenger who think they're safe enough to make a reckless move without being spotted.

  • Watch Your Watchers

    When they identify The Challenger, Watchers will cast a red light on them and follow them around the map. They will also make noises while scanning Beings, and will make a unique sound when having identified The Challenger.

These are simple strategies to help you win the game, but there are two more key factors the assist The Overseer. These come with practice more than anything.

Know How Beings Move

Beings are programmed to do many things that would make them seem like a player. They will frequently stand still for extended periods, bump into eachother, and turn around at random points. But there are still a few things that tell them apart from the average player.

  • They will not look directly at The Overseer*

    The asterisk is added because they will look at The Overseer occasionally when by Orbs, but they will otherwise only look straight ahead. If you see a Being looking at you, odds are it is The Challenger.

  • They will not jump, sprint, or fall off ledges

    The Challenger has the ability to jump and to sprint. If you see a Being hopping up and down or moving faster than the others, that is the Challenger. Beings will also never fall off ledges while walking around. In fact, it seems they cannot fall of ledges even when pushed into one by The Challenger. If you see a Being drop from a ledge, that is The Challenger.

  • Beings don't go right up to Orbs

    Beings will walk near orbs, but will never run right up against them. Additionally, because the prompt for destroying the orb doesn't appear when you're right up against an orb, it means The Challenger has outed themselves and you have a few moments before they back up to and get the prompt to destroy the Orb.

  • Beings travel in ordered lines

    Large groups of beings travel in lines with regular spacing. If you see a Being that breaks this regular spacing or frequently changes their spacing, that is probably The Challenger.

Know The Maps

This doesn't mean you need to memorize it back to front, but you should keep in mind the features it has that allow you to trace the path of The Challenger, and know where they're going next.

Some examples of useful map knowledge for both specific maps and in general:

  • In the Crystal Mines, there are three bridges leading from each section to a central overhang in the ceiling. When an Orb is destroyed, watch the bridge leading away from the area it was in for a Being headed to the overhang. On this map, the Beings will normally turn around in the corridor before these bridges, meaning that the only reason a Being would be seen on the bridges is if they were The Challenger. This allows you to know which third of the map you should watch closely.

  • In many maps, there are doors that can only be deactivated by destroying an Orb elsewhere in the level. Watch these Orbs carefully as the round goes on, as The Challenger MUST destroy them to progress to the final Orb.

  • The final Orb is frequently in a choke point that in plain view of The Overseer. Use this to your advantage, as in order to win, The Challenger is required to enter this chokepoint.

  • In the Foundry, there is an "assembly line" of Beings that The Challenger must pass through. The Being has two choices in this area: To either stand still on one of the interactable squares, or to sneak along one of the sides. This line is also monitored by Watchers that scan the Beings as they pass underneath them. Watch for Beings that are highlighted by Watchers, or are moving off of the assembly line's path.

  • When a glowing door unlocks, it takes a little bit for Beings to incorporate the new area into their pathing. This means that if you see a Being immediately at the door as it unlocks, it is likely The Challenger.

  • In the Panopticon, the lowest level has a large amount of irregular Beings with masks and heights that are different from the standard. This means that The Challenger will be the only one with a regular mask. Look closely to try and identify it, or use the Scan tool to trace their path.
Challenger Strategy
As The Challenger, you must work under the watchful eye of The Overseer to destroy their orbs while avoiding destruction yourself. Fortunately, your task is easier than that of The Overseer, but a single mistake can often lead your whole plan to ruin.

Success as The Challenger starts with knowing your goal. Frequently, the first Orb is in view of the starting area, but if you ever lose track of it, standing still will point out the location of it.

However, in order to find the exact path you need to take, follow glowing trails on the ground. These connect the Orbs to doors and locks, and provide a direct path.

Above all, the most important aspect of being The Challenger is to blend in. Here are some basic strategies for doing so:

  • Travel in groups of at least 2.

    When alone, you are far more obvious and suspicious. By travelling in a group, you can decrease your likelihood of being shot. This is especially important when you make the final approach to an Orb. Groups of Beings will line up and pass by the Orb. By passing along with this group, you can approach unnoticed, even while the area is being directly watched by The Overseer

  • Destroy the Orb without stopping

    Very important on multi-orb maps. When passing close enough to the Orb, you can quickly turn enough that is gives you the button prompt to destroy it, and then turn back, all while still moving. You will know it worked when the area begins getting brighter as the Orb explodes.

    This technique allows you to make it far harder for The Overseer to spot which Being destroyed the Orb, letting you slip away unnoticed.

  • Avoid Watchers

    Watchers will make you very obvious to The Overseer and can be difficult to escape in cramped areas. Interacting with an object as they pass you by will avoid them from detecting you in the first place, but failing that, you can outrun them, as beyond a certain range they will stop chasing you.

    A Watcher has 3 states, as described in the following:

    • Inactive

      When in this mode, the Watcher will be standing on the ground, casting a wide cone of yellow light in the direction they are facing. They will leave this state when either watching a passing Being, or when they have detected The Challenger.

      Watchers seem to have a very narrow range in which it can detect The Challenger. They will detect a Challenger that enters their beam and the area a little outside of it, or a Challenger who gets close to their body. They cannot, however, detect a Challenger who is using an Interactable.

    • Scanning

      When in this mode, the Watcher will be following a Being while floating in the air, casting a narrower cone of yellow light on them. When in this state, they will not begin tracking a passing Challenger until they have left Scanning mode.

    • Hunting

      When in this mode, the Watcher will follow The Challenger around the level while floating in the air and casting a narrow cone of red light on The Challenger.

  • Keep an eye on where The Overseer is looking

    The large light cast by The Overseer's eye gives an easy indicator of what area they are monitoring, and keep this in mind when going about your mission. Avoid running and jumping while in their field of view, as these are dead giveaways to The Challenger.

  • Be patient

    Unless set beforehand in the game's options menu, you have all the time in the world to complete your task, so don't rush to destroy the Orbs. Take time to learn the features in the level and to observe the movements of other Beings. Where possible, use Interactables to avoid suspicion, as they allow you to stand still while giving a full view of your surroundings.

    This tip is doubly important on multi-Orb maps, where the period shortly after the final Orb becomes available is when the Overseer is at their most attentive, watching the final area carefully.. Stop for a moment to learn the route and how to best blend in as you move closer. This not only improves your chances of success, but makes it more likely that The Overseer is losing focus and may have stopped looking directly at the Orb.

  • Dodge

    Even when noticed by The Overseer, they still have to hit you. Running and jumping makes you harder to hit, and the laser is very difficult to aim at moving targets. Once you destroy the Orb, the game is over, so you just have to get close enough to press the button.

  • Obscure your trail

    In the hands of a clever Overseer, the Scan ability is a powerful tool. However, it has a limited cone of vision. This means that by doubling back and occasionally standing still, you can make it harder to determine your true path, as it muddles the scan, lets old tracks fade, and makes it seem as if you could have gone either direction.
Map-Specific Achievements
These are achievements that need to be done on certain maps.

New maps will unlock each time The Challenger wins a round on the previous maps. For example, when The Challenger wins a round on Quarry, the first map in the game, Crucible and Crystal Mines will unlock.

In order of unlock they are:

  • Quarry

  • Crucible and Crystal Mines

  • Foundry and Waterworks

  • Panopticon and Sanctum

  • A solid foundation/ The cracks begin to show
    Win a round in the Quarry as The Overseer/ The Challenger.

  • The lava must flow/ Pyroclastic overflow
    Win a round in the Crucible as The Overseer/ The Challenger.

  • Orb production resumed/ Mining activities disrupted
    Win a round in the Crystal Mines as The Overseer/ The Challenger.

  • Mass-production continued/ Days without accident: 0
    Win a round in the Foundry as The Overseer/ The Challenger.

  • The price of progress/ Keeper of the old ways
    Win a round in the Waterworks as The Overseer/ The Challenger.

  • Another One Ground to Dust!/ Freedom!
    Win a round in the Panopticon as The Overseer/ The Challenger.

  • Crowd controlled/ Where there's free will, there's a way
    Win a round in the Sanctum as The Overseer/ The Challenger.

  • Well Prepared
    Complete the tutorial map.

  • The Old Switcheroo
    On Crystal Mines, do not break the Orb immediately outside The Challenger's spawn room until you have broken one of the other 2 Orbs.
Playtime Achievements
These are achievements unlocked by playing or performing an action for a certain amount of time.

  • Well Travelled
    Unlock and then play a round on each of the levels.

  • Collateral Damage
    Kill 100 Beings.

  • Taking your time
    Take over 20 minutes to finish a level.

  • No time to lose
    Finish a level in under 2 minutes.

  • Iconoclast
    Destroy 50 Orbs.

  • But who watches the Watchers?
    Be identified by a Watcher 50 times.

  • One of Them
    Use Interactables 30 times.

  • One shot, one kill
    As The Overseer, kill The Challenger with your first shot.

  • Keeping your cool
    Win a round as The Challenger without running or jumping.

  • Looking for something?
    Use the Scan ability for 10 minutes (total, not in one go).

  • Eeny, Meeny, Minie, Moe...
    Kill 20 Beings in one level.

  • Surveyor, Overseer, Beholder, All-seeing
    Win a round as The Overseer 10, 50, 100, and 250 times.

  • Troublemaker, Challenger, Dissident, Putschist
    Win a round as The Challenger 10, 50, 100, and 250 times.

    Occasionally, even if you meet the criteria to get an achievement, it may not unlock immediately. In order to make it appear, just end the round by having either role win.
On the map selection screen, if you turn around, there is another panel like the ones that show before you have a map unlocked. I don't know what it's for and it doesn't seem to be tied to any achievements. Maybe it unlocks when you 100% the game? Requires further investigation.

Update: A dev has stated the following concerning this door:
"(...) At the moment, it's only meant to represent the door through which the Overseer supposedly entered the level select room, similarly to the doors inside each level. ;)" - Hyshinara

Anyway, thanks for reading.
DachshundBurrito Feb 20, 2021 @ 10:28pm 