3089 -- Futuristic Action RPG

3089 -- Futuristic Action RPG

55 ratings
How to Upload 3089: Futuristic Action RPG Screenshots to Steam (PC)
This guide details how to set up a Steam directory for 3089 screenshots, as well as the steps you need to take to allow you to upload them to the Steam client. The second part about setting up the Steam folders is a popular video that many of us have used in the past for other Flash and Java games such os The Binding of Isaac. After doing this there are a couple more steps to allow you to post them to the 3089 Screenshots page on Steam.

This looks like a lot more information and time than it actually is. It's just one of those things you have to learn, but once you learn it anytime you do it again it will be a piece of cake. :)
Taking Screenshots, finding them, and converting them to .jpg Format for 3089 (PC)
This may seem like a lot of work, and honestly, it can be a bit cumbersome to get started and learn this, but once you have the folders setup it is quite easy to uplaod screenshots for the game afterwards. Fortunately, once you have done it once, you will be able to do it quite easily for most games that don't have proper Steam compaitibility and it will take a only few minutes to setup next time you need to. :)

First, and foremost we need to actually know how to take screenshots for 3089: Futuristic Action RPG. For most Java and Flash games you must use various programs, PRT SCR, or even the Snipping tool in Windows to do this. Many people use programs they must pay for such as FRAPS, which is one of the more popular ones. For those of us that don't want to actually pay for a screenshots program, or deal with short free trials, I intend to describe how to do it with tools your PC already has.

The developers of 3089 have made an effort to make this a bit easier to do by actually making the F12 key take screenshots. Unfortunately, due to Steam being so finnicky about certain coding formats, 3089 does not get a Steam Overlay, or a proper directory in the Steam folders to save the screenshots. We will get to creating the folders in the next section, but for now let's show how to take screenshots, where they are found, and how to convert them to proper format.

1. Take Screenshots in 3089 with F12

Just like any game with Steam Overlay, 3089 can use F12 to take screenshots. So just take them as you normally would with F12, but the difference here is that you cannot just upload them directly afterwards. You also cannot view them in-game because, as I said before, the game does not have Steam Overlay compatibility.

2. Finding your 3089 Screenshots

The easy part is done. Taking a screenshot. Now...where exactly do these save after you hit F12?

The developers have added a folder that now houses your 3089 screenshots, and are quite easy to find. (For PC users only. If Mac Usrs know more I would be happy to add it later).

You simply need to find the folder:

C:\Users\YOUR PC NAME\3089

"YOUR PC NAME" is the name of your computer and is diffeent for everyone.

For Windows 7 for example, this is quite easy. Just hit Start>and click on your PC name up at the top right to open the user folder and then click on 3089.

3. Converting these screenshots to proper format

Steam only accepts Jpegs (.jpg) files for uplaod. When you press F12 to take a screenshot for 3089, however it will save them as PNG (.png) files. So you need to convert them to .jpg files to make them compatible.

The easiet way to do this is to just open up the image in MS Paint. Then click on "SAVE AS" and select the "JPEG" option. I save all these to my Desktop for easy access and it now will have the old PNG file in the 3089 folder, and a .jpg file on my Desktop. Once you have proper Steam directories you can just change it to save the .jpgs in there, but for now just use the Desktop.

NEXT: setting up the proper folders on Steam.
Creating a Screenshots Folder in Your Steam Directory for 3089 (PC)
This video details the steps you must take to setup the proper folders for uploading screenshots. The video uses The Binding of Isaac as the source, but it works for any game that doesn't have its own screenshot folder. (The video has no sound. It is not you.)

PLEASE NOTE: Some information in ths video such as using the Snipping Tool is NOT valid for 3089. The developers have set up folders already that allow you to use F12 to take screenshots for the game, but they do not show up in the proper folders for Steam due to incompatibility with certain game formats. In this case Java, but it also happens with Flash gmaes as seen in the video. This video is SOLELY to show you the steps you need to take to setup Steam folders to place your screenshots into. (sorry for the quality, but this is still the best and most informative video on the subject that I can find).

The information about what to do once you have screenshots is also relevant. This shows you how to NAME your screenshots to make them compatible with Steam, as well as showing you that you also need to make a 2nd copy of every screenshot and put it into the "Thumbnails" Folder. Then resize it. The video explains all this clearly, but I will go into detail in text below with the next steps for 3089 specifically.

Most of the information in the first 1-1:30 minutes is irrelevant to you for 3089.

The folders that you end up with for 3089 will be these:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOURSTEAMID\760\remote\263360\screenshots

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOURSTEAMID\760\remote\263360\screenshots\thumbnails

That number 263360 is the Steam Game ID number. Every game on Steam has one. If you look at the store page for 3089 you will see it at the end of the URL. You will need that number from any game you set up a folder like this for. Obviously, the Steam Game ID number for that game in particular.

Changing the Screenshot Title, Creating a Thumbnail, and FINALLY Uploading them to Steam
Almost all of this information was included in the video, but I figured I would put it in text as well.

1. Changing Screenshot title

Screenshots in your 3089 folder where they save after pressing F12 will be called something along the lines of:

"3089-screenshot1.png" (we converted these to .jpgs already so the one you use won't be .png

Steam titles the screenshots differently, however and they need to be that format before you can upload them.

Easiest way to do that was shown in the video. By going into a folder of ANOTHER game and just copying the title from one of those images. Click on the text of the screenshot and it will highlight everythign before ".jpg". Copy that and go back to your 3089 folder here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOURSTEAMID\760\remote\263360\screenshots

Then click on the .jpg image you placed in this folder and paste that in as the title. You can change the date and screenshot number as well, which I usually do.

For example the screenshot title you copied may look like this:


"2014" is the year, "01" is the month (January), "20" is the day, and "00011" is the screenshot number.

The date doesn't matter much other than filing it properly on Steam so you can look at them in order they were uploaded. The screenshot number is important for one reason. You can't name every screenshot the same thing in your screenshot folders so after you change the title just change the "00011" number to one number higher (ie. "00012"). This also helps in sorting too for viewing on Steam.

2. Creating a Thumbnail

Now even more annoyance! Steam requires all screenshots to be accompanied by a thumbnail. So now you need to right-click on your .jpg screenshot (properly titled now), copy it, and then paste it in the "Thumbnails" folder.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOURSTEAMID\760\remote\263360\screenshots\thumbnails

It MUST have the EXACT SAME TITLE as your screenshot in the screenshots folder.


Now...you must resize the thumbnail. Just right-click on it and select "Edit". For most people this will open it up in MS Paint. Select "Resize" and switch over to "Pixels" (Make sure it is not the Percentage). Then just change the top number to 200 and save it. (assuming you have the box checked to have both numbers change when you cahnge one)

DONE putting it in the proper folders.

3. FINALLY Time to upload

Phew...what a pain in the ass, right? Well we have finally made it! Time to uplaod!

Since Steam is finnicky they don't actually read that you have screenshots yet, so you have to RESTART Steam first before they will show up. Obviously you can't do this while in-game so it is best to wait until you are done playing to do all this nonsesne.

After restarting Steam got to your game Library, right-click on your game 3089: Futuristic Action RPG, and select "View Screenshots"

If you did everything up to this point properly...THERE THEY ARE!

Now just upload them like you would any other screenshot. If they don't have a cloud by them they haven't been uplaoded yet. Write a caption on them and select "Upload".

You are now the proud contributor to the community of a 3089 screenshot. Congrats!
Talana 💃 Sep 14, 2015 @ 1:42am 
:fullstars::BUDlove: - Thank you so much for making this guide , dear Tito !!! :yay:
That Wun Wabbit Feb 4, 2015 @ 9:39pm 
excellent! Thank you for sharing that TITOMOSQUITO187 :)
TITOMOSQUITO187  [author] Aug 29, 2014 @ 6:25am 
No problem. Thank you for the kind words. :thumbsup:
Aussiedroid Aug 29, 2014 @ 6:20am 
Handy info to know! Thanks for sharing TITOMOSQUITO187! :coop: