Cyber Crush 2069

Cyber Crush 2069

40 ratings
By ZeroConditio
All of girls preferences, details, collection and story.
  • Most Desired Trait - TECHNIQUE
  • Least Desired Trait - SEXUALITY
  • Favorite Gift - POISON
  • Fav. Pet - Supportive
  • Favorite Unique Gift - LAB BOX
  • Favorite Food - PEPPERONI PIZZA
  • Favorite Drink - GUINESS
  • Alcohol Tolerance - LOW

  • Last Name - KIM-JOHNSON
  • Age - 25
  • Occupation - POLICE
  • Height - 152.4 cm
  • Weight - 41 Kg
  • Birthday - JUNE 25, 20XX
  • Cup Size - G
  • Favorite Season - SUMMER
  • Favorite Color - BLUE
  • Favorite Hangout - AMMONITE BAY

Random Questions They May Ask

I'm thinking of an outdoor activity that sounds fun. What are you thinking of? - Glamping

Ok, picture this: You now officially have one million dollars to spend in 24 hours. How do you choose to spend it? - Get the best damn motorcycle money can buy.

Let's talk about gift ideas. If you could pick a pair of shoes for me, what would you get me? - Blue sneakers

What was your favorite game as a kid? - Cops&Robbers

Let's pretend I've got two tickets to a spectator sport you love. What sport are we watching? - Greyhound Races


  • Most Desired Trait - SEXUALITY
  • Least Desired Trait - FEROCITY
  • Favorite Gift - GLASS BOTTLE
  • Fav. Pet - Caring
  • Favorite Unique Gift - TABLET
  • Favorite Food -Potato Chowder(FAV) Blueberry, Brussels Sprout, Pumpkin, Apple, Roast Beef
  • Favorite Drink - HOT EARL GREY TEA, Champagne, Red wine, Mojito
  • Alcohol Tolerance - NORMAL

  • Last Name - SKYE
  • Age - 29
  • Occupation - REGISTERED NURSE
  • Height - 5'8' / 172.72cm
  • Weight - 160lbs / 72.57 Kg
  • Birthday - JULY 15, 20XX
  • Cup Size - J
  • Hobby - Reading
  • Favorite Season - AUTUMN
  • Favorite Color - LAVENDER

Random Questions They May Ask

Guilty pleasure ? - Fishnet stockings

If you were to pick a movie from the golden age of cinema, which one would it be? - Sabrina

let's go on a literary tour in merry England! What's on our itinerary? - Innsmouth

Now, just for the record, we're two consenting adults... if you had to pick a public place to make outin, where would it be? - Library

What's your favorite book-series-to-film adaptation? I'm rather curious! - The Magical World Of Barry Baker series.

British cuisine does have a number of funny-sounding names. Which one would you like to try? - Toad In The Hole

Diets, do they work? What do you think? - YES
  • Most Desired Trait - ROMANCE
  • Least Desired Trait - FEROCITY
  • Favorite Gift - REVOLVER
  • Fav. Pet - Affirming
  • Favorite Unique Gift - CORE
  • Favorite Food - Mapo Tofu(FAV), Refined Mythdium, Pure Iron
  • Favorite Drink - Butterfly Pea Tea(FAV) Beer, Champagne, Mojito
  • Alcohol Tolerance - HIGH

  • Last Name - UNDEFINED (NONE)
  • Age - 10(In Human) 60(In ANDROID)
  • Occupation - WAITRESS
  • Height - 5'4' (162.56 cm)
  • Weight - 110 lbs. (49.89 kg)
  • Birthday - JANUARY 1, 20XX
  • Cup Size - DD
  • Hobby - strolling around the city
  • Favorite Season - WINTER
  • Favorite Color - SAPPHIRE
  • Favorite Hangout - JADE PALACE

Random Questions They May Ask

Wants for B-Day ? - Walking tour trough the city

If there was someone you wanted to meet more than anyone else in the world, who would they be? - I already met her.

Um, would you want me to change my appearance sometime? Like the color of my hair and stuff? - Nope, not a thing. You look as beautiful just as you are now.

How do you want to live your life? What's a happy life for you? - Whatever it is now, because I chose it ?

About movies--do you like comedy, sci-fi, or drama? - A good drama really exposes the human condition.

What human trait helps people get ahead ? - Being kind

What do you think about people who have, um, a large gap in age? Do you think they'd have a good relationship? - I think people change all the time. Yeah, there would be differences, but the relationship happens when you're willing to grow together.

Do you believe that synthetic humans can... have a soul ? Of course they can. Why would any sentient machine be any different from humans if they can learn the value that shape us?

What kind of gift would you give me for my birthday? - This is gonna sound weird but... what would you like?

So... if it were Valentine's Day, what would you give someone you like? - A home-cooked dinner at my place, serving their favorite food.

Technology is why people like me exist. Looking around us, at this city, d-do you think technology's gotten out of hand? - No way. We wouldn't even be standing here if it were't for our cyber implants and bodies.

Is there such a thing as love at first sight? - Yes, but it doesn't end there. What comes from building a relationship between you, that's the real thing.

S-so, if I were to ask... what do you think makes a girl special? - It's her determination to live on her own terms.

Do you like clear skies, rainy days, or cloudy ones? - I like it when the sky is overcast and the weather's cool, but not miserable.

  • Most Desired Trait - FEROCITY
  • Least Desired Trait - ROMANCE
  • Favorite Gift -REVOLVER
  • Fav. Pet -
  • Favorite Unique Gift - LAB BOX
  • Favorite Food - ELOTES(FAV) Pumpkin, Apple, Rice
  • Favorite Drink -TEQUILA (FAV) Long Island, Strawberry Daiquiri, Blue Lagoon,
  • Alcohol Tolerance - HIGH

  • Last Name - CORTEZ
  • Age - 19
  • Occupation - COLLECTOR
  • Height - 5'6"
  • Weight - 130 POUNDS
  • Birthday - Dec. 29, 20XX
  • Cup Size - DD (32 DD)
  • Favorite Season - SPRING
  • Favorite Color - RED
  • Favorite Hangout - LOCAL BODEGA

If you had to adopt an animal, what pet would you want? - A dog

What's your idea of a romantic destination date ? - camping on a beach near Cerritos.

How would you show someone your love ? - I'll write them a love poem, or sing a ballad to them-I'll give them nice back massage, or a foot massage!

If there's one thing you're afraid of, what would it be ? - I'm afraid of dying alone. Not dying itself, but being alone when it happens.

What are you most grateful for in your life ? - I have house, roof over the head, family.

When did you last cry by yourself ? - My uncle's wake. I had to be strong from the morgue to the funeral parlor to facing his visitors. A quiet moment was all it took for the tears to come pouring out.

So, Rico Suave... any kinks you got i should know about? - I'm really good with my hands... and lot of silk rope.

How important is your job to your life? - I enjoy and take a lot of pride in my job. I'm good at it. What I do is who I am.

You like kids, cabron? - Love'em. Deep down, we're all kids. We just don't like to show it.

Do you have a hunch you'l die ? - Sometimes. It's scary to think it, but I prefer to go surrounded by loved ones.

Do you have a favorite holiday tradition? - Christmas dinner. I may have family, it's good to sit down with friends.

What would you do if you had a hundred million bucks show up in your account one day? - Start a vocational school for young people. Figured others out there need better choices in life.

Being bi- or tri-lingual: important or not? - It definitely helps. Even just understanding another language helps tons.

If you could watch only one movie in your life, what would it be? - Beaches. Love me a cry-fest.


  • Most Desired Trait - TECHNIQUE
  • Least Desired Trait - ROMANCE
  • Favorite Gift - REVOLVER
  • Fav. Pet - Intelligence
  • Favorite Unique Gift - LAB BOX
  • Favorite Food -MOCHI(FAV) MANGOSTEEN ?
  • Alcohol Tolerance - NORMAL

  • Last Name - KANO
  • Age - 18
  • Occupation - STORE MANAGER
  • Height - 150cm (4ft 11in)
  • Weight - 42 KG (92 lbs)
  • Birthday - 13 OCT 20XX
  • Cup Size - A
  • Favorite Season - FALL
  • Favorite Color - VIOLET
  • Favorite Hangout - VIRTUAL SPACE

Random Questions They May Ask

What will you get me for B-Day? - Would you like ... it.

If we went on a date and we strolled past a cop, would you get arrested ? - You'll need to dress like a middle schooler to find out. You wanna ?

I bought you something related to my hobbies. Can you guess what it is? - Can it be ... an erotic Braindance of you?

They say you can tell how compatible people are by what they both like. So what's your favorite color ? - If i said Violet how compatible are we ?

Am i too small for you ? - I just like the way you are

I am thinking of getting new body mod. What should i enhance ? - Your thighs. So you could um, run faster. - A cerebral co-processor would be good. Not sexy though.

How close and warm is your family? Do you feel Childhood was happier than most other people's? - Famili. I grew up an orphan. Haven't really got family. But friends? They're my family. Once you're my friend, that's the next best thing.

I got a new cat! -Cool! What's it's name? I think she doesn't like cats.(My opinion)

I need money. How much can you loan me ? - Uh.. Okay, how much? (It was just a test)

What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? - I'm alive today. Considering my line of work.

If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know? - I'd like to know the day that I die. For ... planning purpose of course.


Jharug Jun 15 @ 1:25am 
SIMONE7 - Technology is why people like me exist. Looking around us, at this city, d-do you think technology's gotten out of hand? Correct response seems to be. There's something wrong when tech servers the purposes of the powerful and victimizes the rest
Jharug Jun 14 @ 8:59pm 
Sakura - Heehee Time to get real! Boxers, or briefs? Don't lie! 1 Briefs, 2 Commando, 3 Boxers. Commando she liked.

There's impressing me, and then there's impressing my Korean dad. What gift would you bring over the first time to impress. 1 A box of apples and asian pears, 2 Some homemade kimchi, 3 A big bottle of soju. I meant to click the kimchi but landed on the box o fruits and that's not it.
Jharug Jun 14 @ 8:07pm 
Sakura - Let's pretend I've got two tickets to a spectator sport you love. What sport are we watching? She liked when i said Rugby
Jharug Jun 14 @ 7:48pm 
then she asked if i had to pick a public place to make out in. Library was a good aweser
Jharug Jun 14 @ 7:46pm 
Right and the second question she asked me. "Nurse duty can sometimes be really stressful. Just taking a couple days off to pamper myself at a spa sounds like a dream. What (cuts off there as the game ran out of space)" 1 Hot stone massage, 2 Aromatherapy massage, 3 Deep tissue massage.... it's not the hot stone one.
Jharug Jun 14 @ 7:40pm 
Rosamund asked something like it's good the get your endorfins going every now and then, what's your favorit way to excersise. Well it's not running, the other thing was yoga and something else i have never heard off.
SuperSpeed21 Jun 19, 2023 @ 8:48pm 
Rosamund: British Cuisine: Spotted Dick
SuperSpeed21 Jun 19, 2023 @ 8:04pm 
Himeko: For what in your life do you feel most grateful?: That people in this city can still choose to be kind.
SuperSpeed21 Jun 19, 2023 @ 7:46pm 
Himeko: If a Crystal ball could tell you the truth: Where you end up
ナオヤ Apr 29, 2023 @ 5:52am 
Sakura, dreamed of doing: Parasailing