Ignis Universia

Ignis Universia

67 ratings
Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga DX 100% Achievement Guide
By Xerxes
A guide on how to get all of the achievements in Ignis Universia.
Hello all! This is my first Steam guide. If there is an error or anything else that needs to be changed please let me know!

Please Thumbs Up and Favorite if it helps!

Thanks, and enjoy.

12/11/20 Edit: Added achievement icons and fixed a few grammar/spelling mistakes.
1/24/21 Edit: Updated "Ain't Seen No Defeat Screen"
1/25/21 Edit: Added another tidbit on "Ain't Seen No Defeat Screen"
3/9/21 Edit: Updated "Special Thanks" and "Victorious Sister Warfare"
4/9/21 Edit: Added a note on "Goblins Always Crit"

-Learned about the goblin in the castle.

At the start of the game go to Dundere and speak to Silvanna.

1. "What can you tell me about Dundere?"
2. "What about nearby areas?"
The Tank Princess

-Why hasn't she killed the goblin then?

After that, go to Fortress of Starlight Doom and speak with the Peasant.

1. "So tell me about this castle?"
Dungeon Expert

Get Mordina to talk about the dungeon.

Go back to Dundere and speak with Silvanna. Ask her why she's so glum and she will then proceed to tell you about Mordina. Next, head to the Pits of Despair and speak with Mordina herself.

1. "So no heroes in here?"
2. "So, what else is here?"
Defeats are a girl's best friend

-Lose a fight

We simply need to lose a fight in order to get this. After asking Mordina how she ended up in there, go back to Dundere and get Silvanna to join the party. Go back to the Pits of Despair and fight Mordina. She will then brutally one shot you with a fireball and thus the achievement.

Note: MAKE SURE you head to the Pits of Despair before fighting the goblin and getting Zena, as this will tie into another achievement later.
Goblins Always Crit

-Die in the first fight

You have to die in the first fight against the goblin. This is completely luck based and it will typically die by Silvanna's third hit. If you beat the goblin, simply restart the game and try again. Although I highly recommend just coming back for this one later.

Note: I've been notified by several comments that this achievement may not possible. The chance for this to happen is either extraordinarily rare or just bugged. If someone has obtained this through normal means, then please let me know.
Can't Get Enough

-Lose to Mordina with both Silvanna and Silvanna and Zena

Go back to the Pits of Despair with Zena and challenge Mordina again. In battle, lose to her a second time. If you did it correctly, you will get some slightly different dialogue and the achievement.
Too Soon

-Lose to undead unicorn with too small party

After recruiting at least one of the Chosen Sisters, head to The Hellfire Peak prematurely to challenge the Undead Unicorn. With three or less part members, lose the fight and the achievement will unlock.
Amateur DJ

-Toggle music on and off 10 times

Just spam the music button in the corner of the screen to get this.
These next few achievements are unlocked after the final boss fight and require multiple playthroughs to get.
The Complimentary Achievement

-Complete the game

Just simply finish the game in order to get this.
GRRM Certified Bittersweet Ending

-Win with casualties

Destroy the sphere in Mordina's lair, then in the final boss fight against the Undead Unicorn, win with a fallen party member.
Where's The Autosave?

Get Game Over

Destroy the sphere, then lose in the final boss fight.
Ain't Seen No Defeat Screen

-Complete the game without a lost fight

This one may seem difficult at first, but with a bit of luck and knowledge on how the boss fights work, this can easily be done.

Note: AVOID fighting Mordina until you have the rest of the Chosen Sisters. The game actually doesn't force you to go straight to the Pits of Despair after recruiting Silvanna. Go recruit Zena first, then Eleanna, and then finally Mordina. Other than that, the toughest boss fight is the Eternal Forest's "sidequest" boss. Just make sure to cycle through healing with Eleanna and shielding with Zena. Then when necessary, encourage so you can switch to Zena's greatsword (as that's your biggest source of damage in this battle) and cure its poison with Eleanna. Mordina's blind is also very useful during this fight.

Edit 1: It is also worth mentioning that blind has a low chance of actually hitting the Death Ravager. However, it is still worth using when possible, since if it lands it will almost guarantee that you'll live through its next attack. Also, when fighting the Beholder in the Castle, make sure to use blind every turn. Blind will not miss against this boss, and you will be able to kill it very easily without taking any damage.

Edit 2: I have been told that you DON'T need to face Death Ravager or Dark Mordina to get this achievement, and that you can go straight to the Undead Unicorn after fighting the Kraken and Beholder. I have not personally tested this, so I'm not sure how much harder the final fight would be due to skipping experience.
Victorious Sister Warfare

-Complete the game without a single death

By far the hardest achievement in the game. This requires an insane amount of luck to do since enemies can decide to attack the frail Eleanna and (somewhat frail) Silvanna whenever they want. I have no solid advice on how to get this except pray to RNGesus.

Edit: The easiest and quickest way to earn this achievement is by skipping all of the secondary quest fights. After acquiring all four sisters, challenge the Undead Unicorn. Don't encourage. Just attack, shield, heal, and fireball in that order. If you get lucky, the Undead Unicorn won't crit you, and you'll win the fight.
Special Thanks

And that's all 13 of them. Thank you for checking out my guide and special thanks to Fullmetal Schizoid on the discussion boards for clarification on some of these achievements.

Also, special thanks to Cierroth and Harry for corrections.

Happy Achievo Hunting!
sacha-gt Mar 30 @ 9:14am 
definitely-not-troll achievement :SSOD_Styx:
Xerxes  [author] Jan 19 @ 11:09pm 
It's been three years since I made my first comment on this guide and I still don't have that achievement. :GreenHeartRebirth3:
Cierroth Dec 18, 2023 @ 7:43pm 
no one knows... maybe it's so RARE RNG that only few people could did it - of someone that could CRACK the game code(?) I dunno...:steamfacepalm:
NachosAndCheeezzz Dec 18, 2023 @ 7:29pm 
Hey, has anyone gotten the goblin achievement legit? Cuz it being absolutely impossible and that the 7% achievement rate without a single legit achiever sounds far fetched.
🦄 lainverse Apr 19, 2021 @ 2:53pm 
I mean, it's a good idea to do first two side-quests since you can easily to them without ever losing, so at least you won't be risking Zena being one-hit and even Silvanna will get enough health to survive 126 points crit (which I got twice in the row on my final attempt).
🦄 lainverse Apr 19, 2021 @ 12:51pm 
Oh this damn Unicorn. When it didn't crit Eleanna twice in the row 1 turn from win I thought I finally got it. Then it goes and crits Zena for 133. -_-
Xar Apr 9, 2021 @ 7:39am 
@⛧Xerxes126⛧ Thank you very much, I have tried more times, but with no luck yet. As far as I know, the least Silvanna can damage the goblin is 63 damage. Maybe if Silvanna hits 63 damage 3 times the goblin won't die, still the goblin would have to do a minimum of 40 damage 3 times. So maybe it's just astronomically low.
Xerxes  [author] Apr 8, 2021 @ 11:58pm 
@Dracosaurio I see. I've noticed the many comments on the Goblin achievement saying that it's impossible. I thought it was just bad luck at first, but now I'm starting to think otherwise since I still don't have the achievement either. I'll make a note of this in the guide. I think I might even ask the devs about it through the forums or their Discord :Noireemo3:
Xar Apr 8, 2021 @ 2:43am 
I do not think that the achievement of the goblin is possible, the maximum hit that the goblin has hit me is 50 damage after many many hours. Since Silvanna has 120 health, the goblin must land at least 3 hits to kill her, but even taking the least damage from Silvanna, which is 63 health, the goblin always dies. So I doubt that it is possible to do so.
Inkvisiittori Mar 11, 2021 @ 11:30am 
I have tried Goblin Crit now 100 times. Frustrating, especially when there is no save button or even checkpoints. Every time all again from the start. Is there anyone who actually got this?
I'm so tired and frustrated I will not continue anymore. Hours of trying, no price. I'm pretty sure this is the hardest achievement to get. I haven't tried VSW, but I believe Larry is speaking truth. Even VSW cannot be that bad.